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Meeting The New Girl

Posted on Mon Jun 11th, 2012 @ 7:16pm by Cassidy Wilde & Jackson Banning V & Janice Gree
Edited on on Mon Jun 11th, 2012 @ 7:16pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Jackson's Office - The Nexus Club
Timeline: After "Time To Hide Out"
Tags: Jackson, Jan, Cassidy

* * * Jackson’s Office - The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson sat behind his desk still, the office quiet in the wake of Nenita and Sulan’s departure. He sent a message to both Janice and Cass to come see him and then sat lost in thought, pondering Harding. Trouble had indeed come home to roost.

Something was different in the air, that much was certain. Janice could feel it, though she couldn’t quite identify it just yet. For her part, she knew she was looking different; perhaps that’s what the vibe in the air was all about: whispers about her newly curvaceous figure and the form-fitting, slinky purple gown were bouncing about the club, at least amongst the club’s employees. She slunk her way into Jackson’s office and took up a perch on the edge of his desk. “You rang, darlin’?”

“Yeah, I did an’ --” He paused as he looked, really looked at Janice. “ look different, what’s up?”

“Nothing,” Janice answered with a cagey shake of her head; she redirected his attention: “What’s got you so down in the mouth?”

Jackson raised an eyebrow at her. “That dress. You come in wearin’ that after years of tellin’ me no? Jesus, Jan, you tryin’ ta kill me?”

“Why not? You die, I inherit the club free and clear, right?” She smirked as she laughed. “Besides, you’ve got your own little chippie around here lately, don’t you?”

Jackson rolled his eyes. “Now don’t you start. Nothin’ happened. Well besides her gettin’ me home and pourin’ me into bed. And before ya ask, yes, I did strip down in the hall, but then I passed out as soon as we got inside. But speakin’ of Cass, she’s on her way here so you can meet her. An’ we’ve got a little business to deal with too once she in.”

“Uh-huh. So dear little ‘Cass’ gets you home, gets you naked and didn’t fondle the goods?” Janice’s brows went up, clearly showing her disbelief in that statement. “She must be just as crazy as you, J.”

“Apparently I got me naked and she had some sense. Unlike me.” He shook his head. “What is it with you and Su tryin’ to palm me off on somebody? Besides, we’ve got bigger issues. Harding’s here Jan.”

“I’m not--,” she stopped short at the mention of Harding. “Harding? Has he come to reclaim you as a lab rat?”

“He thinks. And Sulan, but his main focus is Nat. He told me in so many words that if I don’t keep my distance from her, he’ll ruin her.” Jackson shrugged. “And she told me to stay away so there ya go. I’m not done with that worm yet, though.”

“So the one woman you would bed down with has told you to stay away?” Jan mused over that for a moment. “Do you have a plan for dealing with Harding?”

“Workin’ on it. I may need you for that, fair warnin’. But my main concern is Sulan. Cass should be along any minute now so I can tell you both at once.”

Jan was just about to ask about Sulan but paused as the office door opened to admit a third person to the party.

Even though she’d been told more than once by a few of the employees that Jackson was expecting her in his office, manners still dictated she should knock first. That plus Cassidy couldn’t fathom why everyone was smiling at her so much. What a friendly bunch of people. Dressed in an elegant black gown dotted with thousands of tiny crystals, she looked as if she were wearing a moving starfield.

“Knock, knock...” she peeked in, a bright smile still in place from saying hello to everyone she passed in the club. “Ya wanted ta see me?”

“Yeah, thanks for comin’ so fast.” Jackson paused a moment to look her over and smiled. Now completely sober, he could understand why he’d felt the urge to strip down. Belatedly, he recalled that Jan could read his thoughts like a book and he mumbled, shooting her a sideways glance. “Cassidy Wilde, meet Janice Gree. She’s my business partner and co-owner here. And mother hen and matchmaker at times, too.”

Janice certainly could read his thoughts; this time, she almost blushed thanks to the racy thoughts flashing through there. “Hey, keep it clean, mister,” she warned Jackson then smiled at Cass, “I’m hardly a mother hen. Nice to meet you, Cassidy.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Janice,” she greeted her. Cass was doing an admirable job of keeping her expression pleasant as to not give away the fact she had caught Jackson’s thoughts also, so she wouldn’t embarrass him, but the slight color heating up her cheeks betrayed her. Keep your mind off of that, missy, she chastised herself inwardly.

