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A New Appointment

Posted on Mon Jun 11th, 2012 @ 11:12pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Wegener's Office
Timeline: Current

Admiral Wegener’s Office

Dr. Harding left Sickbay after stopping in to congratulate the Hawkes. It was getting on towards evening now and while dinner would be good, he had something to do first. A few minutes later, he arrived at Ricky’s office and smiled at Hope.

“Lt. Beckman, I’d like to see the admiral if I may?”

Hope smiled. It wasn't her job to let anyone and everyone in to Admiral Wegener. She was to use her own discretion on who could come on in, who would be scheduled for an appointment and who would be given the brush off.

"And who might you be?" she asked.

“Dr. William Harding, Starfleet Medical. I just arrived in from San Francisco two days ago.”

"If you'll have a seat I'll let him know you're here," she said and sent a quick text message to the Admiral's terminal.

About six minutes later a reply came.

"Doctor, Admiral Wegener will see you now." She triggered the switch for the large doors to Rick's office and watched the man walk in.

“Thank you.” Harding smiled and gave her a slight, courtly bow, then crossed the threshold into Ricky’s office. “Good evening, Admiral Wegener, I hope it’s not too late?”

Rick had stood to greet this Doctor Harding and shook his hand by the desk.

"Not at all, Doctor Harding. To what do I owe the honor of your visit?"

“First to pay my respects. I should have done son as soon as I arrived, but as usual on a station this size, things happen. And then there was the arrival of Admiral Hawke’s new daughter, and I did go visit them. It’s amazing, sir. As many times as you see it, it still just overwhelms and awes you to see a new life come into this universe.” Harding smiled indulgently for a moment. “I was never so fortunate.”

"Nor have I been, but there's still hope, I guess." He gestured to the seat. "Please, sit. So how long are you going to be with us?"

“That is up in the air at the moment. I have discovered that your CMO has gone on leave?”

Rick nodded. "He has, sadly, leaving us with a bit of a hole to fill. We have several talented doctors on staff but, oddly enough, none of them seem up to the task of filling the CMO spot."

“I see. I have some business here on the station related to an old project of mine that that Dr, Bren assisted with, and it might take a little time, especially in going over old research notes. I’d be more than happy to fill in, only temporarily of course, until he returns to duty.”

"That would actually be great, doc. If you could have your bonafides, as they used to say, forwarded to my office so that I could look over them I would appreciate it. I'm sure, however, that you'll be perfect for the job."

Harding pulled a padd from the pocket of his blue lab coat and tapped it several times. “There, they should reach your terminal any moment now if you’d care to peruse them. In case there are questions.”

Sure enough, the information appeared and Rick did a quick read-through. "Looks good to me, Doc. When can we get you started?"

“Now if you like. Well, tomorrow, actually. It’s been a long day and I have a young lady to see to finish a conversation that was interrupted this morning. I appreciate your confidence, Admiral.”

"I appreciate your willingness to help us out in our time of need." He smiled. "And I see that you hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander. That will work out nicely."

He stood. Obviously the meeting was over. "Doctor Harding, thank you once again. I'll send notifications to all department heads about your appointment so you can get started tomorrow."

Harding rose and inclined his head. “Thank you Admiral. And I want to make sure it’s clear that this is only until Dr. McKinney returns. Otherwise, I’ll be on my way. I thought I’d try the Nexus Club this evening. Mr. Banning and I go back quite a few years you know.”

"I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Banning is a good man." He shook hands with him again. "Let me officially welcome you to Starbase 900 and thank you, once again."

“My pleasure.” He released Ricky’s hand and turning, made his way out of the office. It was time to go wind down and enjoy himself.

A joint post by:

Dr. William Harding, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer, SB900


VADM Ricky Wegener
CO, Starbase 900


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