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Welcome To The Funny Farm

Posted on Fri Jun 1st, 2012 @ 7:24am by Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde
Edited on on Fri Jun 1st, 2012 @ 7:31am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

“...and that does it for tonight, folks. Let’s have one more round of applause for my lovely partner with the voice that can make us men forget our morals.” Jackson paused up on stage as the cheers and whistles swelled once more. “Thank you all. Now enjoy yourselves, as usual after the late show, this round is on me.”

He turned off the broadcast channel from the stage with the small remote in his pocket. The strains of Tony Bennett picked up and as couples moved out to dance, Jackson left the stage and strolled to the bar.

“Good show tonight J,” Vic commented. He began mixing up a desert-dry gin martini, dropped in a large olive and handed it over.

“Thanks, how’d you know it wasn’t a lemonade night?” Jackson raised the glass and took a sip.

“Eh I keep my eyes open. Enjoy. I’m going to go take a drink to Janice and swear I love her forever. She was in fine form tonight.”

Jackson waved him off and turned his attention back to his martini. It definitely wasn’t a lemonade night. Janice’s words floated back through his thoughts now. need to break up with those need a vacation....all he needed to do was wait for the shapely Natalia to lead him to you...

Why in the hell couldn’t his life ever be simple? Easy? Or at least uncomplicated? He’d settle for that. Then he realized if it was, he might just die of shock. Reaching for his glass, he grumbled aloud.

Walking up to the bar, the train of her black beaded evening gown trailing behind her, Cassidy Wilde slid in between two barstools and leaned her slim arms on top of the polished surface. Humming along with the strains of ‘The Way You Look Tonight’, she held her hand up slightly and smiled at the barman to get his attention. Her long blonde hair fell down her back in loose waves, unfettered by a complicated style.

When he came over, her smile grew wider at the standard ‘What can I get for you?’

“Mint Julep, please?” she asked politely, her voice colored by a southern accent by way of Savannah, Georgia. She was a long way from home and wanted a little taste of it in her drink. “Could ya make it with bourbon, please? Not vodka. I’m not in the mood for a Kremlin Colonel.”

“Coming right up.” The bartender who’d taken over when Vic stepped away reached for a glass.

“Use some of mine, Jake.” Jackson spoke, then turned to look at Cassidy. “And whoever defiled the noble mint julep with vodka should be shot. At dawn. While his mother-in-law yelled at him. Yer a long way from home, Savannah.”

“Pistols at dawn, huh? Single shot black powder? What an image.” She smiled and turned to face him. “Yer one to talk about bein’ far from home...” Cassidy tilted her head slightly. “Charleston.”

“Guilty as charged.” He paused as the bartender delivered her drink. “Try that, the bourbon’s my own label. I have cousins in Savannah, actually. Tybee Island. Welcome to The Nexus Club.”

“Mmmhmm,” was the only thing she said in response to his guilty comment. She wasn’t going to touch that one with a ten foot pole. That would be all she’d need, her runaway mouth making all sorts of trouble for her. So far, she was zero for zero, but that wouldn’t last. It never did. Nodding her thanks at both the bartender and the man making claims of being guilty and having his own label of bourbon, she raised the glass and took a sip. Cassidy couldn’t quite hide her pleasure or her approval at the fine taste of her drink as she looked at him over the rim of the glass.

“Ooohweee, that’s fine,” she murmured appreciatively.

“Glad you like it.” Jackson offered his hand. “Jackson Banning. Janice and I own this place, which means I get all the jobs the rest don’t wanna do.”

She shook his hand, belatedly hearing her mother’s voice in her head chattering away about how a lady’s grip should be gentle, not overly firm. Yer not holdin’ onto the reins of a runaway horse, sweetheart. Men don’t like ladies crushin’ their hands. She almost rolled her eyes remembering being stuck in the study with her well meaning mother for hours for etiquette lessons...most of which she chucked right out the window as outdated and antiquated. She loved her mother dearly, so she put up with everything. Good manners were good enough without coming across like some wilting flower with a limp grip.

