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An Uneasy Effort

Posted on Tue Mar 20th, 2012 @ 8:44pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

Kit'rin'e was left with much to think about following the meeting with Commander Swift. His Mate had done much for him, accepted his ways, done everything she could to try and adapt to the new requirements imposed upon her by his traditions. He had done some research on Bajoran customs, attire and food. He'd researched several variants of clothing for himself, with obvious changes to suit his physical requirements. It took him a little while to find something that went well with his fur yet still maintained the Barjoran feel to garment.

He spent a little while looking at the latest fashions for females. Some looked strange and bizarre to him though he found one that would work rather well. An off the shoulder style dress, thus exposing the shoulder scars, form fitting, supportive yet comfortable to wear. He replicated the garment and placed it on the bed for her, with matching footwear both heeled and flats to give her the option. That done he wanted to prepare what's considered the most romantic dinner on Cait. It would take time to prepare, time he had with his Mate away visiting Jackson for which he presumed was work related.

The meal itself was a variety of fish and two varieties of meat and accompanied with Caitian grains, which was a form of rice though had its own flavour. The fish and meats would be separated by a bed edible leaves from the Sho'lit Tree and arrayed with sauces of various flavours, textures and colours. The key element to this, even though it meant cleaning often was that the meal was prepared by hand, mostly his claws. Which meant repeated cleaning to make sure flavours didn't blend but also meant some strain on them if it took too long. While the meal cooked he placed some candles about the room and some on the table. For added flair he replicated flowers from both Bajor and Cait and placed them about the room as well for the scent to mingle, lacing the air with a pleasant fragrance. He'd made sure to place a small Caitian tapestry between the table and the door so that she would not ruin the surprise when she walked through the door.

Sometime later, the doors slid open and Sulan entered. "Kit'rin'e, I'm ho--" She stopped seeing the hanging tapestry that hid the rest of the room. Then she sniffed and smiled. "Something smells incredibly delicious. Where are you?" Temptation to peek around the tapestry was strong but she resisted. Her mate was up to something and so she didn't want to spoil the surprise.

He heard the doors open and quickly pulled the towel from his shoulder and placed it on the unit top. He walked around the side of the hanging tapestry and saw her. "My Mate." He said, a slight bow. "A surprise." His Bajoran attire was plain to see now. He pulled from his pocket a ribbon and blindfolded her. "I have something more to show you." He guided her from the door to the bedroom where her own attire was waiting on the end of the bed with her shoes. The doors opened to the bedroom and guided her to the bed then stepped back. "Let me know before you exit." He still had a few things to do, serve the meal, make sure everything was just right.

"You look wonderful...oh!" She paused as he tied on the blindfold. "Keep that up and we may miss dinner." A soft laugh escaped her as he led her through to the bedroom. "But yes, I promise. I can't wait to see what you have been up to while I was out."

Her comment about missing dinner was lost on him, his knowledge of intimacy had only started to flourish recently with his mating with her. Now was the time where he served the meal, lit the final candles on the table. He hoped it was not too much, but he wanted to show that he'd made the effort for her, he wanted to show that she meant a great deal to him for a magnitude of reasons. It was also something he hoped would raise her spirits in light of everything that she had to learn about Caitians.

When the doors closed, Sulan removed the blindfold, then caught sight of the clothes on the bed. Her smile lingered, even as her eyes misted over at the efforts he'd gone to. She suspected dinner would be stellar as well. Once she crossed the room, the shed her clothes and began to dress. It had been sometime since she'd actually worn something traditional from her home. Once changed, she slipped on the flat shoes, glad of the relief to her feet when she was not at work at the Nexus. A quick check of her hair and she called out through the closed door to let him know she was ready.

He heard her calling, his sensitive ears picking her voice up through the door amongst the crescendo of soft music, sizzling food, the just poured champagne and his own racing heartbeat. He stood beside the table, next to the chair for her and instructed the computer, in a soft voice to open the bedroom door. "My Mate." His bow slightly deeper then usual given the occasion his hands out to the sides slightly.

When the doors gave access to the main rooms, Sulan made it three steps before she stopped, all but overwhelmed at the dinner, the music...all of it. She wasn't sure where to look first, finally settling on Kit'rin'e himself.

"I thought that when we first met, you had swept me off my feet. But this...this had done it all over again."

"I am glad it pleases you." Kit'rin'e said as he stood upright again. "Please." He pulled the chair out for her to sit in. "I hope I have done things correctly." Her attire, his own, the setting, everything.

As she settled into her seat, she turned to look at him over her shoulder, her eyes shining. "It's perfect. Just like you."

"Thank you." Kit'rin'e would have been seen to blush had he not been covered from ear tip to tail tip in snow white fur. He pushed her chair in slightly before lifting the lids off the dishes to reveal that which he had prepared. He made sure his Mate were set before he sat down himself. The usual tail wrapping about his waist before he himself sat. "I hope you enjoy it, it's been a while since I prepared it."

She reached over to touch his face as he sat down. "I have no doubts, Kit'rin'e. None."

The meal went by better than he expected it to, the food was not burnt, the presentation was just how he wanted it to be and in general it was a big success. With the food gone and now letting it settle he said. "I wanted to do something for you, for everything you have done for me."

Sulan rose and rounded the table, taking his hands. With a tug, she urged him to his feet with a smile. "And I intend to return the favor. Come, my mate. I'll show you another use for that blindfold....."

Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Tora Sulan
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