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A Plan Comes Together

Posted on Sun Jun 10th, 2012 @ 9:31pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin & Lieutenant Zachary Chase

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Saturnalia, The Cherry Pit

* * * Saturnalia - The Cherry Pit * * *

Jonas arrived at the Cherry Pit in dark pants and shirt. He was off duty and while the day had kept him busy with matters sent down from on high by Lt. Commander Leroy, the night was his and he had more important things to see to. A young woman dressed in very little lime green approached and he greeted her, even as his gaze searched the room for his company this evening. He answered the woman in monosyllables and she finally gave up and moved on. Jonas strolled on through to an empty table by the far wall.

Not too far behind him, another male, this one blond and pale-faced, followed along, turning aside the resident harlots with a cold glare. He reached the table at the same time Jonas did and started their meeting right off: “Those blasted idiots missed.”

“So I hear.” Jonas shook his head and sighed. At the risk of being cliche, it’s so hard to get good help these days. I suspect security’s crawling all over the site?”

Chase gave a nod that was just barely a nod; really, it was more of a roll of the eyes and a lift of the chin. He huffed once then growled, “Yeah, Oz went back down as soon as her goody-two-shoes Gilly comm’d her. If those two idiots had stayed around, they could have at least made an attempt on her and hers.” He sneered at a server, even though the server was bringing a much-needed glass of liquor. “When they get back here, I’ll kill ‘em myself.” He left it unclear whether he meant his two idiots or his two security cohorts.

“It gets better. Those two idiots lost a padd running away from our resident Amazon, Valkris in Intel. It had to be then as they said they fled to get away and after they’d escaped, it was missing from his pocket. It should turn up in Security any day now.” Jonas raised his drink and took a hefty swallow.

Mirroring Jonas’ action, Chase swallowed the entire contents of his glass. He did so because his first reaction was to want to throw the glass across the room - and throwing a glass with liquor still in it was a waste of liquor. As the liquor burned its way down his throat, though, throwing the glass was the last thing on his mind. First up: was the liquor really liquor or was this a particularly painful (and creative) way for Jonas to kill him? No... the burning eased and Chase could breathe again; the liquor was just particularly rough this evening. Coughing lightly, he rasped out, “Great. Lovely. I’ll see what I can do about getting it and wiping the contents before Oz gets it read.” Too bad for him that Valkris was the one handling the reading of the padd.

Jonas relaxed a little. “Good. There’s one other thing I want you to work on, hopefully it will be more pleasant. I picked up a rumour from one of your security girlies, Aleksa, she’s my department head’s ex-girlfriend. She seems to think that Hawke’s assistant has a thing for Gilroy. Ring any bells?”

“Zods! Is there any woman on this station who doesn’t have a thing for Gilly? You’d think that half-breed Klingons who quote some stupid poet from nine centuries ago were a rare breed with their own...,” Chase lost the thread of his own tortured insult aimed at Gilroy. Blankly, he blinked at Jonas for a moment before recovering just about where he’d left off: “Yeah, I’ve heard that rumor.”

“I want you to change her mind. Show her just how charming Chase can be. Make her forget all about Mr. Shakespeare Gilroy. Put Chase-colored stars in her eyes. And please tell me you can see the reason for this?” Jonas’ gaze as he looked across the table at Chase was intent, unsettling even.

Chase was far from smart, but he was also far from stupid. Even though he didn’t quite see the point in seducing (Jonas had said seducing, right? It’s what Chase was good at - and he got the bonus of getting to have sex) the Admiral’s lackey, he wasn’t about to admit that to Jonas. He nodded and looked away, one hand tense around his empty glass. “Yeah, ‘course I get it. Charm the pants off her, dazzle her a bit...,” he shrugged eloquently and leaned back, looking at Jonas again, “No problem. Can do.”

“Good. Women get loose lips when they get laid, and I want to have a means of keeping up with that the big guy’s doing. It may not amount to much but every little bit helps.” Jonas downed the rest of his drink. “Then find the two idiots and get rid of them.”

“That might happen in the reverse order, but it’ll all get done.” He slowly turned his empty glass on the tabletop, musing about how he could kill off the two idiots while somehow pinning it on Oz. The idea would take more time than he had tonight to figure it out. “Unless you’re buying the next round, I got things to do.”

“Go, do them. Miss Sarkozi is still down on the planet, and was there when the bomb went off. Perhaps she could do with some comforting, since her precious Gilroy has yet to notice.” Jonas rose, but lingered by the table. “I’ll talk to you in a day or two.”

“Yeah. Not if I see you first, J,” Chase was on his feet and flipped Jonas a mock salute as he headed for the door. He had a woman to seduce - no need to waste time in getting on that task.

Lt. Zachary Chase
Security Investigations Officer

SCPO Jonas Levin
Stellar Cartography


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