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The Classroom Awaits

Posted on Mon Jun 4th, 2012 @ 2:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

[b]Sulan & Kit’rin’e’s Quarters[/b]

Kit’rin’e stirred, his eyes slowly opened. His Mate lay next to him, facing away, her hair cascading behind her blanketing the pillow she lay on. With care he slipped from the bed, the odd crack of his body protesting as he moved out of the bed trying to avoid tugging on the blankets too much as if to wake her. There was no doubt in his mind he was nervous, he was an instructor of cadets, young aspiring officers and more but it did little to ease his nerves. To instruct is a great honour, to bestow knowledge, to broaden the minds of others to the concepts and aspects of life previously unknown or to that which is required instruction for promotion or certification.

He padded out of the room and the shower could be heard. He hoped it would not wake her, he knew she worked hard and often late, thus the day she slept and worked at night. Steam slowly filled the room, spilling slightly beyond the threshold of the bathroom. In silence Kit’rin’e began to wash, his fur now flush and flat against his body instead of what his usual appearance was seen to be like.

He stood under the shower, it raining atop his head letting the water wash past his cheeks, between his ears, some even racing the ends of his whiskers. He hoped Sha’la’ne was not being too hard on his Mate, she was not Caitian and could not be expected to know everything required in such a short amount of time. It was a life changing event for them both, more so for her than him since she would soon become Elder.

If she chose to be.

The sound of the shower worked its way into her sleep, becoming a dream. She was on Cait, standing among the trees. Rain sprinkled down on her, soaking her hair and her light dress to the skin. She didn’t care. Tilting her head up, she caught the rain on her tongue and then turned and began to run, enjoying the feel of the grass beneath her feet, the clear air around her, loving being outside. A contented sigh escaped her as she burrowed deeper into the covers. Slowly, however, the real world began to seep in and finally she sat up, pushing her hair back out of her face and slipping from the bed. Entering the bathroom, she called out over the sound of the falling water.

“Good morning, handsome!”

Turning around he poked his head through the veil of steam that surrounded him. He said hello, however without his badge on, all she would get were feline sounds, though the smile made the statement clear to be a friendly, warm one. He opened the door some more, letting the gathered steam tumble out like soft snow. His hand out as if asking if she wished to join him.

It was up to her of course, the offer was there and since she returned while he was sleeping he was not sure if she showered prior to coming to bed or would have one when she got up.

She answered his smile with one of her own and, taking his hand, she stepped into the shower, closing the door behind her. The hot stream of water was just what she needed to wake up and get going and once she was soaked, she hugged Kit’rin’e closely.

“Good morning.”

More feline purrs and mumblings could barely be heard over the water as it rained upon them. Kit’rin’e, almost a clear two feet taller than his Mate could only wrap his arms around her. He had his own soaps and cleaning products arranged for use. Many would say that women spend a long time dealing with hair, washing it, drying, styling, maintaining. Kit’rin’e had a full coat of it thus his cleaning and grooming time was far longer.

He wondered about teaching Sulan some basic Caitian words, of course had she her badge on it would all be translated anyway. Though perhaps in times when they were alone it would be more private, a more intimate thing between them. He knew she would not be able to pronounce everything correctly, some things were easier for felines to do than Humanoids, but its the thought and gesture that counts.

“I have some news when we get out of here.” She looked up at him and smiled, then reached around him for the shampoo. She had no idea what was in the one he used but it smelled like heaven and left her hair soft as silk. Since the container was marked in Caitian, she had no clue and made a mental note to ask later.

Tending to his fur took perhaps longer than usual since there were two in the shower, when lathered up he stepped under the spray and felt it soak under his fur washing all the soap and cleaning products away. He backed away to let his Mate wash herself as well. Problem with being his size, he takes up most of everything spacewise, such as the shower and the bed. When he was finished he stepped out of the shower and using a larger than normal towel he began to dry himself off.

Sulan took advantage of the space and once the suds were gone, simply stood, letting the hot water pour over her. After all the years in the field, this was perhaps one of her favorite luxuries and she never got tired of it. Finally, she turned the shower off, squeezed the water from her long hair and reached out for a towel.

