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Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud

Posted on Wed Jun 6th, 2012 @ 5:12pm by Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Jackson's Quarters
Tags: Jackson, Cassidy, Harding

Dr. William Harding stepped off the turbolift on deck 292 - a man on a mission. Make that a pissed-off man on a mission. Last night had not ended as he had expected and he intended to address the subject of his ire first thing. If Banning thought it was that easy to get one over on Harding, he had another think coming. Tension tightened Harding’s jaw as he strode down the corridor towards Jackson’s quarters. He was looking forward to this little showdown with Jackson, had been planning his approach carefully since he had risen to face the day.

As he rounded a corner, he saw Jackson’s door just ahead. But oh, what was this? The little blonde chit from last night emerging and wearing what h
e could only assume were Banning’s clothes. Well, well, if that wasn’t interesting. He wondered if Natalia knew. He was willing to bet that she would be less than pleased, even though she had assured him nothing was going on. As he drew near, he stopped to let Cassidy reach him.

“Good morning, Miss Wilde.”

Oh hell. The weasel from last night, she thought slowing her steps. What a picture she must present, wearing Jackson’s shirt and pajama pants; both of which were too big for her in that nice comfy ‘I stole my boyfriend’s clothes’ sort of way. Except Jackson wasn’t her boyfriend. Barefoot, she held her evening gown draped over her arm and her strappy heels in one hand. Some would call what she was doing ’the walk of shame’, but Cassidy’s head was held high and her stride graceful and fluid; every inch of her bearing still 100% lady. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

“Dr. Harding,” she inclined her head. “Fancy meetin’ you, here. What brings you this way this mornin’?”

“Just catching up with Jackson, since he cut our conversation short last night. He was preoccupied and I see he remained that way. Pity he’s not gentleman enough to see you home.” His cool gaze swept over her head to toe and a chilly smile flashed across his face. “But then again, no less than I’d expect. Did he tell you that you’re not the only one in line?”

Stepping forward, she closed the gap between them. She wasn’t about to be intimidated by his bug-eyed gaze or his arctic expression. “As I recall, I was the one that asked you to leave first, not Jackson. He’s a gentleman of the finest sort, but you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? Pathetic little worms like you just love to fling mud on others in an attempt to make yourself look better, but I’m not fooled,” she said, her words razor sharp and dripping honey in only the way a southern woman could deliver. Cass didn’t even raise her voice.

Harding’s cool gaze was nothing compared to the banked fire flashing in her eyes. “If you are trying to shock me about other women in Jackson’s life, I assure you, you won’t.”

Harding’s cool demeanor didn’t waver. “Then you disappoint me, Miss Wilde. I thought that perhaps he might be moving up in the world for a change, but apparently you are no better than any other in his stable. Or perhaps it’s just that your standards are too low. A pity. I wish you a good morning.” He inclined his head and stepped aside to continue on his way.

Cassidy didn’t think twice about it. In an instant, her arm drew back and flashed out. Her hand connected with his face so hard, she rocked his head back on his neck. The resounding crack of flesh against flesh echoed down the corridor. He’d be feeling that for days.

Fire flashed in Harding’s eyes as he reached up to his cheek. He could taste the cooper tang of blood inside his cheek - she packed a punch. His smile now was slow and suggestive.

“A pity you can’t see past the pretty packaging. You might find out what is truly possible.” He licked his lips a moment. “Now go home Miss Wilde.” He turned and continued on his way, his dismissal absolute.

Jackson was right. This guy was an asshole...and absolutely disgusting. The image in his mind was vile and set her temper to white hot. Marching up behind him, she shoved his shoulder to spin him around. This time she didn’t give him the flat of her palm, but a balled fist straight to his nose.

“Not in your lifetime, you sick, insignificant son of a bitch. Don’t mistake me for low class just because I’ve got the backbone to stand up to a miscreant like you,” she hissed at him. She also sent him a very vivid image of what she’d do to him if she caught him thinking about her in that manner again.

“Have fun with your visit. I’m sure Jackson will get a kick out of the improvement to your face.”

True to his medical calling, he felt along his nose and was relieved to find nothing broken. “And I’m sure you’d get a kick out of a visit from Security regarding assaulting a Starfleet Officer. Take care what you do here. Besides, this isn’t your fight. Stay safe.” He left her and moved on down to Jackson’s door and rang the chime.

