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Like A Bad Penny

Posted on Sun Dec 4th, 2011 @ 5:51pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Promenade

Jonas moved through his new quarters towards the bedroom. They were not as large, or as nicely appointed as his last time on 900, but then he had been a much higher ranking officer. Now, he was just Jonas Levin, SCPO and stellar cartographer. Science. Who knew? It was an unobtrusive position in a non-dramatic department. He knew the CSO, Leroy, by reputation from his teaching days. Serious about his job, consumed some said. A hard-ass according to others. Rumour had it he was now consumed with a certain half-Klingon diplomat as well. That might prove useful in the days ahead.

He reached the bedroom and stopped in front of the mirror. What he saw there was still something of a surprise, even after all this time. The prematurely grey hair he'd sported last time he was on 900 was gone, in fact had been gone for some time, replaced by his natural dark brown. It was the newly grown beard that gave him pause. Unless one knew him well, and looked very closely, he could pass by unrecognized. It was just what he wanted.

He was traveling light this trip, and already his few things had been put away. Unlike his previous time here to manipulate the late Rhys Balasz, this trip was business, not pleasure. Recent plans had gone somewhat awry and that needed to be rectified in short order. The communication had been very clear on that point. While he had a great deal of freedom, even he answered to someone, and that someone wanted certain plans to come to fruition. A second failure was not an option.

He ran his hands trough perfectly styled hair and smiled. This time, there would be no failure. He was working with known facts and figures, people he'd known in other, higher-ranked alternate identities. Hence the change in his personality. Besides, he'd looked more like himself for his recent rounds with the crews of the Arizona and the Melbourne and he rather liked it.

There was one fly in the ointment, however. Aia Rios. Or Aia Rios-Hawke as she was now known. She had not cooperated last time they had approached her, and she would be a wild card this time, especially considering she was the trophy wife of a Rear Admiral who happened to be the man in charge out here. He intended to stay out of her view as much as possible, not that she was likely to recognize him just in passing. He adjusted his collar one last time, satisfied. It was time to get re-acquainted with SB900.

~ The Promenade ~

The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Jonas sat at a table that was part of a small oasis of tables and umbrellas in the middle of the Promenade. Residents and visitors alike teemed around him, moving in and out of the various businesses that filled this and several more upper levels. The conversation was a cacophony of voices, laughter, arguing. Always the same.

What had changed was much of the senior staff. Most of them had transferred over from the Berkeley, he knew, and not long after the disaster that was the murder attempt on one Li Hawke, Starfleet Intelligence. Her continued existence annoyed him but for now, she was not his focus. He had bigger fish to fry than this Hawke, or any of them for that matter. Her father was now the CO of the task force in this region, and stationed on 900 instead of the Evariste as they'd expected. This explained Aia's presence on the station.

A waitress from the nearby coffee shop materialized at his table. "May I get you anything?" She seemed enthralled by his blue eyes, her expression making it obvious she appreciated what she saw.

Jonas gave her but a brief glance. Too plain for his taste. "Raktajino, double strength." His tone was dismissive and she nodded and moved away. As she left his line of vision, someone else appeared in it, causing a moment of shock for Jonas.

"My, my, look at that," he whispered. Aia herself had just emerged from the tailor shop across the way. It was her red hair that had first caught his attention, but what surprised him was the fact that she was pregnant. Very. As in, he hoped she had a reservation in Sickbay since she looked as if she could pop any moment. So, after all the trouble he'd gone to to remove one Hawke from existence, and almost succeeded in removing another, the universe was going to be graced with yet another Hawke. Wasn't that just dandy?

The area was crowded enough that he had no worries of being spotted, and so he watched as she moved slowly along, feet barely shuffling forward, her hand at the small of her back. He wondered if she'd have the critter before her husband was knee deep in trying to salvage relations with Archadia III. Jonas thought that perhaps he might drop in to visit while she was laid up and see how she greeted her old friend.

A Trill stopped to speak to her and, searching his memory, Jonas retrieved the name. Tigan, though he could no longer recall which host. Several in gold passed by, and from their conversation, it seemed they were discussing the recent disappearance of the Security Chief, Zeferino. He recalled her clearly, and the news that she was in trouble positively thrilled the stony pit of his heart. He made a note to speak to his contact here and get the juicy details, though that wasn't pressing.

Two cadets passed, looking rather chummy, and moved on to be replaced by another that he was familiar with. Nurse Payne. Well, wasn't this just like family reunion day at the county fair? Seeing Ophelia brought Dr. McKinney to mind. He was the doctor who had saved Li Hawke, according to the reports, but Jonas wouldn't hold that against the man. An accomplished Doc was always a good one to have on your side. To complete the picture, a Vulcan next appeared and Jonas resisted the urge to swipe a cup from a nearby table and throw it at the man. It was Sakkath, who had, essentially, ruined his plans before. The only one missing now was Rhys himself, and thank the fates he was dead. He had given Jonas the creeps.

The waitress returned with his raktajino, lingering as she gave him a napkin, asked if there was anything more she could do for him. He shooed her away with an impatient wave of his hand, earning a reproachful glare. He could not care less. Once she was out of sight, he moved the mug aside. Couldn't stand the stuff. For now, he had much more important things on his plate. Rising from the table, he moved on down the main level of the Promenade. He had an Orion to find, and a much better drink to acquire.


Jonas Levin
Stellar Cartographer


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