Hearing the water turn off was a signal that his Mate had finished, the hand out with fingers spread the universal sign for a towel. By mistake he gave her one of his own, by the time it touched her fingers and taken it was too late. He returned his attention to drying his tail while he waited for what was to come.

She stepped out, the towel wrapped around her. Even wrapped sideways, it reached the ground and draped around her feet. “Now this is a towel.” She smiled up at him. “Of course I could fold it in half and it would still wrap around me twice.”
There were advantages of being his height, his mate just found one of them. He smiled, even answered her yet still not understood. Purrs and other feline sounds made up most of the Caitian language, body language was also used which his Mate would learn in time. A lot could be judged from how he felt, his mood from his body. His ears, his tail, the whiskers and shoulders. How he held himself would tell anyone who knew what to look for, how he felt.

“So go get your badge so I can tell you what I need to tell you.” She hung the towel up and began to brush through her wet hair,working her way up gently from the ends.

Now came the task of brushing his fur, though the grooming kit was in the bedroom. He heard and understood her and upon gathering the kit he also picked up his badge. He returned to her, bringing with him her dressing gown. “Here.” He offered softly.

“Thank you.” She turned as he held it and slipped her arms in, then tied it around her. She stretched up to kiss his cheek, then led him back to the bedroom so he could continue his grooming. She perched on the edge of the bed and fluffed up her damp hair.

“What was the news you wished to tell me?” He asked as he used a mirror and started on his head. The fur in all manners of directions, wild and yet to be tamed.

Sulan held back a laugh as she looked at him, his fur standing on end at odd angles. “About my news....I think it might be best if I stop working for a while, Kit’rin’e.”

“Why?” He asked, surprised that she would suggest it. “Is something wrong at the Nexus? Are you having troubles with someone?” He wondered what would spark something such as this. He stopped brushing and turned to face her properly, even in his wild furry state.

“No, everyone there is just fine. I love the place, but sometimes, some things are more important, you know?” Her smile came again as she looked back at him.

That smile was not lost on Kit’rin’e. “Something.” He said standing to his full height. “Or someone?” Looking down at her, even still able to see the fur on his nose and face out of place but right now it was of little importance.

“Or both.” She reached out to touch his face gently.

He tilted his head into her touch. “I admit this is unexpected, but what made you choose this?”

“It just seems like the right time. I know it’s been difficult for you and this isn’t making it any easier. There’s so much I need to deal with outside work and so much that is more important right now.”

“But I do not want this to put your position at risk.” He replied. As the female however she had the final say, if this was what she wanted to do he could not stop her. What he could do however was make sure in his own mind that everything was alright and her position was safe.

“It will be fine. And it’s not like they’ll boot me off the station if I don’t have a job.” She smiled back at him. “It’s all good.” She paused a moment, watching him. “Were you expecting me to say something else? Give some other reason?”

“Possibly.” Kit’rin’e said as he continued grooming before his fur dried too much to tame. “Since you became my Mate you have been under enormous pressure to conform to Caitian standards, which not being a Caitian you have struggled and found difficult.” He paused. “I thought, for a moment, that it was getting too much and you wanted to leave me.”

She blinked back at him, stunned. “Leave...? Oh, no, that would be impossible.” She rose and crossed to where he stood before the mirror and threw her arms around him. “You’re right about the difficulty but I’ve never been the type to just give up on something I really wanted.”

He held onto her gently, he had to watch his own strength at times lest it cause her injury. “The Elder is patient, she understands that this is alien to you and will teach you what you need to know.” Since she came into his life, hers had been turned upside down. She had to learn a new way of life, whole new set of rules and traditions, expectations and more. All because of him.

“ I know. Otherwise, she’d have thrown up her hands and run for the hills by now. I don’t think she ever really understood why I felt the need to have a job though.” Sulan smiled finally. “And believe it or not, I like her, quite a lbit. She expects a lot, though. Fair warning.”

“She does, but only because that is her responsibility.” He replied as he finished up his arms and chest. “Would you like to do my back?” He offered, she’d never actually helped him groom before, he wondered if she wanted to try it.

