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For a job well done

Posted on Sun Dec 25th, 2011 @ 2:14pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain qeraQ'

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Command & Control

** Wegener's Office -- Deck 6 **

Rick sat in his office contemplating how he would do it. He knew his target wouldn't appreciate the surprise and would make any and all attempts to avoid it if possible. But it was coming, no matter how much qeraQ' didn't want it. He was going to be promoted.

=^= He's in the C&C, Admiral =^= came the message from Hope. =^= He just arrived and seems to have quite a bit on his plate, so he'll not be going anywhere. =^=

"Thank you, Lieutenant," he said as he picked up the box with four brand new rank pips for Starbase 900's XO.

** Command & Control -- Deck 5 **

Sliding easily onto the deck and into C&C, only a few people noticed the Admiral and nodded to him as he passed. He would stop every so many steps to check a console here and there, acting like he was completely uninterested in whether or not qeraQ' was there. After a while he found himself in the Klingon's office and stood in the doorway.

"Commander," he said, greeting him.

qeraQ' had returned to work in earnest and was getting through the latest docking requests and flight plans that had been submitted for approval. Normally there was a rubbery stamp from flight ops but on occasion a few demanded special approval either due to the cargo, intelligence reports or simply a new race arriving for the first time. He looked up as the Admiral approached and stood briskly.

"Admiral, I was not expecting you. Our weekly review meeting is tomorrow is it not?"

"It is, but there's nothing to say that I can't nose around to see what my XO is up to." He turned and looked out the door to C&C. "Looks like everything is normal here. Have you been able to get back into the swing of things since your return?"

"Things are under control considering the chaos that seems to have taken over since my departure. Kidnappings, explosions... these things should not be happening on a military base."

"Well, it could have been worse. By the way--" he stopped. "Holy shit! What is that?" he asked, pointing. "Commander, what do you make of this?"

The Klingon stood and immediately came out past Rick and looked in the direction in which the admiral had been pointing. It was an empty corner of the main command and control deck. There was nothing there that he could see.

"I do not see anything amiss."

"Right there. Why is that man out of uniform?" Ricky asked.

qeraQ' walked over to the area, looked back at where Rick was pointing, and saw no one there.

"Sir, there is no one here." he looked around trying to see if there was anywhere that someone could be hiding. "I will have Operations conduct a full scan of the deck but I cannot see anyone out of uniform."

Ricky walked over to the now non-empty area and pointed to qeraQ'. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself," he said walking around him. "You come in here, you assume command for the day and expect all of the personnel under you to be in tip-top form, but you, a goddamn command officer--the XO, even! You can't be arsed to come in here in the appropriate attire."

Now everyone in C&C had stopped and was watching what was happening in the corner. They all pretended to keep working, but it was obvious that they didn't want to miss what was said.

"Stand at attention!" Ricky barked. He didn't realize everyone on the deck would follow suit, but that worked as well. With his XO now standing rigid and his eyes front, Ricky continued. "I thought you would be better than this, qeraQ'. Of all of the people that I entrust with my starbase, I thought you would have your shit together." He presented the box with the gold pips in it and opened it in front of his face so he could see what it was. "However, since I haven't actually promoted you yet, I'll let it go this time. But, from here on out, you will be known as Captain qeraQ', Executive Officer of Starbase 900. And it is my duty, but mostly my pleasure, to promote you at this time."

Before he pulled the gold pips out, he announced, "At ease!"

"Sir..." he was shocked to be reprimanded out in front of the rest of his staff, but slowly the realisation that this wasn't a reprimand dawned on him. His desire to knock Wegener off his feet for the insult turned to amusement and a wide grin formed on his face. "You honour me, Admiral. Although you should be careful who you wind up... I'm sure you realise that sometimes the Klingon sense of humour can be quite... literal."

"Yeah, I know. But I was willing to take the chance," he said and then turned to the rest of the staff. "As of this date, Commander qeraQ' is promoted to the rank of Captain. His work has been exemplary and I can think of no one I would rather have as my right hand man than he." Turning back to the Klingon he shook his hand. "Congratulations, Captain. Job well done."

"My thanks, Admiral, you honour me."

"So, now, we need to celebrate." Rick pointed at an Ensign in yellow. "You. You're in charge. The Captain and I are going to get to drinking."


A joint post by:

Executive Officer
Starbase 900


Vice Admiral Wegener
Commanding Officer
Starbase 900


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