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A Little Chemistry

Posted on Sat Dec 24th, 2011 @ 1:07am by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters / The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

The night had been a busy one and Sulan hadn't stopped moving since she arrived. Eli stopped by to tell her Jackson was ordering her to take a break. With more than a little relief, she squeezed his arm as he took over her station by the door and moved to the bar. Vic already had a drink waiting for her as she sat down.

"Thanks Vic, what a night it has been." She sipped the martini before her and sighed with satisfaction.

"Crazy." Vic shook his head. "How're you holding up?"

"Not too bad, actually." She paused as a familiar figure appeared next to her at the bar. It was Ophelia, her favorite nurse. "Hi Ophelia, it's good to see you."

"You too, Sulan. Brandy please, Vic." Ophelia turned to Sulan. Her gaze swept over the exposed scar on her shoulder. "Looks like it healed up just fine. How's Kit'rin'e?"

"Doing well, working long hours following that hangar explosion, but otherwise well enough." Sulan plucked an olive from her drink and nibbled on it.

"Thank you," Ophelia said to Vic as he set a drink before her. She sipped it and looked back to Sulan. "I wasn't concerned so much about the healing from his injuries as his...adjustment. This is a delicate time for him."

The comment surprised Sulan. "Delicate how? Is something wrong with him?"

"Not that I am aware of, just the usual chemical adjustments he will go through after mating." Ophelia frowned a moment. "Normally, they require being in the presence of their mate pretty well round the clock for a short time till the process is done."

Sulan blinked and sudden realization hit - Kit'rin'e had seemed 'off' the last few days. Here was the explanation. She wondered why he hadn't said something, but that could be addressed later. Slipping off her stool, she smiled to Ophelia.

"I need to run, thanks Ophelia. I'll see you in two weeks, it will be check-in time." She hurried off as Ophelia waved. She took long enough to tell Jackson she had an emergency, then asked Eli to delay her meeting with his parents to tomorrow, and was out the door.

* * * Kit'rin'e's Quarters * * *

Kit'rin'e watched as his mate left, once again a stark reminder that he was alone again. There was a twang of hurt when hearing she would spend time with a friend afterwards, a male named Eli. He did not fully understand the situation even though she briefly mentioned the details his mind was mostly on other matters. This time was crucial for him, he needed her here with him yet she was not. He looked around the room but was interrupted by his computer indicating a communication for him.

He wondered who it could be at this hour, he was off shift so anything work related would have gone to someone else. He sat down and opened the channel, he was surprised to see someone he cared for very much, Sha'la'ne.

Sha'la'ne was a family friend prior to the death of his parents, after they died she looked after him, raised him as if one of her own, now a sort of mother figure and someone he could trust for advice. As such she in a way became the family 'Elder'. Elders are generally the oldest female of a family and they are responsible for seeing that all matters of culture and tradition are satisfied within the family. When the eldest male of a family finds a mate, that female becomes the Elder. As in the case of Kit'rin'e, where his Mate is not Caitian then Sha'la'ne must meet this person before she surrenders the title.

"Kit'rin'e." Sha'la'ne greeted him. Her golden fur had changed only a little, her voice still soft and gentle as he remembered it.

"Elder." Kit'rin'e answered with a bow of the head.

"I wanted to contact you to let you know I am here." She spoke, people moving behind her, though he should have recognised the background he was fixed on her.

"Here?" Kit'rin'e responded confused. "Elder I do not understand."

"On the Starbase."

"Where, I will meet you at once." Maybe the Elder would be able to help him at this crucial time.

*** 17 Minutes later ***

"Where is your collar Kit'rin'e?" The Elder asked noticing it before though said nothing until within the comforts of home. "Who is she?" She could smell her in the air.

"I have been accepted as a Mate, Elder." Kit'rin'e replied, his voice not as dominant like usual, almost like a small boy being scolded. "A Bajoran female, Miss Tora Sulan."

"Where is she, I would like to meet her?" She asked expecting to find her here with Kit'rin'e.

"She has duties at an establishment." He answered her, not meeting her stern gaze. He knew he was in trouble in more ways than one.

"She should be with you at this moment." She remarked, unhappy about it. There was one other thing she picked up on. "Come here." Kit'rin'e did as instructed, she smelt around his neck. "I do not smell her, however I know what I do."

This was what Kit'rin'e was hiding from everyone. Early on in Caitian relationships the scent and need to be around the Mate is vital, a chemical reaction takes place which bonds one to the other. So much so that should his mate die or leave him, it could very well put him into a coma or die himself because of it. With his Mate being apart from him, he is denied that presence, that fresh scent, the touch of her. As a result he was sweating, his temperature raised and his body slightly trembling. "What else?"