Arching a knowing brow, Janice smiled and quipped, “I’m sure it was last night, too.”

Cutting a surprised glance at Jackson, Cassidy wondered just what had been said about her ‘night’ with him. “If yer referrin’ to my goin’ out with Jackson for drinks and a dance or two, then yes...I had a lovely time. He was kind enough ta play tour guide for me and show me ‘round a bit. He was a perfect gentleman.” A bit of exhibitionist, but still a gentleman, she thought, struggling not to laugh.

“For the most part, yeah. Dammit.” He was tired of being everyone’s white knight and forever the gentleman, but such was life. “Glad you’re here, Cass. It’s about Sulan. She’s requested a leave of absence for a while. Bein’ newly mated, she wants time to spend with Kit’rin’e and I can understand, I got no issues with that at all. Which leaves me without someone handlin’ the reservations and seatin’. That’s where you come in, Cass, I think you can handle that while she is away.”

She had no idea who Sulan was, but she didn’t miss a beat. “Newly mated? How wonderful for her and her mate. Of course she should take time off. That’s very generous and kind of ya ta do that for her.” Cassidy smiled, thrilled and happy for the couple she had yet to meet. Reaching up to tuck a loose curl behind her ear, she turned that bright happy smile on Jackson.

In the back of her head, where all her private thoughts lived, Janice wondered just what Cass was smoking that made her so... perky. And happy. She filed that thought away and smiled back at the woman. “Becoming an elder isn’t an easy path,” she remarked. “Cassidy, I’ll show you the ropes of the position later, once Jackson is done with us.”

“Thanks, to both of you.” He looked to Jan now. “I’ve also suggested she take a little vacation on one of the upper decks. It’ll be a nice peaceful spot where they can’t be bothered.”

For a moment, Janice didn’t catch Jackson’s meaning then, when she did, she wondered why Sulan and the kitty would need to be under Intel’s protection. Harding. That’s why. “Well, I’ll bet Kit’rin’e is thrilled with those arrangements.”

“I left it to her to tell ‘im. She has several things to tell him actually, so....yeah. He’s in for an interestin’ evenin’. You have any questions, Cass?”

Her expression had sobered some, since she was getting the feeling she was missing something vital in the conversation. Unfortunately, she accidentally caught enough to know it had something to do with Harding. Just thinking about that little worm made her frown until she remembered the look on his face after she popped him one. Ha!

“Nothin’ work related, no,” she shook her head and quickly slammed the door on reading anyone else. She knew better than to go poking around where she shouldn’t.

Jan didn’t need to read Cass’s mind to know what was up. “I’ll bet dollars to donuts that you have non-work related questions. And since you already know the size of things,” she shot a smile at Jackson, “...we know that’s not on your list of things to ask.”

Jackson groaned aloud. “You wanna see it too, sweetheart?”

Cassidy closed her eyes and shook her head, pointing a finger at him without looking. “Don’t you dare! You keep that thang in yore pants, Jackson!”

Scrunching up her face, she risked a peek at Jan. “That was not what I had on my mind, but thanks to yore powers of suggestion, now I’m gonna go to hell all over again.”

Laughing, Jan commented, “At least you’re not alone on that ride!”

Cass’ laughter came to a stuttering halt, remembering Harding’s snide comment about her not being the only one in line. Asshole. It didn’t matter anyway, she wasn’t in any line where Jackson was concerned. Pushing the thoughts of the vile man aside with a small shudder, she shrugged.

“I never claimed to be an angel,” she offered with a small smile.

“Thank god for that,” Jackson muttered. “But if either of you are’s boxers are Superman.“ He looked from Jan back to Cass.

“You’d take any chance you get to show it off, wouldn’t you?” Jan laughed.

“Most of the time, yes. You’ll need to meet Eli too, Cass. He’s part time general employee and also sings the early set. He’d be here now but he’s home...likely tied up. He’ll be in later.”

“Oh good lord! Shame on you. Why’s that sound dirty when you say it?” Cassidy laughed again. “I look forward to meetin’ him later, then.”

“Because it may be dirty. He’s a young man in love, Cass. You’ll likely meet his...what would you call it Jan?”

