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Blast From the Past

Posted on Wed Mar 14th, 2012 @ 6:56pm by Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D.

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Natalia's Quarters
Timeline: Current/Morning

Natalia drifted awake, her senses returning slowly. Bit by bit, they came together, realigning, and the first fact they reported to her was she was not alone. She breathed in deeply, a smile spreading across her face as she realized who it was she was with.

Her head was in the hollow below his shoulder, and her arm laid across his chest. Her skinned pressed against his, she continued to breath in a scent that was uniquely his, and wishing they could remain that way, knowing that duty called her away.

She opened her eyes, shifting her head as she moved her hand spreading it over his heart, feeling it beat sure and strong beneath her palm. He flinched, reminding her how naturally cold her Trill hands were. She kissed his warm skin, then blew her breath towards his now erect nipple, biting her bottom lip as she felt him stir.

An incoherent mumble was the extent of Jackson's thoughts as he struggled up to waking. He was aware first of being warm, and cozy and of the soft traces of perfume. Definitely a woman. And one snuggled close. Snatches of the previous night rose to the surface in his mind..Natalia. He let the memories wash over him languidly, enjoying the vision. Without opening his eyes, he smiled.

"Mornin' darlin'." Ahh, good, this time much more coherent.

"Hi," she smiled back at him, leaning in to kiss his neck, her hand reaching into his hair, "I have to get ready for work, and I was wondering if you would like to join me", she whispered into his ear, laying partly on top of him, her breast pressed firmly against his chest, "I have a water shower."

"Join ya for work or the shower?" A wicked grin curled his lips. " 'Cause I gotta say, one's a lot more appealin' than the other, honey." He wrapped his arm around her, snuggling her in closer. "I'd ask what happens if yer late, but usin' me as an excuse may not go over so well with Connor."

"I have my own hours this morning, scheduled meetings. Jackson...", her hands moved to caress the sides of his face and her heart began to beat faster. Her eyes searched his, and unable to say what she wanted to say, she kissed him instead.

"Nice dodge, missy," he smiled against her lips. "And yeah, a kiss will always distract me but not for long. What were you gonna say?"

"No", she whispered, "It should wait" She pulled herself out of his arms to straddle him, "I have tomorrow off..." running her hands down his neck, to his chest, "Maybe we could spend part of tomorrow together...", and she leaned down to kiss him there.

"I could be convinced." He smiled up at her, his hands slipping up her thighs. "I'll be more than happy to see how late I can make you for the meetings and --" He paused as her terminal began to beep.

Rolling her hips into him at the feel of his hands, she pulled herself up, and moaned, wanting so much to feel him inside her again. "They can leave a message", she breathed, returning to kiss him again, curling her fingers into his hair.

"Or not, don't care," he managed to say between kisses. For once in his life he was going to enjoy himself and -- the terminal began to beep insistently once more. "Oh for fuck's sake!" he growled. "Somebody better be dying, Nat, I swear."

She looked up from down his chest, and with an exasperated sigh pushed herself off him. "Jackson..I'm sorry. It..comes with the job", she said putting on her robe, and then mischievousness grew in her eyes, "Turn on the shower for me?"

He winked back at her. "At least I'll get that." He rolled out of bed with a groan and padded off to the bathroom, leaving her to her call. Moments later, the bathroom door closed and she could hear the hum of the shower.

After having watched him walk away and enjoying the view, Nat started to sit in front of her console, then realized the move might display more than she wanted. Quickly, she adjusted her robe, covering everything just so, and sat and turned the console on.

A familiar, and vastly unwelcome face appeared on the screen - Dr. William Harding. A sly smile appeared on his angular features as he looked back at her.

"Well, well, Natalia, You are looking well. Am I interrupting something?"

Oh my gosh! Her heartbeat increasing again, Natalia eye's widen for half a second before she was able to school her features. She leaned back, needing to catch her breath. The sound of the shower in the background, the fear of Jackson for whatever reason walking out and making himself known, she barely resisted the urge to glance over in the direction of the bathroom. She grabbed the top of her robe together. "Dr. Harding...when...when did you arrive?"

A satisfied smile spread across his angular features, though it didn't reach his eyes. "A mere hour ago, just enough time to settle in and get the lay of the land, so to speak. This station has a most interesting crew complement, I must say. I've no doubt that you are finding it a thrill." He laughed a moment as if he'd just told the universe's best joke.

Telling herself not to panic, Nat inhaled deeply before forcing a polite smile, doing her best to look more confident than she was. "Actually, I have come to realize this is not where I want to be. I recently filled out a request to transfer." She leaned forward impatiently, "If you will excuse me, Doctor, I was just about to shower. We'll have to touch base another time..."

"We will. Your office, one hour, Lieutenant." His use of her rank was an obvious dig, an unmistakable pulling of rank. "You can make the coffee." And just like that, he was gone, her screen blank.

"Well, that certainly livens things up a bit, doesn't it?" Jackson stepped through from the bedroom, wearing only a towel.

Slowly Nat pushed herself up to stand, swallowing as she nodded; she was stunned, not sure what to do. She turned and stared at him, a desperate look on her face, and then looked away again, rubbing her forehead. "I..I have to get ready", she said, as she started to walk past him.

Jackson moved into the doorway, blocking her path. He took her face in his hands gently as he spoke. "He won't be stupid enough to try anything here, Nat. Not yet. I suspect this is a little fishin' expedition. Like as not, he knows I am here, not that hard to figure out. You tell him if he has an issue, to come talk to me and leave you out of it."

"He won't do that", she replied, "but that's not what I'm worried about..." Scared would of been a better word on how she was feeling. "This isn't the first time he has checked up on me", Jackson. And he's careful, always 'just' short of harassment. I'll deal with him", her eyes began to tear up, "just like I always have."

"Easy, baby," he murmured. Leaning in he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Better get dressed and get along, show him what's what. He starts to show his ass, you call me, or let the big guy know." He let go and stepped aside so she could get into the bedroom.

Nat walked away from Jackson slowly, dreading her next words. She didn't know what else to do. He underestimated Harding, didn't know him the way that she did. She stopped just inside the bathroom doorway, keeping her back to him, "I think it's best if we stay away from each other." She shut the door, and began undoing her robe before the sonic shower, pushing back the tears that threatened to come.

Jackson stood, looking after her, a soft string of curses falling from his lips. "We'll just see about that, Harding."

Lt. Natalia Bren, M.D.
Chief Surgeon

Jackson Banning
Owner & Watchdog
The Nexus Club


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