"My Mate has not scented me yet, it is my own fault, this, I, what's happened is a big change for her, I can not rush her." Kit'rin'e answered, knowing he was wrong, one way or another.

"I understand that, but as the Caitian half of the relationship you are tasked with ensuring our traditions are satisfied." Sha'la'ne was just shy of six feet tall, so was looking up at Kit'rin'e as she spoke to him. She brushed her hand between his ears and then said. "Go change, freshen up, I will wait here."

A scant few minutes later, the doors slid opened and Sulan rushed in. "Kit'rin'e?" She called out immediately, unaware they had a guest. She slipped off her high heels and was halfway to the bedroom, shoes in hand when the tall figure standing by the portal registered. She stopped immediately.

"Hello. My apologies, I didn't realize he...we had company."

Sha'la'ne watched the female charge in, remove her footwear and continue on before stopping. "I am Sha'la'ne, Elder to Kit'rin'e and you are?" Her tone was stern, protective and direct.

"Tora Sulan, his new mate." She dropped her shoes beneath the coffee table and bowed to Sha'lan'e. "It is an honor to meet you, Elder."

"Do you care so little for Kit'rin'e that you leave him when he needs you most?" Sha'la'ne retorted taking a few steps towards Kit'rin'e's Mate. She took in the view of her, small, slender female, how could she possibly bear young for Kit'rin'e. "How much exactly do you know of Caitians, Bajoran?"

Her tone surprised Sulan, and she stood up straighter. "A little, that I learned years ago. Other than that, only what Kit'rin'e has taught me so far." The Elder's tone was stern, and Sulan decided it was time to tread carefully, for now.

Sha'la'ne walked once around Sulan, smelt her hair between two fingers as if inspecting her. Paid close attention to the scars on her shoulder that Kit'rin'e gave her. She was still unsure of this female, that much was for certain. "Scent to Caitians in the opening stages of a relationship is important to us, we need it to bond to those that become our Mate." She took a step back or two from Sulan before she continued. "Kit'rin'e has hidden what he is suffering because as the male he can not demand something or instruct a female. He needs you around him yet you have ignored it. Why?" There was a hint of anger there, this Bajoran was hurting someone she cared very much for.

"Two reasons," Sulan answered, keeping her voice even. "First, I have a job to do on this station. And second, because until tonight, I was not aware of what this phase means and what is needed. The information was given to me a few minutes ago by a nurse here and I left immediately to come home."

"Will your job be worth it if he dies?" She asked. "You know some of our ways as you would not have bowed to me when you realised who I was." Sha'la'ne spoke. Pleased at least Sulan knew her place here and showed the respect due, even if Sulan didn't like her. "Did you not research Caitians when you accepted him? The requirements, implications, the dangers and risks?"

"Some yes, the rest I had hoped to learn from him. What I learned before was..."She hesitated a moment, knowing she couldn't give the real length of time. "A while ago, from a Caitian I served with in Starfleet. Under the circumstances, what he shared was basic and limited. I would hope that Kit'rin'e trusts me enough to tell me if I am missing something." She paused a moment to take a deep breath to settle herself. "If you fear that I do not care enough for him to do whatever is needed, I would beg to differ on that point."

"Kit'rin'e can't tell you, you do know that females are dominant to males, he can request, but not demand. Suggest, but not instruct." Sha'la'ne answered. Then in her own language called for Kit'rin'e. Moments later, the Kit'rin'e that he'd been hiding from his Mate stood in the doorway. He appeared drained, a frail wisp of the Caitian that only recently charged down a thief in full view of people. There was no doubt he was suffering but also hiding it from her.

"Then perhaps he should suggest more often." When Kit'rin'e appeared, Sulan stood frozen for a few beats. Then, Sha'lan'e's presence receded as she rushed across to Kit'rin'e. "You should have told me," she said softly.

"It was not my place." He replied. As much as he wanted to, some traditions were harder to break than others, or bend.

Sha'la'ne observed the Bajoran move. "You have not scented him, yet I can smell him on you." She spoke. "He claims this is because he did not want to rush you due to the sudden nature of the pairing."

"It was sudden and unexpected, yes." Sulan still studied Kit'rin'e. "I warned him at the time that I knew very little of his customs beyond what most see publicly. Wait, I have not scented him? How is that possible?"

