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To See And Be Seen

Posted on Sun Dec 4th, 2011 @ 8:45pm by Jackson Banning V & Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club

The late show had been a rousing success, the tables full, but now, it was drawing down on the post-show shift. Sulan settled on a barstool to rest her feet and soon Jackson joined her. Vic produced their drinks but since they seemed to have made up, this time he lingered to talk as they discussed the night. She asked how his dinner with Natalia had gone, then talk moved on to the surprise of the night - Eli's parents. Eli himself had been quiet about the dinner and the discussion but Jackson was well aware of the reason for it, as was Sulan. Janice passed by and stopped to speak to Jackson, then moved on, leaving the three chattering at the bar.

Kit'rin'e had changed into evening attire since he said he would meet his Mate after her shift. As the hour loomed, he left and made his way to the Nexus. On his way however he was seen to observe some almost fearing him, the looks on people's faces as he passed and made him wonder if they saw him and the thief. Perhaps not the image he wanted to present to outsiders of Caitians but the impression he was trying to set was that they would go to great lengths for their mates. He stood outside the Nexus briefly wondering if he could see her from where he was but alas, even with his tall height he was denied. So he entered, being as tall as he was, hard to miss yet it did make his task easier to spot her. She went unseen however with people moving about.

"Thanks, Vic," Sulan said as he brought her a second drink. "Tonight was chaotic. Was it like this while I was off work?"

"And then some," Jackson answered. "Mostly it seemed so because you weren't here. I think they ran Eli ragged." He laughed, then gave Vic his empty glass and reached for his new one.

Finding his mate was proving more difficult than expected, given her role it was expected that she would be all over the patron floor. He stepped aside from the main entrance and patiently waited, making sure his tail was close lest it get stood on.

"She's at the bar," a passing waiter informed Kit'rin'e as he hurried by. A group of patrons departed, leaving a path open to the bar and putting Sulan and Jackson in view.

Kit'rin'e soon spotted his Mate and began to walk over. She was with Jackson again. He tried not to get uncomfortable like he did when he saw the two of them dancing. It wouldn't take long for him, given his size to come into view of the pair of them.

Sulan seemed to sense his presence before she saw him and turned, giving him a sunny smile. As he drew near, she reached out for his hand, pulling him close. "You're just in time to have a drink with us. We're both off duty, finally."

"Good evening, Commander," Vic, spoke from behind the bar. "What can I get for you?"

"A Samarian Sunset please in the traditional style?" Kit'rin'e asked as he came to a stop next to his Mate. He placed his left hand on the small of her back, brushing his cheek against hers in greeting. When upright again he regarded Jackson. "How was your evening my Mate?" He asked.

"Busy beyond belief." She paused to hug him close for a moment before reaching for her drink.

Jackson stood as Kit'rin'e reached them and offered his hand. "Welcome back, and congratulations once again."

"Thank you." Kit'rine replied, his larger hand engulfing Jackson's. People were still moving about behind them but his attention was on his Mate as he once again stood close to her.

Jackson sat back down and once Vic delivered Kit'rin'e's drink, he spoke again. "I'm glad you're here actually, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"Oh," Kit'rin'e replied as he sipped his drink, having flicked the rim with his claw to make the reaction occur. "Regarding what?" he added.

"You, Sulan, and most of all me."

Sulan looked from one to the other, aware of what was coming, but she remained silent, leaving it to Jackson to deal with this in his own way.

"Go on," Kit'rin'e said placing his drink on the bar again, wanting to know what this was about.

Jackson gathered his thoughts, then began. "Su and I had a long talk earlier and I owe you an apology. I was not exactly supportive, and for that I'm sorry, You both deserve better."

"I understand you two are friends," Kit'rin'e replied. "I also understand that friendship runs deep, friends care for each other, look out for each other and while I am not the most gentle-looking of races, it's understandable that you should be concerned for your friend." He looked at his Mate. "However, Caitians are forbidden to harm females, the consequences of such are harsh."

"I know, and in the heat of the moment, I forgot that. I've known Sulan for over a decade, and we went through some rough times together. I always looked out for her and I felt like this time, I'd dropped the ball and let her down. The thing is, it wasn't my place to stick my nose into. She's a big girl, as she reminded me." Jackson smiled a moment. "And able to make her own decisions."

"Some of my customs may seem brutal to some, such as the mark on her shoulder; however, you will find if you read about my ways such a thing is required." He was not comfortable discussing this with an 'outsider'. He only mentioned it lightly because his Mate was present. "My Mate is safe."

