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Getting Down To Work

Posted on Sat Mar 24th, 2012 @ 3:27pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Ensign Kai Sarkozi

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Archadia III

* * * Guest Quarters - Archadia III * * *

Lucius relaxed as Gilroy finished his sweep of the entire guest quarters. As he has suspected, several transmitters had been discovered hidden and thanks to Gilroy's ingenuity, their signals had been jammed so that all they broadcast back to whoever was listening was silence. They had kept the talk casual, watching him as he worked. Especially Kai, Lucius noted.

"Now that we have some privacy ladies, let's get down to business." He looked at the two women seated with him at the table -- Lt. Kh'ali, and Kai, his aide. "First up, I've given Lt. Commander Zeferino the night off since Gilroy is taking the night watch. I tend to agree that I don't think we are in danger here, at least not from the Archadians. On the contrary, they have every reason to keep us in one piece and in good health. With relations shaky, and with Starfleet taking steps to salvage the situation, it's in their best interests to protect us."

Kh'ali nodded. "I agree. Any move made by any protesters would be a a serious problem for them. This may be the Delta Quadrant, and still a frontier, but they do have us, specifically the Melbourne, to thank for saving their hides."

"And Madame Prime Minister knows it, and it annoys her," Kai spoke up. "I don't think she has anything against you personally sir, it's just the situation. She feels as if she should have been able to handle it herself."

Lucius regarded Kai for a moment, then smiled. "Very astute. And you're right. Are you sure there's no Betazoid in your family?"

A faint blush crept into Kai's cheeks at the compliment. "No sir, no Betazoid. The women in my family, however, have a long history of being 'sensers' for lack of a better term. Your own abilities seem to increase mine."

Kh'ali smiled at the young woman's admission. "Congratulations, sir, you're a battery."

A hearty laugh escaped Lucius. "At least I am good for something. Now then, on to Lt. Valkris. Commander Zeferino and Lieutenant Gilroy are aware of her status. I've set her loose, as it were, to roam the city. I am curious what she will find."

"Given the matriarchal society here, I agree, sir. She may be able to discover something that you are not." Kh'ali spoke again.

"But won't she attract a lot of attention?" Kai looked a trifle puzzled. "It will be impossible for her to blend in."

Lucius nodded. "That's exactly what I am hoping, to be honest. I am curious what she might stir up, and I think it's safe to assume that she can take care of herself if any trouble comes her way."

"No doubt." Kai rose and gathered up the mugs to refill them. The native Archadian brew was bold and strong, and she and Kh'ali heartily approved of it.

"Kh'ali?" Lucius turned to her, his tone indicating they were dropping the formalities. "You're up."

She glanced over her padd and once Kai returned with the coffee, she began. "I've looked over all the logs from the Melbourne. They were quite complete in outlining the issues discovered, and you've read them as well. It's clear thbat Section 31 was determined to wreak havoc here, throwing the blame back on the Fleet in a misguided attempt to sever ties. We, however, are blessed with an abundance of common sense that they seem to lack. They didn't count on us or the Archadians reacting with logic instead of gut."

"Good thing," Lucius commented.

"Exceedingly good. As such, this situation is not beyond repair. On the contrary, I think that we can accomplish what we wanted in short order." She passed the two padds before her to Lucius and Kai. "I've outlined an initial agreement here. I know the hour is late but time is of the essence. I'd like you both to get familiar with these provisions tonight. I am seeing their CDO tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, this will mean a breakfast meeting among the three of us. You and I will go over it, make any amendments as necessary, and Kai can make the changes as we go. Sorry Kai."

"No worries." Kai smiled brightly. "I'm used to keeping up with the Admiral's mouth." Instantly she turned a deep red. "That came out wrong."

"As you said, no worries, Kai. I know what you meant." Lucius smiled back at her.

"Betazoids," she muttered.

"Anyway, that sounds good, Kh'ali. We'll have you ready to go by the time your meeting rolls around." Lucius sipped his coffee and nodded. "I think, in that case, we should adjourn. Kh'ali, since you are intimately familiar with this proposal, feel free to return to the station tonight. I understand there is a Chief Science Officer waiting to see you."

"Thank you, sir." Kh'ali rose and gathered up her own padd. " Don't hesitate to call me anytime tonight if you need me." She turned and departed, leaving Lucius and Kai alone.

Lucius let out a sigh, then stood, turning to Kai. "Good work today, Kai. I am impressed with both your perception and your keen insight."

His scrutiny flustered her. "Thank you, Lucius." She spoke softly, turning her mug on the table as she spoke informally. "I wanted to apologize for the mouth comment. I didn't mean it the way it sounded."

"I know, don't worry." He rested a hand on the table and smiled. "Now then, leave your things here, we are going to dinner. We can't work on an empty stomach after all."

"True enough." Kai rose and as they were now off-duty, removed the two combs that held up her hair, letting it fall down around her shoulders. "Should we invite Gilroy?"

A slow smile spread over Lucius' face. He hadn't missed the spike in her embarrassment level when the question popped out.

"Why not, a man can't stand guard duty on an empty stomach either."

"That's very true." She appreciated the fact that he kept it casual, knowing full well he'd read her like an open book.

"Ladies first." Lucius stood opened the doors and stood aside to let Kai go ahead of him.


RADM Lucius Hawke
Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Ensign Kai Sarkozi


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