"The same way he scented you." Sha'la'ne answered. "Though you are not a Caitian your saliva unlike ours will not take to him, to him however it is the importance of the act, the gesture of acceptance, you would mark him as your own. Property if you will." Trying to explain it in a none Caitian perspective. "He will belong to you, yours, be yours for as long as you or he lives."

"I had no idea but of course I will --" She stopped and looked back at Shal'lan'e. "Property?"

"Females are the dominant gender to Caitians, you do not have to be Caitian, only a female." Sha'la'ne explained. "If you tell him to not touch you, as hard as it will be for him, even if it will kill him, he will obey. If you demand his claws for pleasure or to touch, his fangs also, he will bare them for you. The claws are wonderful through the fur." She let that little note slip in without thinking about it. "You control ever aspect of the relationship you share, if you want intimacy, warmth, protection, him to be there. He will provide it."

Sha'la'ne was telling Sulan mostly what Kit'rin'e had hinted at before. Sulan controlled everything between them.

"They do, yes, and -- " Sulan stopped again, her cheeks turning a faint pink. "Still, much of what I really need to know is something that has to come from one's mate, from a Caitian, not from the general material in the computer."

"Then ask, I am a Caitian, if you are to be the Elder then you need to know much if you are to hold that position." Sha'la'ne said, taking a seat.

Kit'rin'e saw this coming. It was typical of Elders to do this, she was testing his Mate as was her right to do so, especially if it also meant giving up her position. He watched her sit, himself propped up against the door frame. He wanted to say something but he dared not, not now with the two females in his life seemingly about to butt heads.

"What did you just say?" Sulan rested her hand on Kit'rin'e's arm, but turned to look at Sha'lan'e.

"When I walk out of this room, one of us, will be the Elder. Kit'rin'e is the oldest male of his family be it the only surviving one matters not. When he is accepted the female becomes the Elder by mating to the eldest male of a family. The Elder is responsible for upholding tradition, culture, while you may not be able to uphold our religious beliefs as its forbidden for non-Caitians to do so you are the head of the family." Sha'la'ne explained. "Any children that your children have will first be introduced to you for acceptance into your family."

"I see." Sulan's scattered thoughts refused to be corralled. She left Kit'rin'e's side and sank down into the closest chair. "I am not sure what to say to that."
Sha'la'ne spoke to Kit'rin'e in her own language and he obeyed. He sat in front of his mate, resting against her legs, his head on her knees. "Scent is important. Touch, intimacy." Sha'la'ne spoke softly. "I know the pair of you have mated by the mark you bear on your shoulder, there were things during that moment he needed to hear, but he was listening much before that moment. Everything you do for him, to him and with him is important to him, you honour him." She continued as she looked at Kit'rin'e, she worried about him, worried that his mate's lack of knowledge about the expectations would end up causing him a great deal of harm.

"Touch and intimacy are not a problem, I can assure you of that." Sulan smiled, her fingers gently stroking Kit'rin'e as she spoke. "However, if this is going to follow tradition, then he will have to teach me, since you are not always here."

"I will be here on the station, I do not often see Kit'rin'e." Sha'la'ne replied, noticing the change in Kit'rin'e when Sulan mentioned touch and intimacy. It almost rose a smile from her. She understood his position though.

"Why not?"

"With females as they are on the Homeworld, we are protected from harm, few female Caitians leave the Homeworld but choose to help run or govern it. Males are protectors, providers, they venture into space, serve in the defence force." She explained. "Kit'rin'e, I have not seen in some time and I heard about his new position here, I wanted to visit him before I get too old to leave the Homeworld again."

"I see." Sulan smiled down at Kit'rin'e, her expression far more tender than it had been. "I'm sure that means a great deal to him to have you here."

"It does." Kit'rin'e replied. He felt bad for not trying to help his Mate understand, however the rules were in place for a reason.

"What else would you like to know?" Sha'la'ne asked, as the Elder, at least for now. She had to make sure she was confident and that Sulan was ready.

"What if what I requested of him was to teach me all I needed to know? Could he then do it?"

'You would put him in a difficult position, if you would like I can teach you what you need to know." She offered, sparing Kit'rin'e the situation and perhaps permitting the two females to get to know each other better.

"Again, I would be honoured," Sulan answered immediately. "It was not my intention to put him in danger, I promise you that. It's the last thing I would ever want." She looked back to Kit'rin'e now. "Does she know how long we knew each other...before?"

"No." Kit'rin'e answered. His tail coiled about her ankle, one hand resting between her knees but on the right one, his head a top them both. "I didn't get that far into telling her."