"I have no doubt about that," Jackson answered. "All I have to do is look at her to see she's happy. If she wasn't, I'd know in a nanosecond. One thing does concern me though."

"Which is?" Kit'rin'e replied.

"This anonymous report. Su told me about the visit from the Security personnel. I gotta admit I'm curious who did it. I offered to look into it if she wanted me to." Jackson took another sip of his drink.

"That is up to my Mate." Kit'rin'e responded. "As a Caitian is it expected that people might view a pairing of a Caitian and Non-Caitian as potentially dangerous, which it is." He paused briefly. "Humanoids as I understand are very aware about harm caused to a person by another, in fear that such harm might come to them or a loved one. Such a threat is amplified by what I am."

"Let's hope this puts an end to such speculation." Jackson lowered his glass back to the bar. "I'll do what I can to correct any misgivings if I hear 'em. In the meantime, drink up, it's on the house." He smiled at the couple and as he raised his glass again, it stopped halfway. Jackson's mouth fell open and speech failed him.

"Jackson?" Sulan poked his arm. "You okay?"

"Uhh...yeah, Su. Can you two excuse me?" Jackson downed his drink, then hopped off the barstool, hurrying off without waiting for their answer.

Sulan watched as he retreated then drew in her breath. "Kit'rin'e, look." She pointed to the door of the club. They could see Natalia standing there, clad in a breathtaking purple dress.

Kit'rin'e was slightly confused about what he was to look at or what was going on. Jackson had left and when he arrived he saw whom his Mate was indicating. Clearly they were friends, of sorts.

"She looks lovely." The smile she gave Kit'rin'e was conspiratorial, then her tone turned serious. "He felt really bad about his...mistrust."

"It is my fault, it's a part of what I am, some things like that are expected." While not so on Cait, those that had left the Homeworld often had troubles being accepted into a different society because of what they were and, what they were capable of.

"It's good though, he understands. He was just a little swept up in the fact that I'd taken off to do something so serious with someone I didn't know. But I'm of the opinion that when it's right you'll know." She pulled him closer and smiled up at him, but then became aware that they were being watched, though casually. By a lot of people. "How's it feel to be on display?" she asked quietly.

There was a smile that could be seen on his face. He pondered, then he thought of something. "As Humans say, the show that goes on." Unaware that he'd used the wrong words, in fact meaning. 'The show must go on.' As he mentioned earlier however, Humour was a difficult subject for him.

"That's one of Jackson's favorites. Since I'm off work, care to have a dance?"

"I would be honoured," He replied taking a step back, his hand out to her.

Sulan took his hand and hopped off the barstool. Once her dress was smoothed out, she led the way through the crowd to the dance floor. As she stepped into his arms, she spoke again. "I really wanted to dance, but I am making a point as well."

"What point would that be my Mate?" he asked as he held her gently against him, his tail tried to coil about her dress like the dress from a previous night but couldn't manage it, it then tried to coil about her thigh but again failed. Instead he kept it close to him.

"That you are no danger to me, and that I am not afraid of you. There are bound to be telepaths in the room, you can't fool them." She settled in close against him as their movements slowed.

"I would hope you never have cause to fear me," he replied as they moved together. He knew all to well the feelings and reactions he was very easily capable of making people have when it came to not just himself, but Caitians and the like.

"You have nothing to worry about, I promise." She was silent once more as they continued to dance. A few of the couples dancing by greeted them, then passed on, leaving them to their own little world in the middle of the floor.

"Your thinking of something?" he asked, his Mate had that look about her face that she was wondering something or working something out in her head. A similar expression as to when he explained how he felt about her.

"Yes, but here isn't the place." She smiled once more as the music shifted. "How about we finish our drinks and get home so I can get out of these shoes?"

"As you wish," he replied. In regards to her shoes he considered that perhaps they were hurting you. "Would you like me to carry you like before?" Seated on his arm, arms around his neck as he held her off the ground.

"Umm, no, no need. I'll be fine." She kissed his cheek, hugged him tight for a moment. "Now let's get out of here."

He nodded, following her, almost shadowing her in a way with his size even though he was behind her. The walk to home was easy and gentle, when the doors opened it was tidy and back to its neat condition. Clearly he'd cleaned up slightly after she left for her shift. "Can I get you anything?" He offered.

She slipped off her shoes and carried them into the bedroom, stowing them in the closet. "Just you, it's been a very trying night."

Following her into the bedroom he hugged her from behind as she closed the closet. His head over her shoulder and his arms around her like before.

"Everything will be fine, I promise," she said softly. "Computer, lights out."


Jackson Banning V
Righting A Wrong

Tora Sulan
Making A Point

Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer


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