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Every Friday Night...

Posted on Fri Feb 10th, 2012 @ 8:27pm by Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Wormhole

“Must be a slow night for you to come ‘round and flirt with the likes of me,” Darwin looked the green-skinned female up and down. Her looks reminded him of another female, another time; irritated by the sudden rush of emotion that memory brought with it, he shifted his gaze to his thigh and plucked at the heavy denim fabric.

Seyla’s gaze swept over his face and followed his hand down to his thigh. The shimmering wave of her long black hair swept down, just brushing the back of his hand. “Don’t underestimate yourself, Darwin. The likes of you are mouthwatering.”

“So I am,” he smiled, a rich chuckle escaping his throat. At the moment, he was quite glad she wasn’t Betazoid or Enaran; the thoughts he was having were both sexual and not necessarily flattering to Seyla. Instead, his mind’s eye was comparing her to the woman who’d signed his transfer orders, the orders that had landed him in the Delta Quadrant. Long black hair, green eyes; she’d been beautiful and he’d been in love. “But there are others here with far larger expense accounts,” he said.

“Shh,” she waved that objection aside. “You’ve been talking to Jackson I see. He’s convinced I only want him for his wallet. When I asked him if there is where he kept his money, then he and I should have a talk.”

He laughed. “If it isn’t his wallet...,” he paused as what she’d said finally hit him. His cheeks colored slightly. “Ah... um....” Suddenly, he was wishing one of two things: one, he was wearing a uniform; two, that he’d left with Eli and Chance. Either one of those would have given him an out here.

Seyla looked into his eyes, surprised. “What? blush? Darwin, say it isn’t so.” Her voice dropped to a purr. “I didn’t think you Security types could be embarrassed by anything.”

“Perhaps you’re used to Oz, then,” Darwin replied and shifted his gaze away from her again. “C’mon, surely there’s something that embarrasses you or that would get you to Orions blush?”

“Certainly we have the ability to, though I don’t recall ever doing so. I was never of the opinion that there was really anything off-limits, so I had no need to blush no matter what subject was at hand. And speaking of hands...” She leaned in closer, lifting his. With her came the first faint whisper of pheromones as she raised his hand. Turning it over, she studied his palm, then fingers. “Yours are incredible, did anyone ever tell you that?”

He swallowed hard; Amber had told him just that, several times. Why was he thinking of Amber now, when this incredible creature was holding his hand? His smile took on a slightly besotted mien. “Yeah, but I like it when you tell me that. Which you will, if you ever get to know what they can do.”

“And what will it take to convince you to show me?” Besides another blast of her natural pheromones, which swirled around him now as she leaned ever closer.

In his head, it wasn’t his hands he was showing her. Fighting back the sudden rush of desire, Darwin laughed. “It’d take a lot, dear Seyla. For one, I think I’d need a few vaccinations before joining you in your sandbox.”

“All rumour, I promise you.” She raised his hand to her lips, brushing his fingertips. Now, several men at the tables around them began to take note as her scent worked its magic.

“Yeah, sure,” his smirk said he didn’t believe her. His eyes first followed her lips and his brain thought of all the other places those lips could go; then he noticed the looks she was garnering from other tables. He frowned and his mental intelligence started to sink back down to caveman level. He put an arm around her waist and drew Seyla closer. “That’s not the only rumour I’ve heard. Makes a man wonder which ones are true.”

“Does it now...”she giggled as he drew her to him. “There is only one sure way to find out, Darwin.” The last words were whispered so close, her lips brushed his ear. “And perhaps the sooner the better...”

“Yours is a limited time offer?” He drew back slightly to look at her. The result, though, was that he ended up kissing her - and raising the ire of those males just around them.

“Delicious....” she murmured. The noise level around them grew appreciably now, composed of noticeable arguing and growling. Heavy steps approached them as well, and a large shadow fell over the table.

“Rio, mon, git your ass back over here.” Jono shouted from the main bar.

The hulk that was Rio grumbled and waved Jono off like an annoying fly. Seyla knew the steps too well.

“Rio, run along now, I’m busy as you can see.”

“Yeah, Rio, be a good boy and go play somewhere else,” Darwin muttered, just loud enough for Rio to hear him, and flapped a hand at him.

Seyla leaned in for another kiss, which she indulged in without restraint, despite the audience. She intended to have her fun tonight no matter what even if they had to beat everyone of them to make a path out of here.

Had Darwin known her thoughts, he’d have wondered what her definition of ‘fun’ was - was it just kissing him and stirring up the males? Or was it something else, something preferably done in private? Either way, Darwin’s head was swimming in Seyla’s river of pheromones; he was just about putty in her hands. Well... most of him was putty.

Rio reached out to yank Seyla away and she stopped him with a look. “Touch me and you’ll never have to worry again about who you’re taking to bed, you won’t have need of anyone.”

She stood, putting Darwin behind her as she faced the brute that was Rio. He stared down at her, then past her to Darwin. “What’s he got, Seyla?”

“His senses and a lot more brain cells for one.”

There was something Dar was supposed to be remembering here, but he couldn’t quite get the blood to the necessary cells to recall what it was. He knew it had to do with a dark-haired human female telling him something... Suddenly he grinned at Rio and needled him, “Looks like I’ve got a partner for the night, too.”

The two comments didn’t set well with him at all and he reached out, to clamp his hand on Seyla’s shoulder. She ducked out from under it and as a waitress passed by Seyla snatched her tray full of drinks and dumped them off. Then, in one smooth motion, her arm arced up, using the tray like a discus. It made solid contact with Rio’s nose and blood of a deep blue began to gush forth as he howled in pain. That seemed to be the sign everyone else was looking for and the bar erupted in a dozen fights.

Up at the bar Jono howled over the din. “Every fucking Friday night.... why me?”

Seyla turned, grabbed Darwin’s hand and began to drag him to the back. “We’re going out the service entrance.”

“Sounds like an invite I shouldn’t decline,” Darwin went with her, glad to escape getting pummeled by Rio.

“And one you won’t regret either, I promise you.” Her smile was wicked as they hurried through the door and to a deserted corridor.

Michael Darwin
Horny Moron

Devil In A Blue Dress


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