“Cassidy Wilde. Pleasure ta make yore acquaintance, Mr. Banning,” she replied, managing to pull off a firm, yet gentle grip. Nothing that would make him feel like a brute or that he’d be able to crush her hand in his, though clearly if he wanted to, he could do exactly that. “Ms. Janice and you have a mighty fine establishment here. Tell me, what are the jobs the others don’t wanna do that yer stuck with? Ya don’t look like any busboy or janitor I’ve evah seen,” she teased. Mischief sparkled in her blue-green eyes as she held his gaze.

‘If I told you all that it might take days. Hit me again Jake.” He watched as Jake made another frosty martini and placed it before him. “You weren’t kiddin’ when ya it was a long way from home. This is about as far as it gets. I’d be willin’ to bet that what got me here was a much more twisted path.”

She narrowed her eyes, giving him a measuring look. “Ya know, I think I’ll believe ya on that one. Especially seein’ how I didn’t have a good reason for comin’ out here.” Lifting her drink, she took a long sip. No good reason. That was so laughable because it was true.

“Reasons don’t always have to be good, Cassidy. Sometimes it can be simple curiosity, or boredom, or maybe the need to escape somethin’. Or find somethin’.” Jackson shrugged and reached for his glass. “Though sometimes, what you chase gets farther away, so you better hope ya like where ya are just in case.”

“Oh, don’t say curiosity. My mother thinks that’s a bad word where I’m concerned. I was read the riot act by everyone in my family until my ears bled after I told them where I was goin’.” Stabbing at the crushed ice in the mint julep she shook her head, her expression a bit rueful. Her thoughts skittered away from the chaos her decision to leave home had caused and settled on something that had been niggling at the back of her mind. Banning...his own label. She laughed.

“So Charleston...yer that Banning of Banning Reserve.” It wasn’t a question. “Small world doesn’t apply here and small galaxy just plain doesn’t work. Back home, our families live just over one hundred miles from each other and have never crossed paths, yet I find the farthest place I can go from home and I bump into ya.” It was enough to make her laugh again.

“It seems everyone ends up here eventually.” An image of Harding flashed through his thoughts and he frowned for an instant. “Must be my magnetic personality.” He was glad Janice wasn’t close by just now, that remark would’ve earned him a swat to whatever body part she could reach.

Seeing his frown, Cassidy thought maybe her recognizing his family name and business just turned into a faux pas of some sort. Living and traveling in certain social circles back home was like trying to navigate shark infested waters. Sharks looking to sink their teeth into well known names with old money. She wasn’t reading him, but the emotions that came off of him before she could shut down were not pleasant.

“Must be,” she murmured quietly and picked up her drink. “Thank ya for the drink, Mr. Banning. I’ve taken up enough of yore time. Have a pleasant evenin’.”

“Sorry Savannah.” He’d noted her sudden change in demeanor. “It wasn’t you, just an unpleasant issue I need to deal with that popped into my head. Stay, have another. Come to think of it, my cousin in Savannah, Lacey Ann, has mentioned the Wildes from time to time.”

Glancing down, she realized she had in fact almost finished the one she had in her hand. “Only if yer sure. I’d hate ta intrude or impose on ya if ya have more important thangs ta see to instead of standin’ around shootin’ the breeze with me.” She grinned. “In case you didn’t realize it, that’s a perfect out I’m givin’ ya.” Cassidy smirked at him. It must be that he was the owner and was just being social with the customers. It was good for business. Keep ‘em talking, keep ‘em drinking.

That got a smile from Jackson. “Honey, trust me when I say that if anyone is good at picking up the easy out, or givin’ one, it’s me.” He motioned to Vic, who had returned from fawning over Janice. “Another round Vic. And you never said what dragged you all the way out here.”

Taking one last sip from her drink to not waste a single drop, she sucked in the last bit of crushed ice and chewed on it, then put the empty glass on the bar. Running her fingers through her hair, she pushed it back over her shoulder. An elegant simple diamond stud earring - if you could call a D color one half carat round solitaire simple - flashed in her earlobe momentarily before disappearing under the thick mass of blonde waves.

