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Posted on Fri Dec 2nd, 2011 @ 4:08pm by Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: SF Academy, San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: 2 Weeks Ago

Claudia felt at home almost as soon as her her feet had left the transporter pad at San Francisco and touched the solid ground of Earth. She felt like re-acting the old habits of the Pontiffs of the old Catholic Church from her youth, but she knew that bending supine on the floor and kissing it may garner a few strange looks. So much for Earth's liberalism.

"Good morning Professor Drake. Welcome back."

Claudia turned and smiled at the Ensign manning the main transporter hub, he had graduated from the Academy 6 months previously, and appeared to be quite satisfied with his posting as the main controller of entry into the Academy. She racked her brain for a moment trying to remember his name, for some reason her mind kept shouting 'Unlucky Lewis' and then replied with a soft tone, "Good Morning Mr Lewis" she took a deep breath, "It's good to be back on terra firma" she laughed slightly as she stepped down from the pad. Luckily in the nice weather most transports in were directed to the out-door pad, it was always better transport alfresco.

"Beats the clink of deck plating under your foot" he said with an equally polite laugh afterwards, "Are you here for the Graduation?"

Claudia nodded, "It's one of the few things that I never miss. I've made it a point of seeing every graduating class from the Academy gain their commissions, and don't intend to stop now" she smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you for the crates of Tulaberry Wine, they arrived at Starbase 900 only a day after I did"

"No problems Professor, I knew it was you're favourite, and damned hard to get out on the frontier. It's just a little token of my thanks for the help you gave me during my first term."

"There are no need for thanks, you know that."

"I know Professor, but you kept my in the Academy when the others wanted to kick me butt to all the way back to Alpha Centari."

"Just prove them wrong Leon" she said, finally remembering his first name, she patted him on the shoulder as she made her way along the path towards the main Academy building.

Even after all the years she had spent roaming the campus, it never ceased to amaze Claudia how beautiful the grounds were, and for a metropolis of learning and activity it never seemed rushed of busy. The gentle walk-ways between the various areas surrounded by lush green plants from all over the Federation, inter-spaced with secluded and picturesque seating areas. As she gently ambled several clusters of Cadets came to attention, she would gently smile and nod at them followed by the customary "as you were Cadets".

It took her only a 10 minutes to cross the distance from the transporter hub to the main building of the Academy, and almost as soon as she crossed the threshold she was greeted by an all too familiar face and voice.

"Dr Meredith" she said with a polite nod, "Have you been waiting for me?"

"Professor Drake, I hear congratulations are in order."

"Are they, to whom do I convey my congratulations?"

"You don't know do you?"

"Evidently." she said in a neutral tone, something she had developed all those centuries ago living on Vulcan. She continued to look at the civilian Lecturer in Anthropology in silence for a few minutes, "Do you intend on enlightening me?"

Kandyse Meredith smiled wryly at Claudia, "I'll speak to you after at the graduation reception." she said before suddenly turning around and running after a group of 2nd year Cadets who were exiting the library.

Claudia shook her head in a manner between amusement and bemusement and continued towards towards the turbolift, as she reached it the doors swished open to reveal Lieutenant Agatha Nordi'kra, the half-Human half-Ktarian aide de camp of Commodore Edward Stocker, the Commandant of Starfleet Academy.

"Ah Professor Drake, I am glad I caught you." she said in a bright tone, for some reason that Claudia couldn't put her finger on, the young woman always gave her willies.

"I shall endeavour to improve strategy at hide-and-seek."

"Pardon?" she asked with a confused expression on her face.

"Never mind. What can I do for you Lieutenant?"

"Commodore Stocker requests your presence in his office."

"Do I have time to change into my dress uniform?"

"No Professor, he wishes to see you immediatley"

Claudia sighed slightly, 'Then lay on, MacDuff, and damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough!'" she said as she stepped into the turbolift. She could see an even more confused expression on the Aide de Camps face, "I swear one of these days I will make ancient Earth literature a compulsory module for a commission."

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused" she laughed, as the turbolift began to move its' way up the large building. The Commandant's office was at the very top of the building, one floor above her own with commanded panoramic views of the entire campus. Claudia and Nordi'kra remained silent, only speak to give polite valedictions as Claudia made her way into the office of the Commandant. She waited politely outside the door until she was asked to enter.

As she entered the room, she found Commodore Stocker and the Chief of Starfleet Operations Admiral William Ross seated on the sofa near the window, the view of the campus surrounding them. Admiral Ross smiled and stood up, offering his hand to Claudia, "Welcome home Claudia, it's been a long time."

"That is has Bill" she said as she let go of his hand, "I haven't seen you at a graduation ceremony for a while." she smiled and took a seat on the matching chair to the sofa set, "But I don't think you two would ask to see me for a catch-up."

"Astute as ever Claudia" smiled Stocker, as he shook her hand, "Today's graduation is going to be different from the usual."

"How so?"

"The time has come Claudia, we're offering you a promotion to Captain."

Claudia remained silent, "As flattered as I am....Sirs...I have never aspired to the upper-echelons of Starfleet, I have been a Commander for quite some time and am happy with my three pips."

"That may be Claudia, but you're currently the longest continuous serving Starfleet Officer by well over a century. Questions have been raised as to why you have remained a Commander for the last 108 years."

"Let them ask." she replied monosyllabically.

"Claudia, this isn't really up for discussion, the President has signed the orders. He shall be in attendance of the graduation to present you with the Medal of Honour for your 212 years of service to Starfleet and the UFP." Ross paused, "This isn't just about you Claudia, this is about the Federations future plans to expand in the Delta Quadrant and the increase in our member worlds that will bring, we are intending to increase our in-take of Delta Quadrant natives to the Satellite Academy, and to eventually turn your satellite into an Academy in its own right. To do that we need a command grade officer at the helm."

Claudia remained silent, "I do not appear to have much choice in the matter, I can either dutifully accept the promotion and continue with expanding the Satellite Programme, or refuse and hand it over to someone else." she mused for a moment, "I don't like being backed into a corner."

"Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to for the greater good." said Stocker.

Claudia remained silent for a few moments and stared at him, "Are you seriously giving me that 'greater good' crap Eddie? I mean seriously!?"

"It sounded better in my head."

"As do a lot of things." she said, and with a resigned sigh she stood up, "I suppose I will need new uniform for the graduation. I get to have a white strip instead of that awful grey" she said, almost laughing sarcastically.

Commodore Stocker smiled, "We've already taken the liberty of having one made for you, it is in your office."

"Am I that predictable?" she laughed, and the two men joined in, "Then I shall see you both on the stage then Sirs."

"Yes you will...Captain." replied Ross.

Claudia walked from the room, her head slightly awash from what had happened. As she entered the turbolift, she muttered under her breath, "Bastards."


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