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Taking A Peek

Posted on Mon May 28th, 2012 @ 7:07pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Chance/Eli Quarters

Eli entered the quarters he shared with Chance and groaned. Moving across to the desk, he unloaded quite a lot of padds in a heap on his desk.

"Chance? You here? Come out and see this mountain of work and pity me? I have no idea what Professor Drake said before she left but this was passed on to me with some words about 'showing promise'. Not sure what's up, I sorta glazed over what the instructor said."

Dressed in nothing but boxers and looking disheveled, Chance came out of his room yawning. "What? She thinks you show promise? Seriously?" Mock doubt laced his words.

Eli's gaze locked onto Chance as he appeared wearing very little and his brain completely buzzed out. He blinked, the padds forgotten. Too late, he realized Chance had asked a question.

"Shows what?"

Chance grinned, knowing what he'd just done to his friend. "You - that you show promise," he prompted Eli, "Whatever gave Drake that impression?" It was clear he was teasing Eli, trying to get a rise from him.

"Oh, I have no clue at all. Computers, new programs, 'things someone should tinker with', and she made some noises about some improvements to the Academy's databases and...damn. You are making it impossible to remember much of anything." He ran a hand through his hair, leaving some of it sticking up at odd angles.

Moving closer to the boy, Chance reached up and smoothed Eli's hair with his fingers. "Sounds like Drake's assignments are begging to be forgotten."

"That's just it. She's gone. But typical, she had to torment me to the last and --" Eli stopped as Chance's touch once again stole his words. "I wish I didn't have to work tonight. I'd love to see what people who have more than three hours free in a day actually do."

He smiled at the jab intended for him. "Why do you keep working? You know the Federation will take care of your needs."

"It was part of the deal, remember? And Jackson needs me. And since I take one of the sets now, Jan doesn't have to double up." He reached up, resting his hand on Chance's chest. "I have a little time before I have to get ready though."

"Okay. Let me pull on some clothes and we'll go get some grub. You pick where," Chance flirtatiously kissed Eli's cheek before pulling away towards his room. He knew Eli wasn't thinking of food and the thoughts coming from Eli made parts of him move in response.

"Wait." Eli reached out, resting his hands on Chance's back, and leaning in to brush a kiss over his shoulder blades. "There's something I want to do tonight. I have the early set and I can leave when it's done. Will you go with me?"

"Depends: what are we doing?" Chance leaned back into Eli's arms.

Eli wrapped his arms around Chance, settling him in close. "It's about the mess left in our quarters, the ones the waitress mentioned. If they are still on this station, I'm betting they are down in the Cherry Pit somewhere."

For once, Chance had a bright idea, one that Oralia would be happy about: "I'm not so sure that's a good idea, hon. Maybe we should leave that to Gilroy or Darwin or their teams." He patted Eli's forearm affectionately while concern hummed in his head.

"They've got much more important things to do, Chance. I don't intend to corner them, just see if they are there, perhaps take a peek to see what they're up to." He turned Chance around, resting his hands on his friend's shoulders.

Chance mimicked Eli's stance. "Just go and see? Not confront or try to trap?"

"Oh hell no. I'm not exactly the big, beefy type who could wrestle them to the ground, am I? Besides, it will be far more useful to just peek and see what they want. If we can even find them." He rested his forehead to Chance's. "I promise."

"All right, then; we'll go and just peek," Chance grudgingly agreed before lightening up and goosing Eli. "Let's take advantage of each other, then you can go to work and I'll nap." He wasn't above rubbing Eli's nose in their different schedules.

Eli leaned in to kiss him gently. "You have such a way with words, asshole." But he was smiling widely. "I thought you'd never ask." Reaching down, he pulled out the waistband of Chance's shorts, then let go. They gave a satisfying snap against his waist and Eli dashed off towards the bedroom.

He'd been laughing, but the snap of his waistband had him sucking in a breath. "Umph...," he grunted then quickly followed Eli into the bedroom. "Just for that, I'm going to...!" He proceeded to show Eli what he was going to do.

Chance Conradi
Eli Ziyad
Space Cadets


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