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Suspicious Minds

Posted on Fri Dec 2nd, 2011 @ 4:03pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

Even with the station's security personnel stretched thin as they continued investigating Kh'ali's kidnappers, the attempted assassination of the Divitian Speaker, and, as of today, a missing Chief of Security, other, much more mundane matters required attention. Chief Petty Officers Ganesh and Moresi were two who kept the wheels of the normal daily bureaucracy rolling along. They were the 'social worker' arm of Security, investigating matters of domestic discord and reports of physical trauma caused by members of the household. As bureaucrats, they tended to refer to all such reports as "DV": domestic violence.

Just this morning, an anonymous report came in, noting that one Tora Sulan, female, had been injured by her significant other, one Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e. The report used the word "impaled", but there weren't any other details. "Lovely," Ganesh grumbled as they walked along the corridor. "Bet he uses his rank to make us go away."

"Maybe, maybe," Moresi shook her head. "Wonder what he injured her with...."

"Eh... you know the meds can't tell us about the actual injuries, just that there was an incident resulting in a Sickbay visit," the Bolian replied. "Looks like this isn't just another Klingon night of romance gone wrong, though."

"I get tired of going out on those calls. I think we should be able to just ignore those."

"We ignore one and that'll be the one that results in a real bad situation, like that Rhys Balasz incident," Ganesh reached out and pushed the doorbell of Sulan's abode with one blue finger. He clasped his hands in front of him as they waited for an answer.

"But there was never any prior report about him hurting anyone," Moresi protested, cutting herself off as the door slid open.

Sulan stood in the open door, looking at the two Security officers. She recognized the Security gold, though she didn't know their faces. She was in the process of getting ready for work and while her hair was done, she still needed to finish her make-up and get dressed. For the moment, she wore shorts and a tank top.

"May I help you?"

"Ms. Tora?" The Bolian asked, certain already that's who this was. "I'm Chief Petty Officer Ganesh and this is Chief Petty Officer Moresi. We have a few questions; may we come in?"

Sulan's confused expression cleared. "Oh, of course." She stood aside to let them enter. "This is about the purse snatcher, isn't it? Kit'rin'e?" She called out.

Kit'rin'e was in the bedroom changing, with his Mate working nights and himself during the day it was often that he caught her as she was preparing for work while he was winding down from a day of work. He heard his Mate talking to someone but couldn't make out who until he arrived in the door way dressed in his usual night wear, two piece dark green robe. "Something wrong my Mate?" Wondering if this has something to do with the thief he attacked earlier.

"Purse... snatcher?" Moresi glanced at her big blue partner, nodding towards Sulan's shoulder, where a pink scar had caught her attention.

Ganesh's brows went up and he started right in on why they were there: "No, no purse snatching here. We're with the Domestic Relations division of Security and we've received a report, Ms. Tora, that you may have been ...impaled... by your ...," he glanced at Kit'rin'e and touched his own bottom lip with a finger, "...mate. Could you tell us about that?"

Moresi waited for him to add 'scar' to his question, but he didn't. She quirked a brow at him then turned her attention on the very large feline-looking Caitian, trying to gauge his reaction to the inquiry.

Sulan caught Moresi's gaze and reached up, touching the scar somewhat self-consciously. Sudden fear and wariness gnawed in the pit of her stomach. She certainly did not like the direction this was going. And then the Bolian's words sunk in.

"Impaled? Seriously?" Anger began to bloom within her now. "Of course not."

"That's some scar you have there, Ms. Tora," Moresi drawled. "Sure looks like it coulda been an impalement there."

Kit'rin'e growled, unhappy at the situation was being spun here. It was a low, rolling growl but one that made its point. He did not attack his Mate as it seems Security was making out. "What I do with my Mate should not worry you, if it were a problem my Mate knows what services are available to her."

The growl made both Ganesh and Moresi stiffen in alarm. Fortunately, neither of them carried a weapon.

Sulan turned to look at Kit'rin'e when the growl came and shot him a warning glance. Neither of these two gave the impression that they meant anything less than serious business. She reached out to touch Kit'rin'e's arm a moment before addressing the Security personnel.

