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All Day Sober To Sunday Up - Part One

Posted on Tue Jun 5th, 2012 @ 7:01am by Cassidy Wilde & Jackson Banning V
Edited on on Mon Jun 25th, 2012 @ 7:40am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Turbolift / Jackson's Quarters
Timeline: Following 'Bad Pennies'

Jackson and Cass left the Wormhole and wandered along the Promenade hand in hand. He was mostly stable, though he had a few moments where her hand kept him on his feet.

“Thanks darlin’,” he drawled. He possessed that admirable trait of the true Southern gentleman in that despite being absolutely plastered, he still spoke rather clearly and did not forget his manners, no siree. A lady was a lady, even when you were seeing two of her.

“Yer welcome, sugar.” Steering him around a group of people that had stopped to flap their jaws in the middle of the common area, Cassidy tugged him back towards her when he kept drifting to the left. So far, he was much easier to handle than one of her brothers. They’d be all over the place, oohing and ahhing over things in store windows or going on about the latest, prettiest woman in town. Who knows how long that would end up going on. Considering her brothers(like herself) were mostly El Aurian, none of them were in a hurry to get married.

“Ya know, as much as I’m enjoyin’ our stroll Jackson, it might be a good idea ta let me know where we’re goin’.”

“Not to worry, dear lady.” He weaved his way into the turbolift, pulling her in with him then gave his deck number. “We got a few, so tell me...whadidja think of the Wormyhole?”

Wormyhole? She barely managed to not bust up laughing. He was a cute drunk.

“I liked it. Jono seems really nice. Good music...” she leaned back against the wall of the lift, watching the numbers on the deck display changing, before looking up at him. “I could tell most of the people there were used to seein’ ya. Go there often?”

“Now and again, yeah. Jono’s good people, and it’s a good spot ta let yer hair down.” He smiled. “Speakin’ of hair....”

“Hmm? What about it?” She smirked.

“I believe you were enjoyin’ it earlier....I ain’t opposed to a repeat.” He smiled at her, his dimples now showing. “If I asked nicely?” He raised her hand and kissed the back of it, then sniffed the scent of perfume at her wrist.

“Oh, I suppose so...since ya asked so nicely.” Turning towards him, Cassidy reached up and slid her long fingers into his hair, stroking the silky locks back gently. “Ya know, it feels better if I use both of my hands.”

“You’ll get no argu....argument from me.” He closed his eyes as she began to work her magic. Oh, he could get used to this. Assuming he remembered it tomorrow, that is. “What deck did we jus’ pass?”

Her fingers kept moving as she glanced over her shoulder at the deck number display. “Two-eighty,” she murmured, turning back and smiled at the relaxed expression on his face. “Feelin’ good?”

“That doesn’t even come close to describin’ it, creampuff.” He leaned back against the wall of the lift, slipping his arms around her and bringing her with him. “You are an angel.”

“Am I?” Her fingers closed, grabbing handfuls of his hair to hold him still to get a good look at him. Big mistake. Cass didn’t need to be taking closer or better looks at him. Letting go, she resumed massaging his scalp. “I think yer a bit biased at the moment, Charleston.”

“And yer point?” He pressed her close, leaned in...and the lift doors chose that moment to stop for another passenger. A young ensign stepped in, glanced at them, and was obviously embarrassed but the lift has already begun moving again. Jackson pulled back, giving Cass a wink.

She smiled up at him, then glanced over her shoulder at the officer. The days of swooning over a man in uniform were long gone. Starfleet uniforms left a lot to be desired, in her opinion, unless they were dress uniforms, and even those were...lacking.

“Evenin’,” she greeted him with a smile. Her attempt to put him at ease did nothing more than earn her a mumbled ‘hello’ and added more color to his cheeks.

“No point...just an observation,” she said, turning back to Jackson and picking up their conversation as if there hadn’t been an interruption. Her fingers played in the long hair that lay against his collar as she spoke and listened to the quiet chime behind her as they passed more decks.

“Well I was about to...” He paused as the lift stopped and the doors opened on Deck 290. “Dammit, what does it take to not get aroun’ here? You’d think this was a space station or somethin’. Now where were we?”

