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The Eyas Arrives

Posted on Sun Jun 10th, 2012 @ 8:23pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Piper Medical Center, Deck 375, Labor & Delivery
Timeline: Current

Having notified the medical staff of an emergency in the Admiral's office, security staff had double-timed it to the location to ensure nothing had happened to Rick himself. He waved them off but was contacted by the on-call doctor to find out what was going on. When he'd notified them who the patient was, and that her water had broken, it seemed to put even more of a spring in their step to get there.

"Aia, how are you doing?" He'd asked. "Is there any way I can make you more comfortable?"

"Turn back time?" Aia grunted as a contraction hit her. She'd been happily cleaning out the environmental filter in the bedroom when news of Admiral Hawke's close call with a bomb on the planet had come through. She immediately set out for Rick's office, to find out what was being done. Sitting here now, though, she winced and wondered what she'd been thinking.

Once they arrived at the medical center, things got moving at a decent rate. They wheeled her immediately through to a delivery room. Moving from the transport to the delivery chair was the hardest part, but soon they were monitoring and scanning everything under the stars.

"You're doing just fine." Ophelia patted her hand. "I'll be back in a few minutes but if you need anything, just call."

Before Ophelia could depart, however, the doors opened and Lucius dashed in. "Aia? Are you alright?" He hurried to the bed, taking her hand in his. The man who helped run an entire fleet appeared to be more than a little anxious. In fact, he was a nervous wreck.

Seeing Lucius in such a state helped Aia relax - somewhat. Gripping his hand tightly (a grip Lucius would feel for days), she smiled tightly and nodded. "So far, so good," she acknowledged. A thought clicked into place and she added: "News of your excitement on the planet was a bit delayed, I gather." How else could he have gotten to her side so quickly?

"Just a little. There were some loose ends to tie up before Kai and Kh'ali shooed me off the planet. In fact, the call that you were in here was waiting when I reached the transporter room." He kissed her hand, then held it to his cheek. "You seem so...calm. I've not been through this in twenty-nine years, Aia. I'm terrified."

He said that at the wrong moment: pain caused Aia to squeeze his hand and rumble, "Unless there's a really big secret about you, I doubt you've ever gone through this." Her words devolved into a groan even as she tried the silly human idea of 'breathing' through the pain. Where was Ophelia with the pain medication?

"Good point." Lucius had to smile at her comment.

Before he could speak further, Ophelia breezed in. She took a look at the monitors ad nodded. "It's going great and everything looks just fine." She glanced at the Admiral, noting the deer-in-the-headlights look. Men. They could march out into the face of a horde of enemies and yet the coming of a baby reduced them to jelly. Gotta love 'em. She looked back at Aia and reached to move her hair back from her neck. "Just a little sting, then you'll be fine and we will get down to business. You sir, need scrubs if you're staying so get to it."

"Yes ma'am." Lucius smiled at Ophelia's 'order', kissed Aia, then hurried out to change.

Rick said nothing as the two were together in this time. He needn't be there so he slipped out of the room quietly. One hundred and fifty-two years old and he'd not once thought about having his own children. Maybe it was time? Maybe he should start looking for a suitable mate? He smiled as the turbolift doors opened and closed, taking him back to his office. "One of these days," he said to himself.

Lucius returned, now dressed in scrubs, his white hair hidden beneath a surgical cap. He returned to Aia's side and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Ophelia said that the doctor is on his way. To use her words, 'it's showtime'."

Aia turned a glare on her beloved husband. The man who'd put her in her current condition. Had he really just called this a show? Men. At the moment, they could all ...the painkiller Ophelia had administered kicked in before Aia completed her thought - or made any comment on Lucius' comment. Instead, she floated for a moment, thankful that modern medicine allowed her to do what was necessary without feeling the pain. Still, she gripped Lucius' hand tightly throughout the labor and, just when she thought she was too far exhausted, the doctor announced: "It's a girl! Admiral, would you like to cut the cord?"

* * *

Lucius sat beside Aia's bed still in his scrubs but the cap gone. He rubbed his eyes but even through the tiredness, the relief that she and the baby were fine was huge. So was the smile that was plastered on his face. He'd seen the baby and she simply took his breath away. A fine red fuzz covered her head and ears slightly peaked at the top bracketed a face dominated by large black eyes. Besides the red hair, she reminded him so much of Li when she was born. She was utterly spellbinding.

All he could do was stare at her, his heart feeling as if it would burst within him. She slept soundly, much like her mother was doing when Lucius returned to her room and took up his vigil. Aia had come through the delivery just fine, but exhaustion had set in and she slept heavily now. As he watched her, tears came to his eyes. His only regret was that Nahi wasn't here to meet the new addition to the Hawke family.

The door to the room slid open and Lucius looked up as Dr. Harding entered the room. He crossed to Lucius with a smile and offered his hand. "Admiral Hawke, I came as soon as I heard the news. Congratulations, your new daughter is beautiful. As striking as her parents and from all the scans, in perfect health."

"Thank you, Dr. Harding. No one is more relieved than me, save probably Aia." Lucius shook his hand firmly.

"I can imagine." Harding's voice was soft as he moved over to the bed and checked the readouts on the panel behind Aia's head. "She is doing just fine as well. They will be in in another couple of hours, wanting her to get up and walk, and she will likely be ravenous then too. I'll arrange for dinner for you two. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Lucius shook his head but stopped as a slight stirring came from Aia.

The man's familiar voice roused Aia. Blinking as she looked at him, she couldn't place him; his voice, though... she knew it from somewhere. A more pressing matter pushed her curiosity aside, "Luc, have you named her?"

"I was waiting for you to wake up to ask you that very question. And Aia, you recall Dr. Harding?"

Harding stopped by her side and smiled. "Welcome back Aia. You're in fine shape. Everything looks good, including your beautiful little one."

Unlike many expectant parents, Aia and Lucius hadn't discussed their pending offspring's name. Aia had, however, picked out a name based upon her Romulan heritage. First, though, she greeted the Doctor, "Oh, Harding, yes, we've met before," she flashed him a sleepy smile before looking through him to Lucius, "I was thinking we'd name her Ssaedhe e'VortaVor Hawke."

"So be it then." Lucius nodded. "The newest eyas has arrived."

Harding raised an eyebrow. "Eyas?"

"The Terran term for a fledgling hawk, doctor. Li was given the nickname originally by Admiral Sydney Lassiter, back when Li was not much bigger than this."

"Understood. I'll have Dr. Kwan enter the name on the records then. And you, Aia, get some rest. They'll being her down shortly." Harding patted her hand and departed, leaving Aia and Lucius alone once more.

Aia rubbed her hand as if Harding had left something slimy on it then beamed at Lucius. "I haven't moved yet, but I feel about ten stone lighter already!"

"You are beyond beautiful Aia." He touched her cheek gently, then leaned in for a kiss. "Now take it easy till the little one gets here. I want to call ad let Kai know the news, then I"m all yours."

Aia Rios-Hawke
Vice Admiral Lucius Hawke
Proud Parents

Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
Commanding Officer, Starbase 900


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