"He's right, of course. I'm well aware of what is available. I have been with the Fleet for a long time. To answer your question, no one was impaled," she paused to smile for a moment at the humour of that. "It's a bite."

"Hunh," Ganesh grunted, his tone a mix of surprise, disbelief and world-weariness. That he could express so much in one grunt always amazed Moresi. "Really? Just a bite?" He eyed Kit'rin'e, warily. "So was that done in anger? What's the cause there?"

Sulan grumbled in exasperation. Her temper was clearly rising as her patience drew to an end. She drew closer to Ganesh, took hold of his collar and pulled him down till they were nose to nose.

"Do you know anything about Caitian custom?"

"Ma'am," Moresi touched Sulan's forearm, "Please don't manhandle the Bolian. It makes him nervous. And do you know that Bolians sorta stink when they get nervous?" She eyed Ganesh. "Well, this one does, at least. We're just here, doing our jobs, investigating something that made someone else concerned about your well-being, Ms. Tora."

The Bolian, for his part, shot a glare at Moresi then nodded at Sulan. "I don't know anything about Caitians, either."

Sulan let go of his collar with a grumble. "Then I suggest you go read up on them, since they've been in the Federation a very long time. This," she pointed to the scar on her shoulder, "is traditional. A sign that I'm taken, and hands off. Borne willingly, I might add. And for one other short lesson, in a Caitian mating, the female lays down the rules. He won't even touch me if I do not allow it." She crossed her arms, still in a huff.

"Hunh." There was that grunt again. Ganesh looked at Kit'rin'e and nodded doubtfully. "Sure."

Moresi was more... subtle in her expressions. "Borne willingly? Well, then, guess that's the end of our investigation, right, G-man?", she clapped her partner on the shoulder, even though he was taller than she was.

"Yeah, yeah, I suppose we're all done here, M-lady." Ganesh didn't have the background in human history and humor to know that 'g-man' was Moresi's idea of a joke. A lame joke, but a joke nonetheless.

"Good. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to be late for work." She glanced back to Kit'rin'e who still watched in silence, before regarding the two who stood before her. "Jackson hates it when I'm late."

Kit'rin'e watched his Mate explain the situation, he waited patiently, quietly as she made the facts known and clear to both security officers. She was however right about one thing. The females laid the rules, if she were to say not to touch her, he would do as instructed until she told him otherwise, regardless of how hard it would be for him. He was not sure if this would be the end of it, part of being mated to a Caitian is there is always the risk of injury. While Kit'rin'e could do his very best to try and not hurt her, what he was, his size and weight even sleep was a risk yet she accepted it.

He did however feel some pride, she wore the scars he left on her willingly, she had them on display for others to see, she was proud of what steps she had taken with him, what his ways meant and embraced them.

"All right, Ms. Tora, we'll be going and let you get to work," Moresi said, now also eying Kit'rin'e. "Just know that if you ever... need help... we're here for you." It was the typical platitude of a social worker bureaucrat.

Sulan said nothing till they were out and the doors closed. She stood still and silent as their last words, and intent, settled into her mind. Then she growled aloud, not liking the implication, or the feeling that some unknown person was watching her private life. She growled once more and stomped back into the bedroom.

Kit'rin'e stepped aside to let her pass. He didn't like seeing his Mate upset like this especially in light of what the two ratings had just implied. Still, a smirk did rise hearing her growl to herself. "From here." He said touching his neck with two fingers. He growled as an example. "Volume from here." Tapping his chest. He walked over to her and placed his hands on her waist. "It is good to have people look out for you, however better if they came to you first rather than Security." He paused. "Would you like me to meet you after work?"

Sulan stopped, and at his instructions on growling properly, gave in and laughed. Slowly the stress within her uncoiled as her laughter continued. Finally she nodded. "Yes. I'm sure Jackson would like to see you." She hugged him tight, then let go. "I need to hurry."


Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer

Tora Sulan
House Manager, The Nexus Club

CPO Ganesh
CPO Moresi


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