“Sugar, it is a space station, but dontcha worry yore pretty little head about it,” she teased him and ruffled his hair.

“Oh yeah. So it is. Oh and pleaseplease don’t tell Eli about this? Or Kh’ali? I’m s’pposed to be lookin’ out for him and she will kill me if she hears. She’s part Klingon you know? I dunno how Patrick stays in one piece.” His eyes widened and he clapped a hand over his mouth. “Shit!” came out muffled from behind his hand.

“What? Eli who?” Cass didn’t even bother to repeat the last part. She was too busy biting her lip and giggling at the owl-eyed look he was giving her for obviously saying too much and something he shouldn’t have. Calming herself, she smiled. “I have no idea who yer talkin’ about, but I swear, I won’t tell anyone anythin’ ya might accidentally say tonight.”

Pulling his hand away from his mouth, she held his gaze. “Okay? I promise. Ya can’t be held responsible for what comes outta yore mouth relax.”

“Best idea you’ve had all night.” He took her face in his hands and once more leaned in but the lift stopped. The doors slid open as the computer announced deck 292. Jackson groaned in frustration. “Let’s get the hell outta here, this thing moves too damned much.” He took a tentative step away from the wall, weaved left, then centered on the open door and managed to get through it.

Cassidy leaned down and grabbed her skirt, lifting it so she wouldn’t catch it as she took a few running steps to catch up with him. Slipping under his arm, she wrapped her arm around his waist to steady him. No way would she let him end up doing a faceplant. Not on her watch.

“Someone’s tiltin’ the floor, huh? Don’t worry...I won’t let ya fall.”

“An angel indeed.” They moved along the corridor and after several steps, he did a surprisingly steady pirouette out of her arm. “It’s hot as hell in here...Sakkath should do somethin’ ‘bout that.” He stripped off his tuxedo jacket and dropped it on the floor as he continued to walk. Next came his vest and it too fluttered to the carpet. “I swear, I’m meltin’ worse than that wicked witch after a bucket o’ water.” He untucked his shirt as he finished, pulled it open and it joined the rest of the trail of clothing. He crooked his finger at her and whispered loudly. “Between us? I think they wrote that book about Seyla. She is the right color.”

Her mouth dropped open as his clothes started hitting the deck. “Oh Lord have mercy, gimme strength,” Cass muttered and quickly chased after him, scooping up his clothes as she went.

“Jackson! Don’t you dare reach for yore pants.” Catching up to him, she grabbed his hand.

He looked genuinely surprised. “Thass gotta be a first. Most times, women are tryin’ to get me outta my pants, not keep me in ‘em.” A sly smile appeared on his face. “Ohhhh I get it. We’re still out in the hall. Yeah...good call.” He draped an arm around her shoulders, then pointed with his free hand to a set of doors just ahead. “Home sweet home, honey.”

“Yes darlin’, still in the hall.” She tried to get his jacket up over his shoulders, but gave up after a moment and wrapped her arm around his naked waist. Saints above, he was put together nicely. “While I can certainly see the appeal and why women would wanna get ya outta yore pants, I am not most women.” Using her body against his side, she pushed him in the direction of his quarters. “I’m not gonna maul ya out in the corridor for one thang.”

“Oh, so you’ll wait till we’re inside. Smart.” He reached out to tap the panel but his coordination had gone the way of the dodo. After several tries, he looked at Cass. “You do it.” He recited the code for her. “Rented fingers, jus’ not workin’ right.”

“Uh-huh. Hold these,” she said smacking his bundled clothes into his washboard abs so she could enter the code. There was no way she was letting go of him right now. Clothes would be easy to pick up if they fell to the deck plating...not so if he crumpled in a heap. Guiding him inside she paused briefly to lock the doors after them. Old habits and all that.

He dropped the clothes and now that he was in his own quarters, he looked around. “Man, I need to redecorate.Or maybe add some plants.” He laughed aloud then. “I have this friend, Alij....can’t keep a plant alive to save her neck. She could kill an artificial one.” He unbuttoned his trousers now and after kicking off his shiny black loafers, let the trousers fall and stepped out of them. Which left him in nothing but black socks, which he was already peeling off, and a pair of black close fitting boxers covered in yellow smiley faces.

