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Arrival of the MCPO

Posted on Wed Jun 13th, 2012 @ 6:21am by Master Chief Petty Officer Alexander O'Carney & Lieutenant Leona Aliso & Cadet Freshman Grade Kyntaris Rhan
Edited on on Tue Jun 19th, 2012 @ 5:34am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Starfleet HQ to SB900
Timeline: current

**Meanwhile on the docks of Star Fleet Headquarters; the young ensign finally introduces himself. **

“Master Chief, forgive me. In my rush to get you here I have failed to introduce myself and also failed to get you to the ship on time. I am Ensign Vicot, and I work for Commodore Alexander Rigovran. He sent me to get you to your flight to you new assignment.”

“What in the world would Commodore Rigo want to aide me?” MCPO O’Carney says gruffly.

Ensign Vicot replies, “No sir!”

“Sir?! What the hell are they teaching at the Academy these days! I am an Non-Commissioned Officer and you will address me as such. To you that is Master Chief or Master Chief Petty Officer. Do you understand me ENSIGN!”

Trembling Ensign Vicot continues, “Aye aye Master Chief. I will need to take you to the commodore’s offices here at Star Fleet. I just hope he has not return to his task force and might be here working on his new duties.”

MCPO states, “New duties, what new duties? The man continues to volunteer for more work. He was a “Yes Man” with a major case of “Can Do” attitude while we served on Jupiter Station. I bet some of the Commanders and Captains think he is just chasing another PIP. The admiralty need to put is ass to work on another ship. So Ensign what are his new duties?”

Vicot, “Master Chief, he is the new Adjutant General.”

MCPO, “Oh HELL.” Rolls his eyes. “So lead the way”

Vicot, “Right this way, sir.”

MCPO glares at the ensign in his error.

**moments later they arrive at HQ**

Seeing a familiar face MCPO smiles as he says, “Hey Val how you get here? I thought you were on the Vulcan home world doing more combative training?”

SSG Samuel “Val” Valentino replies, “No Sergeant Major I was called to the Adjutant General’s officer. For who knows what.” Takes a double take at the MCPO uniform... “What the hell rank is that?”

MCPO replies, “Well I had seen as much as I wanted to with the Corp, so I thought I would cross branch and take on new roles with Star Fleet. Sure enough they allow me to cross branch and I am headed out to some star base. I guess they thought my service on enough ships might help me.

Val, “Who is the butter bar?”

MCPO, “Show some respect that is still an officer and the young Ensign was assigned to get me to my vessel to Star Base 900.”

“Really, I am to go out there to be the Command Master Chief’s aide and guard. I hear there are some strange things going on out there. I am looking forward to serving in a joint command. I wonder who the Chief will be.”

“Looks like we will have to find a lift together then.”

“Roger that Sergeant Major, or should I say Master Chief.”

“Either way with you will be fine. Just hope these Fleet-ees will be easier to work for.” MCPO then turns to Ensign Vicot, “So…Ensign, shall we continue! I am sure you will have no issue if SSG Valentino follows with us, since he is going there and an old friend of mine.”

Vicot, “This way please.” Points to the turbo lift

**the three continue to the elevator in silence, until they reach the 155th floor. Once there they continue off the turbo lift and through a short corridor to the Commodore’s offices.**

Vicot, “Right this way please.” Vicot then opens a door to an office conference room to which he signals the NCOs to have a seat.

**A few moments later Vicot and a warrant officer come back into the room.**

“Master Chief and SSG Valentino, I am sorry for the means to which we have met, yet let me introduce myself. I am Chief Warrant Officer Three Miller, and the executive officer of the USS Ocklawaha.” States CW3 Viktor Miller

All of a sudden MCPO and SSG Val jump up. Then all three men, MCPO, SSG Val, and CW3 Miller embrace each other as if they have just seen each other in decades; eaving the Ensign still looking confused.
CW3 Miller turns to the ensign, “Ok sir you are no longer needed here. We are old friends. We all served together in the Corp. Just we went into different fields after combat on Romulus.”

Ensign Vicot replies, “Aye, I will go report to the Commodore and let him know the situation.”

Miller, “Ensign he is no longer here at Headquarters, you will just need to raise him on Jupiter Station. He is watching over some new ship constructions and one new star base being planned.”

“Aye, Chief. Then you have these fine gentlemen taken care of from here?”

Miller, “Go already; you know how the Commodore hates getting reports late. Yes I will tend to these gentlemen if it means using the Ocklawaha to get them to Star Base 900.”

**Ensign Vicot leaves the room, and the old friends take a seat at the table.**

MCPO, “So they let you command a ship?”

Miller, “Aye it is really Commodore Rigovran’s ship, however he spends most of his time here or the shipyards. Therefore I get the ship and its crew is mostly cadets which we train prior to them going to their first true assignments. They are good kids.”

Val as he chuckles states, “Hey now not all of them can be that young.”

MCPO, “Can you believe that Vicot made me miss my ship. Goodness what will the new commander think.”

Miller, “Well from what I understand you are going to 900? If that is so, what assignment are you taking there?”

Val, “Yea Sergeant Major what is your assignment? I understand they have plenty of Marines out there.”

MCPO, “Well I am going to take my first Star Fleet command post. I am to serve as the bases Command Master Chief, and maybe help work with an Academy satellite training operations out there.” He grins and then looks at SSG Valentino. “How do you think you got your assignment Val? I requested someone I can trust to have my back.”

**Just then CW3 Miller is Hailed**

“This is Miller.”

Unknown voice, “Chief there are no ships schedule to go to Star Base 900. Please inform Command Master Chief O’Carney he will have to wait four months before another ship leaves for the Delta Quadrant.”

Miller then turns to MCPO, “Well I guess that gives us some time to catch on up things.”

MCPO, “Hell no it doesn’t I need to get there. You understand a Star Base must have its Master Chief in order to keep those officers in check and allows NCOs of any service and rate to do their jobs.” Pauses “Do you know have a ship docked here?”

Val, “Yeah, you said you are the XO of the Ocklawaha.”

Miller, “Very well; I will alert the crew and meet you at the docks in about four hours. Will that work for you Sergeant Major, sorry Master Chief?”

MCPO, “Val back your bags we are headed to the Delta Quadrant and Star base 900. Chief, who is in command at 900? I have received no briefing.”

Val interrupts the chief before he got a chance to speak, “Master Chief, I have the briefings and reports you need. I will have them for you on the Ocklawaha so you can read while we travel. Chief Miller, is there anything thing I can help with on the ship while we are under way?”

Miller, “Roger you can work at my weapons station, you know the cadets aren’t ready for that position. You might also be able to help in engineering. Master Chief, the Commander is none other than the Alpha Fleet Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener.”

MCPO, “Interesting!!”

**The three men then go their different ways***

**A few hours has past and the men meet back up**

MCPO, “Chief you are sure that the Adjutant General is ok with you taking his personal escort ship out to the delta quadrant?”

CW3 Miller, “Here is a signed order from Commodore Rigovran giving you temporary command of the USS Ocklawaha. Once we are there and you see if safe for our return you release it back to me and I return back here.”

MCPO, “Very well! Is the entire crew ready?”

Miller, “Aye Master Chief. Man that still sounds funny. Guess I better get used it, yet Sergeant Major still sounds better to my ears. However, aye the NCO training crew is on board, and the cadet crew is being left behind. You and SSG Valentino can get settled into your quarters and I will call you to the bridge when we are ready.”

**The men start to enter the ship**

(Note: More to come)


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