“Traditionally, most people would call Chance his boyfriend. You, though... what? Lover? Boytoy? Bedwarmer? Take your pick, dear J.”

“Lover is good. Chance should be here soon, too.” Jackson paused and looked between the two women. Somehow, he just knew he was in trouble. They were getting along too well. He shook his head. “They’re good kids. Eli’s here as a political refugee and Jan and I became his guardians on station. Now. As for business, you’ll start tonight Cass, so Jan can show you the system when we finish here. And once work is done, I’d like to talk to you Cass. Anything else?”

She stared at him for a moment, considering her words carefully. He’d told her that Vic didn’t let anyone mess with the staff here, so that meant there was someone on hand to take care of troublemakers, if anyone had the nerve to cause trouble in here. This wasn’t the kind of establishment that catered to the rougher sort, but seeing how Harding had shown up twice to talk to Jackson, she could only assume he might at some point show up here. Cassidy was never good at beating around the bush, so if she overstepped the line, then she’d have to deal with it.

“Harding. He was full of it when he said he’s a friend of yores, yes or no?”

“Yes. And if he comes in here, as long as he is no trouble, be polite. That does not mean he has to have the best table, however.” Jackson studied Cass for a moment. “I can’t get into anymore detail, given clearance issues.”

She waved a hand at him. “I didn’t ask for any details other than if he was lyin’ and I won’t. I don’t need the ‘you don’t have clearance’ speech, either. I can be polite to him, no problem, but if that pervert thinks about lickin’ me again, I will be givin’ him one word answers...maybe two.”

“Licking you? Ugh...,” Jan made a face and stuck her tongue out in disgust.

“If he does, let one of us or Vic know and he’ll be removed. And yes, he was lyin’. The question with Harding isn’t if he’s lyin’, it’s when isn’t he?” Jackson reached over to pat Jan’s leg where she sat on the edge of his desk. “I’d love to see Jan get hold of him.”

“Me? I’m harmless!”, she protested.

Cass narrowed her eyes and looked at both of them in turn before settling her gaze on Jan. One quick glance at the taller woman gave her a good estimate on her physical condition. “Uh-huh. If yer harmless, I’m Mother Teresa...or some othah long dead saint...and I think we all can agree I’m neither dead nor a saint.”

“I don’t know about that, Cass. Putting a naked man to bed without tasting that low-hangin’ fruit? That ranks up there with sainthood in my book. Either that or you are dead,” Janice looked Cass up and down as she slid from Jackson’s desk and stood up. The rise of color in Cass’s cheeks had her nearly laughing again. “I’m going to make sure the reservation book is current. Jackson, try to keep those Superman shorts up, please.” She winked and disappeared out the door.

“Superma-- Jan!” He yelled after her. “How did you?? Shit.” He rubbed his eyes, then stood. Rounding the desk, he stopped before Cass. “Tonight. After work.”

“What do ya mean how did she know? Ya blurted it out yerself, genius.” Biting her lower lip to keep from laughing, she blinked at him, trying to regain some form of composure. “After work, what?”

“Oh yeah. Damn. Sorry, I’m just on overload. Tonight. You and I need to....go over a few things.” He met her gaze without wavering.

“Overload, indeed,” she said quietly. “Yore little black cloud is back. I promised ya I wouldn’t tell anyone what ya said or did last night, but it seems that somehow othahs already know.”

“The rumour mill Cass. You know there’s a sayin’ that alcohol doesn’t change ya it just makes ya moreso. Ya just don’t have the restraint to keep it hidden.”

“Hmmph. People that believe that twaddle from rumor mills should be shot for not havin’ a brain in their head,” she muttered stubbornly. “And I’m not dead.”

It took a moment for that to sink in for Jackson, but then her meaning was clear. Reaching up, he touched her cheek gently. “Neither am I. I’m also sober now. Go, catch up with Jan. We can talk about this later.”

“Yes, you are.” Before she thought better of it, she ran her fingers through his hair. Sighing, Cassidy dropped her hand to her side. “See ya later, Charleston.” She gave him one last smile, then turned and glided out of his office.

“Later, Savannah.”

He locked the door behind her so he could get dressed for the evening. Somehow, he had the feeling it was going to be a long night.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Confused Individual
The Nexus Club

Janice Gree
Owner & Amused Individual
The Nexus Club

Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Definitely Not Dead Individual
The Nexus Club


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