Shaking her head, she hoped Jackson would give the little shit as warm a welcome as she had. Turning on her heel, she left Harding behind and headed for the turbolift...before she really lost her temper.

* * *

Jackson crossed back to his kitchen after seeing Cass off, wanting one more cup of coffee. Breakfast has been a real taste of home - bacon, eggs, grits, biscuits, and syrup. He was pleasantly full and the food had helped chase away the last of the hangover. He refilled his cup, thinking over their conversation of the morning. Yeah, he had to admit, life just got a whole lot more complicated. And he’d retired here thinking he could just take it easy and enjoy himself. Who the hell was he kidding? The door chime interrupted his musings. Probably Cass, having forgotten an earring or something.

“Computer open doors.” The doors slid open and he called out from the kitchen “Come on in.”

“Why thank you,” Harding replied as he stepped in. Once the doors closed behind him, he continued. “Your reception is surprisingly welcoming, I must say.”

“Kiss my ass, Harding. And from what I hear, yer not too particular. Why are you here?” Jackson leaned against the arch that led from the kitchen to the living room. “And what happened to yer face?”

“I have your little plaything to thank for these blows to my face. Really Jackson, who you screw is your business, but you should have the decency to see her home and in something besides your pajamas.” He reached up to rub his cheek gingerly. “Though I must say, there certainly is a fire in that hole. I can see the attraction. Does Natalia know?”

Jackson’s eyes narrowed. “Harding, I’d suggest you shut it about Cass or you can get yer ass out now, got it? You don’t know nearly as much as you think you do. And as I recall, I told you there was nothin’ with Natalia so I don’t know why you keep diggin’ about her.”

“Oh? I suppose you have a good reason for leaving her quarters yesterday morning? How stupid do you think I am Jackson? “

“Do you really want an honest answer to that?” Jackson crossed his arms as he watched Harding and noticeably did not ask him to have a seat. “So, say whatever it is you came to say and get out.”

“First of all I’d like to congratulate you on that little stunt you pulled last night. Quite clever. The behemoth has made it clear that until I beg for that tramps’ forgiveness I am not to show my face there again. Very effective, because an apology to her is the last thing on my mind.” Harding touched his nose once more, a delicate brush of his fingers as if to reassure himself it was, in fact, not broken. A dull ache was beginning to bloom across his cheekbones and radiating up into his forehead.

Jackson smiled briefly. “Deceit will outsmart age every time. It was also a good lesson in not throwing your weight around when you don’t know the lay of the land yet. And I’m waiting.”

Harding nodded. “Touche. The next thing concerns Natalia. I know you assured me there’s nothing between you and believe it or not, she said much the same thing. I am much reassured by that, and therefore, you won’t mind if I pursue her as I’d intended to do years ago. Before you appeared on the map. Since you are not involved, I’m certain you won’t mind. Natalia and I go back a long way, Jackson, with ties you are likely unaware of and I won’t bore you with our past.” He fell silent, watching Jackson for some hint of reaction.

The news was not what Jackson wanted to hear, for Nat’s sake, but his experience in the field was too long and too deep to show his displeasure.

“And how does she feel about that?”

Harding waved the question aside. “She was surprised at my arrival of course, but we’re working on things.”

“Well then I suppose I should wish you good luck.” Jackson could smell what Harding was up to, but he wasn’t about to give this worm the satisfaction.

“Indeed. And I am choosing to think that whatever had you in her quarters was with the purest of intentions. But from here out, leave her alone. You know I have a lot of information on both you and her. I’d really hate to use it, especially where she is concerned. So even if you don’t give a rat’s ass about yourself, think about her. Surely you want her to be happy? And with that, I’ll leave you.” Harding stopped as the doors opened. “I do expect to see you before the end of the week in Sickbay. You’ve not been examined in several years, it is imperative that I see you. And no, this isn’t a request. Good morning.”

He slithered through the doors and was gone.

“We’ll see about that, asshole.” Jackson was now on the move. He had to get to Sulan, and now.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Good Bluffer
The Nexus Club

Dr. William Harding
Starfleet Medical

Cassidy Wilde
The Nexus Club


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