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New Arrivals

Posted on Thu Jun 14th, 2012 @ 8:16pm by Lieutenant Leona Aliso & Lieutenant James Cohen III

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: USS Hammond/ Messhall
Timeline: Backpost: Prior to Hammond's return.


Leona was taking advantage of the transit time to Starbase 900 to read through the various security reports that had been forwarded to her. Helping to run security on a space station in the Delta quadrant was likely to be vastly different than providing security on what was primarily a diplomatic vessel. Taking a break, Leona scanned the room taking in the various personnel present. Even though she was off duty and on what was presumably a safe vessel, certain habits were ingrained.
One person did stand out, a male Lt. in a gold trimmed uniform who according to the personnel records was the new chief engineer on the station. Gathering up her reports, the Trill walked over to where he was sitting.

"Mind if I join you?"

James had been sitting quietly reviewing the schematics for the starbase that he'd been assigned to. He had wanted to stay inside the temporary quarters that his family had been assigned, but it was late. They were all sleeping and so he was alone in the Mess Hall. Suddenly a person approached him and asked to join, "Sure." He said without looking towards her.

"I figured since we're both going to be working on SB 900, it would be nice to get to know each other now. Lt. Leona Corina Aliso, assistant security chief. I'm transferring from the Jetanien."

She said by way of explanation.

He nodded finally looking up at the young Trill officer, "Lieutenant James Cohen I'm taking over in Engineering on the station. I was on the Weytahn, but my wife decided it best if we moved the family to a starbase so I put in a transfer request for a starbase and got Starbase 900 in the Delta Quadrant. She wasn't very happy about it, but she knows that she can say nothing about it anyway."

Leona chuckled.
"You did what the wife asked, that's the important part. At least we have a good idea of what's out here due to Voyager's odyssey. I been at the Academy for only a short time when she returned home, it was quite the celebration. It was also the last major story I covered for the FNS."

He looked at her, Voyager had returned almost ten years ago; he had been serving for nearly twenty years now and was already looking at becoming a Department Head for another station. "I suppose so, it'll be nice to have the family with me this time." He said, "What about you do you have a family?"

"Not personally, no. It's just me this time."

There was still family out there connected to the last host of the Aliso symbiont, but that would just muddy the waters so she didn't make direct mention of it.

James nodded understanding, "Oh well I hope that eventually you find that special someone. I learned a long time ago to never let Starfleet get in the way of that."

Not sure how to respond, Leona smiled.

Her conversation with the engineer was then cut short by a message over the comm system informing the security officer she had an incoming subspace message from her former department head.
"Sorry to cut our conversation short but duty calls."



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