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New Duties

Posted on Fri Apr 6th, 2012 @ 4:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

Kit'rin'e rose from a difficult sleep, his mond wondered all night to the pressures that his Mate was being subjected to because of him. Part of him felt sad, it was upsetting her, making her feel that she couldn't meet the requirements or depands of being a partner to a Caitian. In the other hand though he felt pride and happiness that she was trying dispite the mountain that lay before her. He opened his eyes, unmoving as he looked at the painting hanging from the wall. It was of home, a place he'd very much like to take his Mate, a place he found much peace, peace that was a pricey luxury for him presently.

He turned his head to look over his shoulder, his Mate was asleep, facing away from him on her side. A tang of hurt washed over him, he was looking too much into the situation but it was already too late at this point. He slowly slipped from the bed, as slowly as a 500lb+ feline could without making the bed springs sound or the frame creek and without pulling on the bed sheets. He slipped on a robe and walked out of the Bedroom to the main section. His computer was chirping softly that a new message was waiting for him. He opened it after gathering himself a morning drink. It was something that had similar wake up effects as a coffee, though it was thicker like a mild syrup with a strong smell and taste. The message told him of his new reassignment, he was being assigned to the Academy on board the station as an instructor. At first, without reading on he wondered why he would be selected to teach Flight Ops, as he resumed reading though it was revealed he would be teaching about the many species and interaction, much like he was taught at the Academy himself many many years ago.

To teach others was indeed an honour, to bestow knowledge and understanding to eager willing minds to help them progress was something many was happy to do. The Admiral was copied into the message and approval already given, he hoped that this change didn't cause problems and he was more then happy to cover the position until someone else could be found as best he could. He stood in the doorway looking at his Mate sleep, the late nights she worked, the strange hours she came home often left her drained and no sooner her head hit the pillow she was asleep. As a result of this he tried hard to not wake her when he woke himself to permit her to sleep longer uninterrupted. He silently grabbed a fresh uniform from storage and returned to the main area to change. A quick brush through his fur and a check of claws and fangs and he was ready to go. He replicated a Bajorian flower, leaving a note as well on her night stand telling her that he'd reported to the Academy for his new assignment.


Kit'rin'e walked through the doors which behind lay the teaching grounds and many facilities for teaching. Reception was easy to find. "I am Lt.Commander Kit'rin'e, I have been reassigned to the Academy."

"One moment Commander, I'll just check our system for you." A Human male assistant replied. "Ah yes, you have been assigned to Xenology, down the hall, second on the left, fourth door on your right. The computer will guide you."

"Thank you." Kit'rin'e saw the wall mounted light strip direct his way. When he reached the door in question on it held his name, rank and subject on the customary plate. There was a vacant desk outside, someone was there recently due to the monitor being active, the chair at an angle and the pair of female shoes under the desk. The doors opened and inside was his own office, a variety of shelves holding a maze of books on a variety of topics. His doors opened a few moments later and in walked a young Trill female holding a few PADD's in her arms clutched to her chest.

"May I help you?" Kit'rin'e asked, standing upright from a slight bow.

"I'm Maria, your assistant, I handle your messages, appointments, communication and assist with student relations." Maria took a few steps towards the desk, she was not aware that she was staring.

Kit'rin'e however noticed. "Does something bother you Maria?" He asked her, wondering if something was out of place or he'd done something wrong.

"Oh, no." She replied shocked at having been caught at something she was unaware of doing. "It's just, I've never seen a Caitian before, up close I mean."

Kit'rin'e smiled, he still had it. That intimidation, sheer size, feline predator image to him. He'd miss that when shedding season came and when he got older and it started to turn grey. "It's all right, you are not the first or last."

Maria blushed. "I have for you a map of the facility, classrooms and other areas for instructors. I also have a guide to help you settle into your position here, a contacts list of those you can be working with as well as a list of students taking your classes."

"Thank you." He replied looking at the information as she handed it to him.

"You don't have to wear your uniform here, you can be in casual clothing if you want to." Maria added.

"That would be most welcome." Kit'rin'e spoke, it would make him feel more comfortable and perhaps students may accept him better, see him as more approachable in civilian attire.

"If you need for anything else I'm just outside." Maria smiled and left him to settle in.

Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Settling In


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