It was his choice to stay, so be it. Lifting one shoulder in a delicate shrug, she looked at him, then let her gaze drift past to take in the rest of the club. “I wanted ta go somewhere I’d never been before. Somewhere completely new.” Damn, that sounded so silly, even to her own ears. “Have ya ever taken a road, just because it’s there?”

Her question stopped him as he opened his mouth to answer. She had no idea how deep her question reached for him. He’d spent much of his life doing that and it had led to some very unexpected results, one or two of them life-changing. Some had not turned out as he’d hoped either. The long drawn out answer that rose in his brain was put down and he merely nodded.

“Yeah. Often.”

She was beginning to wonder if he was going answer when he finally did. Whatever had him unsettled was buried deep and Cassidy wasn’t about to go digging. The bartender returning with a new mint julep saved her from opening her mouth and blurting out something about short answers taking a long time to figure out. Whatever had him preoccupied was none of her business. Time to change the subject.

“So ya said yore cousin...Lacey Ann...mentioned my family? Good or bad?” she asked, looking up at Jackson. Please Lord, don’t let it be because one of her no account older brothers had broken Lacey Ann’s heart.

“Just came up in conversation here and there when she was passin’ along local news. None of it meant much since I didn’t really know the people involved. She never mentioned you though.” Jackson lifted the tiny sword from his martini and pulled the olive from it, popping it into his mouth.

Cass didn’t mean to, but she got distracted watching the olive disappear into his well shaped mouth. What the hell? Well shaped? When did you go and notice his mouth, missy? she mentally berated herself. Picking up her glass, she took another long slow drink from it, hoping the cold liquid would cool the heat in her cheeks.

At least there hadn’t been any gossip about her making the rounds when his cousin had talked to him. Compared to the other women in Savannah, she was downright boring, shunning the social circles as much as possible.

“Well at least she didn’t hear anything bad. It’s my brothers that are more likely ta get talked about, not me.” The smile she gave him didn’t fit the ‘I’m an angel and never do anything wrong’ innocent look on her face.

“I’ll bet.” He smiled a moment, then downed the rest of his drink. “So what’s gonna fill yer time here on the station?”

Turning to lean back against the bar, she regarded him for a moment. “That’s a good question. I don’t know yet. I looked at some employment listings earlier this afternoon. Tomorrow, I start ‘pounding the pavement’ so to speak,” she watched the couples moving out on the dance floor. Money wasn’t a problem for her, but boredom would be. Cassidy was used to being active and outdoors. In hindsight, tossing her belongings in boxes and moving light years away from home impulsively to a space station wasn’t exactly the best idea she’d ever had, but she’d make it work and would enjoy the challenge...hopefully.

“Have you lived here long? Anywhere I should aim for or avoid?” she asked, looking back at him after smiling when an older gentleman dipped his partner at the end of the song. It was so sweet to see couples that still enjoyed being together.

“To avoid as far as a job goes? The Wormhole. Jono’s place. Granted I do go there to unwind now and again, but you wouldn’t wanna work there. It’s a little too rough for you. My last trip through there landed me in Sickbay with a broken nose. What sorta work you looking for?”

Her brows pulled together as she frowned and leaned closer, getting a better look at his nose. She’d managed to break her brother Remy’s nose once and it still sported a small bump because of it. He had insisted it added character to his rakish good looks, but he still looked the same to a giant pain in the ass.

Jackson’s nose, however, didn’t show any evidence of having been broken. “Someone did a good job patchin’ ya up, I can’t even tell.” Moving back out of his personal space, she shrugged. “Too rough for me, huh? While I don’t want my nose or face rearranged or anythin’, yer comment makes me I look like a cream puff or somethin’?”

“Frankly, yeah. Vic’s been complainin’ we could use another pair of for the evenin’ shift. We’re runnin’ the servers we have now ragged, and we’re always waitlisted for dinner reservations.”

“That’s true,” Vic spoke up from behind the bar. “And you won’t get your nose smashed here either.”