Sulan turned her attention to Sha'lan'e, knowing this might not go over too well. Even so, she should know. "We met one evening when he came to the Nexus. He left his belt there at the table and I returned it. we talked for some time that evening, then spent the next day together. It was that evening that we decided to take the leap, and I said yes." She smiled. "After that day, there was no going back. I stayed that night."

There was a small brief conversation between Sha'la'ne and Kit'rin'e in Caitian, from the sounds of it it was playful by the smile that appeared on Kit'rin'e's face. "The hour is late and I am old, I shall take my leave of you however we shall continue instruction another time." She spoke as she rose. "In the mean time, I would suggest looking after him and talking to each other."

"I will." Sulan smiled once more. "And I look forward to it." She finally began to relax, at least a little. The encounter had not turned into the disaster she feared, at least not yet.

Sha'la'ne left soon after, leaving the two alone again. There hung a silence that was uneasy. "I couldn't tell you, I'm not allowed to." Kit'rin'e spoke softly. "You are the female, you are free to do what you wish and when, regardless of me."

"Even when my lack of knowledge puts you in danger?" she asked earnestly. "And I didn't even know that I didn't know."

"She will help you, I hope I do not get you in trouble with your duties." Perhaps had he said something sooner it could have been avoided, but as Sha'la'ne explained, he couldn't.

"I can handle it. As long as she doesn't disparage this union. If she does, then she may have a fight on her hands." Amusement lit Sulan's face now.

"She wont try and break us apart, though she will make sure you don't put me in any danger." That much was clear. "You should prepare yourself for difficult questions that the Elder will no doubt ask you when you next meet." It was the same routine that all Elders did, Sulan would be no different when subjected to it.

"I am expecting that, yes. What if she asks something I cannot answer? Regarding my past, I mean."

"I do not think she will go into your past, but more into your future." Kit'rin'e said as he slowly rose to his feet. "Fertility, your willingness to see this through, how far you plan to take us, how serious you are in your relationship to me. To think of a few." He replied.

"I should think that much is obvious already, though I'm not so sure how I feel about sharing some intimate details." Sulan reached up to offer her hand to him.

He took her hand in his larger one. "I would indulge her in what she wants to know, this could be the only time you get to spend with her and take in what experience and knowledge she has to offer." Kit'rin'e said as he looked at his Mate, wondering just what trouble lay in store for her and him.

She rose to her feet and slipped her free arm around him. "Good advice. I will confess to a little curiosity on some points that she likely can answer better than you, given you are male. She's not so sure she likes me though, is she?"

"Would you in her position given the same responsibilities?" He returned softly as he felt her arm snake around him. "If she really didn't like you, there would be claw marks on the door."

"That's at least a little relief. Does that bother you?"

"No, it was the first meeting and you hardly expected her, also consider she did offer to teach you what you needed to know, more then most Elders would ever offer to do." He replied as he hugged her, his nose next to her neck. He could smell her, him and also the perfume she put on. "Sha'la'ne cares, she would be much like Jackson I guess." Trying to figure some suitable comparison.

"That makes sense." Hugging him close, she remained there for a few minutes before speaking again. "It's been a long day. And we, apparently, have some unfinished business."

"That we do." He replied. "That we do." While the conversation between his Mate and the Elder started off heated, it smoothed out. At least the Elder was willing to teach, that was understanding worth having especially considering the culture, traditions and requirements the Caitians have.

Sulan laughed finally as she stepped back and moved to the bedroom. "That was a bit of a surprise to walk into my own quarters and have someone I'd never seen before demand to know who I was. Now, it's pretty funny."

"I did try and get a message to you, but I was told to freshen up and change, then you walked in." He said as they walked through the doors to the bedroom where the two large towels were still over the back of a small chair from when he cleaned up. Ignored after hearing the two females talking in the other room and scrambling as best he could to dress.

"I left early." She turned so he could unzip her dress. "I saw Ophelia there and she seemed surprised that I was working, saying that this was a rather delicate time. She didn't go much beyond that but it was enough. And Kit?" She paused once more.

Zips were never an easy thing for Caitians, such small things and large hands. He however got it using the point of his claw in the small hole and slowly pulled it down her back. "Yes my Mate?" He answered, wondering what she was going to say.

"I know that tradition dictates much of what you are allowed to do but if my lack of knowledge puts you in such danger again, you must say something. Promise me that much?"

"As you wish, I promise." He answered, the zip now low enough. "There." He added, letting the zip go with his claw.

"Thank you, that's exactly what I needed." She let the dress fall and ordered the lights out.


Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
A troubled Kitty

Tora Sulan
On The Verge Of Something Big


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