Cassidy had been looking around at his quarters, admiring the refined yet relaxed decor. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think she had stepped into a suite at a Caribbean resort. He was right though, it needed something more.

“Plants, for sure. You can’t have a tropical decor without ‘em. I could help ya -” she turned to glance back at him and got quite the shock. She wasn’t sure what shocked her more. That he had stripped down to his underwear or the underwear themselves. After a moment, she realized she was staring and lifted her blue-green gaze to his face. Damn...

“Looks like ya found yore happy face,” she smiled and tried to keep a straight face. At least she attempted to prevent the small smile from getting any bigger.

“Yeah, kinda keeps a smile on my face durin’ the night.” He ran his hand through his hair, and plastered as he was, he didn’t miss her stare. He rested a hand against the wall a moment till the floor stopped tilting, then with exaggerated care, crossed the floor to Cass. Slipping his arms around her, he pulled her in close against him. “Thanks for tonight.” His voice had dropped to a sultry whisper.

Gasping softly, she looked up at him and tried to find a safe place to rest her hands on him. Shoulders? No, that was too close to his glorious hair. Arms? No, she’d be tempted to...oh hell. Cassidy would be tempted to run her hands all over him no matter where she put them. Closing her hands on his upper arms, she tried not to notice the hard muscles of his biceps under smooth warm skin. That and she firmly ordered her hands to stay put!

“Ah, yer welcome Jackson,” she murmured softly.

“Will you stay?” he murmured, his lips brushed her temple as he leaned down just a little.

“I seem ta recall sayin’ somethin’ about if ya ended up drunk I wouldn’t leave ya ta fend for yourself...” she whispered, wondering why she felt the need to take care of him. Just how far was she willing to go to make him happy? Certainly not that far...right? She nodded finally.

“Yes, I’ll stay. Someone has ta take care of ya.”

“Good.” Jackson was apparently hearing what he wanted to in those words. He took her hand and turned, leading the way into his bedroom. The decor there was more of the same, complete with a Risian horga'hn on the dresser. The lights went to dim as they entered and the bed was large, piled with pillows at the headboard. Here, in Jackson’s inner den, the scent of the cologne he wore was a subtle but noticeable undertone to a very comfortable room. The scent was heady and masculine, slightly spicy. He was home and ready to relax. He was also ready for other things as well. Stopping by the bed, he released her hand and stripped off his boxers.

“Much better.”

He missed the oh my gawd face Cassidy made as she leaned past him to toss several pillows off the bed and pull the covers way back. Cheeks flaming with color, she straightened and moved to stand in front of him again. Before she could stop herself, her eyes took a leisurely visual tour of his body. Yup...she was gonna go to hell for sure.

“Much,” she agreed, finally meeting his gaze again. “Jackson, yer makin’ this very hard for - aww, shit. Shit, shit, shit.” Scrunching up her face, she shook her head. Hard? Really? Well, the mouth was running the show now. “Difficult. Yer makin’ this very difficult for me. Ya have no idea how much of a temptation you are.” Reaching up, she caressed his face.

“Potty mouth.” He laughed aloud, but it settled to a smile. “But that’s nice ta hear, makes me feel good. Obviously.” He backed up till he felt the bed against the back of his legs, needing it to keep him stable. Taking her face in his hands once more, he tried for the third time. Leaning in, his lips brushed hers, and then he grew still. Completely unmoving, for about two seconds. Then his hands slipped away from her and, much like a felled tree in a forest, Jackson went down for the count, falling back onto the bed. The only thing missing was a lumberjack yelling ‘timber!’.

Cassidy looked down at him a moment, a look of amusement and affection on her face. “And he’s out.”

Sighing, she smiled and slipped her arms around him to move him, but he didn’t budge. Crawling on the bed with him, she got a better hold and spent the few moments pulling and pushing until his head rested on his pillow. It was a good thing he was passed out, too, seeing as she fell across him at least once. Slipping off the bed, she moved his legs under the bedding and covered him up. Tucking him in, she leaned over to brush his hair back and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

“Good night, Jackson.”

Jackson Banning V
Cassidy Wilde
No Love In An Elevator


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