“Certainly.” She took the comb and moved around behind him. The strokes down his back were slow and rhythmic as she continued. “You asked, before, if I wanted to do this, take this position. If I do, there won’t be time for some other work, even if it is to help out Jackson. He’ll understand.”

“There is always time, if you took the position you would be Elder over me only.” Kit’rin’e stood still as she worked. “I made you something, you may have expected it but it was also expected of me to make them.” He waited till she was finished first before he’d move to get them.

“Over you only?” She tugged on his arm to get him to lower down so she could reach one final spot, then laid the comb aside.

“I am the sole living offspring, my parents died many years ago, if we have offspring as well you would be Elder over them, if they should find a Mate also then over those as well, any offspring they have you would be Elder over as well. The position grows as the family does.” He explained. He walked to the other side of the room, uncovered a box that was hidden by a silk red cloth and walked back. “These are for you.”

The enormity of the situation finally hit home and some things Sha’la’ne had said now made a lot more sense. She felt dizzy a moment as she sat down on the edge of the bed. She had to focus and pulled her attention back to the box. Reaching out, she took the box and opened it.

Inside as expected were two gloves, more her size from those she tried when Sha’la’ne showed her an example set. Black in colour to match the darker dresses she would sometimes wear to work or evenings out with others. For Caitian females there was no need for such devices, they already had claws. These gloves were adaptations to give non-Caitians claws but also simple seeming gloves if needed. He didn’t know if she would wear them or not, that would be up to her, though the thought did flash through his mind with his Mate and the claws out ready to strike at a foe.

“They are lovely, my mate.” She smiled up at him, clearly impressed. “A treasure made by you.” She lifted them from the box, slipped them on, then held her hands out to him.

“You may wish to test them first, my hands being larger than yours I was unable to properly test them.” Getting into a glove that small for him was impossible. He hoped they worked, aside from the near hour he spent making the molds of his claws then cleaning/sharpening them before working on her set, he hoped everything was as it should be. It was an expectation for him to make them, she no doubt knew they were coming from her talks with the Elder, but it was one hurdle jumped, one less in a long road of them.

She flexed her hands and the claws emerged, just as planned, the movement quick and smooth. “Oh, wow.” She relaxed her hands, then flexed them again. The claws curved out and she had to admit, it was rather hypnotic to watch. “These would give a hell of a back scratch.”

“Want to find out?” He said lifting his own hand, his own claws this time emerging.

“Oh I meant on you. Turn around.” She gave him a wink and raised her hands again.

Kit’rin’e turned around, his tail gently bobbing left and right behind him as he waited. She couldn’t injure him, not unless she meant to. His skin was strong enough to withstand claws when they are used for scratching, it however is when the sharp points are really used to pierce the flesh, that it becomes a problem.

She stood and reached up, running the clawed gloves tentatively down his back. When no blood appeared, she pressed in a little harder with the next run. “How’s that?”

Kit’rin’e purred, his tail coiled about her right knee. He remembered when Sha’la’ne used to do that to him when he was an infant. She’d watched him grow from a small handful of fur to a proud, white furred and mated male. He stretched, leant forward, eventually falling to his hands and feet.

“Kit’rin’e?” She paused, her hands remaining still on his back. “I didn’t realize you were the last of your bloodline.”

“It is unfortunately true, my brothers died during an accident, two very talented engineers.” He stood upright again. “I remember growing up with them, they were always destroying and rebuilding things. My sister died not long after birth, our mother died soon after I was born.” He looked out to the stars. “My father died a long time ago, the loss of his Mate took its toll on him, as it would all Caitians.”

“I see,” was all she said as she watched him. It was a heavy piece of news, but it shed some light on a few things Sha’la’ne had said during their meetings. Well, not said, but hinted at. Now, the whole elder idea and the expectations that came with it made a lot more sense. Finally, Sulan stood and finished dressing. “I’m going to go speak to Jackson, let him know, and have some breakfast while I’m out. You have a good day at school.” That last sentiment amused her as she leaned up to kiss him. “You’ll do great.”

He smiled, then dressed. A quick correction of his fur then headed to the main room for something to eat. It was only something light, he hoped to meet his Mate for lunch.

Sulan followed him out, but stopped at the doors. “See you later.” She blew him a kiss and departed.


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