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Blue Lagoon

Posted on Sun May 20th, 2012 @ 6:09pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Brigadier Akima

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Deck 21, Holodeck 5
Timeline: Current

The cool water parted slightly with barely a ripple as a sleek form glided just beneath its surface. Several minutes past before the swimmer breached the surface for a quick taste of air only to resubmerge beneath the wake caused by the need for oxygen.

The swimmer felt the presence of another as he stepped through the door of the holodeck but she continued her routine for a few more laps, knowing that he would wait patiently unless there was an emergency.

The man sat down on a rock protruding slightly over the computer generated lagoon complete with exotic vegetation and waterfall. He marveled at how long the swimmer could hold her breath as she swam effortlessly under the water while faint sounds of non existent bird songs filled the air.

Finally she turned from her regular pattern signaling the end of her work out and with in moments she broke to surface in front of the rock that Admiral Wegener sat.

As she pulled herself up to rest her arms on the face of the rock at his feet he spoke. “I heard Klingons didn't like water.”

She smiled as she flicked some water at him and replied, “And I heard that Starfleet Admirals do not have a sense of humor.”

"Some do, like me, but others are just..." he shuddered at the thought of some of the stick-in-the-mud Admirals he'd met. He got goosebumps as she pulled herself out of the water revealing the extremely skimpy swimsuit she wore. "More like a few strips of cloth," he thought. Trying to think of something to say to keep himself from staring at her extremely fit body, he wound up with nothing. She was fascinating, though. He'd never seen a Klingon without clothing and was amazed at how much they resembled other humanoids with exception of the more muscle tone, their spines and forehead ridges.

Though Akima loved to watch him squirm as he tried in vain to be appear unfazed as he admired her body she decided to show mercy and speak up when he obviously had a mental derailment of thought. "So what brings you here to my little sanctuary? Business or pleasure?"

"Pleasure more than anything," he said. "I was just informed that the Hammond crew made it safely back through the wormhole and it leads to the Beta Quadrant near Federation territory. I guess I kinda' wanted to share that with someone and I...just thought of you."

She eased herself out of the water and on to the rock next to him effortlessly. As she stretched her lean body out in the simulated sun and closed her eyes as she replied,"Being thought of on a happy occasion is always a good thing. Sounds like a good excuse to celebrate. I happen to have a well aged bottle of Saurian Brandy in my quarters that deserves to be shared with someone special."

After stopping himself from blurting out "I'm someone special!" he settled on a soft smile. "That sounds lovely." Now he wondered if she would waltz down the corridors in her barely-there swimsuit or if she would change prior to leaving the holodeck.

Akima stood, took a couple of steps and leaned down to retrieve a plush cream royal blue robe from behind a pile of rocks. She spoke as she pulled it on over her swim suit and tied the belt. "Shall we go?"

He would have liked to have walked with her in the somewhat revealing swimsuit but being the station CO, and her being a visiting dignitary, he figured he should keep his hormones in check. "We shall," he said, offering an elbow.

To be continued...

A joint post by:

BGEN Akima
Klingon Intelligence & Research


VADM Ricky Wegener
CO, Starbase 900


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