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A Man And A Guitar

Posted on Fri Apr 20th, 2012 @ 8:14pm by & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club
Timeline: Current

* * *The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson emerged from his office and joined Vic behind the bar. Out of habit, Vic handed him a glass of lemonade and Jackson sipped it appreciatively. His body may have been at work, but his mind was scattered elsewhere. The evening with Natalia had been most enjoyable, but their wakeup call had not been. An old pain in the ass had returned and just happened to discover his two lost sheep, along with Natalia, right here on good old SB900. He made a mental note to bitch slap Fate if and when he ever found her. He didn't appreciate her sense of humour.

It was early and so the place wasn't too busy yet, just the late afternoon crowd. He needed to talk to Sulan, warn her, but before he could move to return to his office, a familiar figure walked in, someone Jackson hadn't expected to see.

Dressed in civies, a backpack slung over one shoulder with a guitar case in hand, Connor stood in the doorway looking around, stopping as he spotted Jackson. It had been a few weeks since he had been here last, and it was because of what happened between him and Jackson back then that he was here now. Swallowing hard, he headed straight over to him.

"Evenin' Connor." Jackson smiled as the doctor approached. "You look like you're goin' on vacation, and if you are, I'm envious as hell. Good to see you again, what can I do for you?"

Connor quickly surveyed him, and then nodded, "Is there somewhere we can talk?"

"Sure, like over at a table talk or back in my office talk?" He set his glass of lemonade aside. "I'm easy."

Running a hand over his mouth, Connor glanced around the room contemplated his answer, to see one of Oralia's security minions walk in, he then decided, "Your office."

"Come on back then." Jackson gave Vic a nod, then stepped away from the bar and led the way down the back hall to his office. Once they were in, he closed the door and perched on the corner of his desk. "Have a seat, what's on your mind?" Given Connor's casual dress, and the backpack, concern suddenly pricked at Jackson.

Releasing a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in, Connor slid his backpack off, placing it beside him and the guitar down in front of him as he sat in a chair. "I want you to have this", he said, meaning the guitar and the look in his eyes revealed it was no simple gesture.

Jackson met Connor's eyes and held them for a long moment before he smiled. "That's right generous of you but you're the guitar player in the crowd." He paused as he studied the doctor before him. "And why does this feel like a lovely parting gift? I'd rather you hung around to come play with me now and again."

Leaning forward in his seat, Connor looked to the floor covering his mouth with one hand, then pulling it away to gesture to the guitar, "Look, I'm here to make amends for what I did be...", and cutting himself off he stared at it, " isn't replicated. It's an authentic Gibson", his eyes moved back to Jackson's, "I want you to have it."

"Then I'll say thank you. I'm touched, Connor, really. I...maybe Eli can teach me how to play it, so when ya get back, I'll be able to at least play passably enough ya won't moan and cover yer ears." He swallowed a sudden lump in his throat. "Where are you going? And can I do anything for you? I know people all over this station."

"I don't know where I'm going," Connor's eyes darted around, and he needed to stand for his words suddenly held a secondary meaning. He turned away, running his hands down over his face, "Somewhere within the civilian sector..." And he thought about what had been foremost on his mind, a promised he made to Oralia..."I don't know how long it's going to take. I'll be doing a lot of walking 'n' I won't stay in one place very long. But I'll contact you, I promise." , and turned back to Jackson, "I need a way to contact Oralia while...I'm gone, so she doesn't worry about me..."

"And you want me to be the messenger so she can't track you down?" Jackson considered the idea. "Tell you what. There's an Orion, a female, named Seyla. She works at the Worm Hole but off duty, she likes to hang out in a bar called Saturnalia, down in the Cherry Pit. You can find her there and give her any messages, tell her to bring them to me."

Connor nodded his thanks, wearily grabbing his backpack. "I owe you for this", and suddenly looking as if he was faraway, asked, "Is there another way out of here where no one will see me leave?"

"Yeah this way," Jackson nodded and stood. Moving to the back of his office, he pressed a panel and a hidden door slid open, giving on to an empty, industrial corridor. He turned back, looking at Connor. "You sure you want to do this?"

Connor stepped into the corridor, and then nodded in response as he shifted his gaze back to Jackson, "I have to", he said, feeling uncertain as he did, and then headed away.


Jackson Banning
Owner & Confidante
The Nexus Club

Connor McKinney
Former CMO & Lost,
trying to find his way.


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