Greeeaaat...he thought she was a cream puff. She didn’t know why, but that bothered her. Probably because it bothered her when anyone thought that about her.

“So just my legs and hands? I’m kinda attached to them. Might be painful ta yank ‘em off...messy, too,” she teased. Giving both of them a stubborn look, she added, “As for my nose, I can take care of it and the rest of me myself.”

“Luckily, we’re a little more civilized here.” Jackson looked her up and down and nodded. “You’d fit in well I think, if yer interested that is.”

A waitress walked past and Cassidy noticed, not for the first time, she and the rest of the staff were all attired in formal dresses or tuxedos for the men. No sleazy or skimpy outfits here. The Nexus Club reeked of sophistication. It wouldn’t be the kind of place where the waitresses would get their asses pinched.

Smiling finally, she nodded. “I’m interested. When would ya need me ta start and where do I go ta find dresses like those here on the station? I don’t know my way ‘round yet.”

“The promenade is your best bet, or replicate them. How about you come in tomorrow night, 1700 hours. Vic can get you goin’, introduce you to the staff. He normally takes care of the wait staff hiring anyhow.” Jackson glanced over to Vic who nodded. “Good. As for where to go on this station, it would be easier to tell ya where not to go. That’s a much shorter list, but important to know.”

Arching a delicate brow, she glanced back at forth at both of them before settling her gaze on Jackson. “Where not ta go? That sounds mildly ominous.” Pushing away from the bar, she stood straight and tall, thanks to her three inch heels. “Well, don’t keep me in tell.”

“This station has six hundred and sixty-one decks, Miss Wilde,” Vic informed her. “Aside from the mechanical areas, the labs and such, it’s pretty fair game aside from the Cherry Pit. Oh, and Intel, but the lifts won’t take you there anyhow.”

Giving him a skeptical look, she took a deep breath. Six hundred sixty-one decks? That was insanely huge. It still boggled her mind at the size of the Immense class station.

“Okay, so avoid the Cherry Pit, got it.” She made a mental note to look it up on the terminal in her quarters later to see what she could find out about the place. “Can I ask ya a question? If we’re gonna work together, are ya gonna keep callin’ me Miss Wilde or do ya think ya might break down and call me Cassidy?”

“As you wish.” Vic smiled at her. “And welcome, it’ll be nice to have you on staff.”

“It will at that. And speaking of places you might go but not wanna work in, I think I’m gonna hit The Wormhole, say hello to Jono, see what’s brewin’. You wanna see the place Cassidy, you’re welcome to come along.”

“Well, thank ya very much, both of ya. I look forward ta workin’ with y’all.” Her smile broke through finally, bright and sunny. Whatever clouds it had been hiding behind seemed to scatter enough for her to get her balance back a little finally.

“I’d love ta tag along, thanks for askin’.”

“Well, Vic, sounds like that’s a wrap. You need me, I’ll be at Jono’s, and who the hell knows after that.” He stood and winked at Vic. “Just kiddin’. You know me, I always make it home alone.” With one notable exception... “Ready Cassidy? We’ll go see how the other half lives.”

“Yes Jackson, I’m ready,” she smirked, ignoring his joke with the bartender. Alone my ass, she thought. Men that looked like him and oozed charm even when they weren’t trying to dish it out did not go home alone...unless they chose to. Glancing back at Vic, she asked, “Why do I have the feelin’ I’m gonna have ta keep him outta trouble or mop him up?”

“Just watch out for the greenie, she is vicious with a drink tray.” Vic waved them off. “Tell Jono I’m in for Saturday’s game too.”

“Will do.” Jackson reached up to untie his bowtie, then slipped it into his pocket. “Right this way.”

Cassidy’s keen mind put the facts together quickly. The Wormhole was where Jackson said he had been when he got his nose broken and Vic’s heads up about the greenie with the vicious tray could only mean one thing. An Orion woman was most likely the culprit. Aw hell no. Well, thanks to Vic’s warning, she’d definitely keep an eye out for her.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Tour Guide
The Nexus Club

Cassidy Wilde
Newly Hired Waitress & Tourist
The Nexus Club


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