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Wakey Wakey

Posted on Sat Jun 16th, 2012 @ 7:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Major Patrick Smith & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Intel Offices

* * * Patrick’s Quarters * * *

Patrick’s quarters were still deep in shadow. The temperature was just right, the silence complete. He’d fallen instantly into a deep, dreamless slumber just as Nenita had ordered. By the chronometer, he’d been asleep exactly six hours. Moments later, a soft, sultry voice stirred the darkness.

“Patrick, apologies....but I need to wake you early. I just couldn’t wait.....”

The voice flowed into sleep, too soft yet to stir him but registering all the same. Five minutes went by and the voice came again, just a little louder.

“Hello darling....dreaming of me yet? You’d better be. Too bad I’m not here to wake you in person, but you know how it is. You’ll just have to use your imagination till I am.”

Pat woke up as the voice ended and lying there tried to remember why the voice of Nenita was filling his room, briefly wondering had he forgotten something from the night before. As he remembered he sighed and made a note not to let her do the alarm again and tried to drift back to sleep.

Another five minutes passed and suddenly, the lights of his quarters came on full blast, and the FNN News network flashed to life on the large viewscreen in his wall. Nenita’s voice came once more.

“Wakey, wakey, or your legs I’ll brakey. Sorry stud, but I had to wake you early. Something’s come up and I need to see you and Nick in our conference room. See you in twenty, sugar.”

His first reaction was to yell, Oh for petes sake woman!” at the voice in the air as he sat up. His next was to quickly grab his usual undercover gear from the wardrobe as they were much comfier than his actual uniform and to start putting it on. Doing the typical male thing he watched flicked the news channel to the football and was surprised to see Starbase 478’s win over starbase 151.

“Well if that’s the biggest surprise of the day then things shall be fine,” he muttered as he looked about for his combat knife and strapped it to his ankle before covering it with the trousers.

* * * Intel Offices * * *

Nenita was already in the conference room, seated at the table with several padds in front of her. A large coffee mug was close at hand, as usual.

Pat walked into the conference room 15 minutes after his FNN/Nita wake up call and made a beeline straight for the coffee. “Now this is how a person should be woken,” he commented as he sat down drinking his coffee.

“Oh?” Nenita looked up with a coy smile. “Hey, you left it to me to wake you up. Sorry for the short sleep. No rest for the wicked and all that. And I stand by what I said. It would have been so much better in person.”

“Not quite sure how the dream I was having would have been helped along by your presence. But another one perhaps,” he added. “Any thing you can tell me now or are we going to have to wait?”

“Nick should be along any moment now. I got to wake him up too.” She smiled and reached for her coffee, not bothering to clarify what method she’d used on him.

“Oh great. Maybe we can compare notes then,” Pat replied with a sly look over the top of his coffee cup.

She shot him a stern ‘you wouldn’t dare’ look, then passed a padd over to him. “You can look that over till he gets here.”

“He’s here,” Nick said as he strolled in, shot a ‘fuck you’ glance at Patrick and then smiled at Nenita before pinching her ass. “What’s the story?”

“That’s the latest from the planet, boys. They hustled Admiral Hawke back up here, just in time for him to run off to Sickbay for the birth of his new daughter.” A sappy smile spread over Nenita’s face. “I’ve seen her and she’s so gorgeous she makes you two look like frogs. No offense. Anyhow, Oz and crew, along with Valkris, are still down there investigating. Kh’ali is, according to Kai, about to prove our wisdom in choosing a half-Klingon as our CDO. A shame I won’t be there to see it.”

“I was down there,” Nick replied. “So what’s the move now?”

“They’re still looking over the bomb site. The meeting is going to move here to the station, since it’s obviously unsafe down there, and Kh’ali is gonna rip them all a new asshole. Bring popcorn.” Nenita looked from one to the other with a smile.

Nick looked at Lieutenant Smith with a bit of a snarl. "Go ahead, superman. I can't ask all the questions here."

It was obvious to all that Patrick was not someone that Nick liked. And when he didn't like someone, he didn't hold back, officer or not.

“Sure thing Krypto,” Pat responded smiling back at Nick not really bothered about the other’s dislike for him. “I take it we are going to need to head underground for a while to see if we can hear anything relating to a station side attack?”

“Yes and I think you both would be good at that, though you have a stop to make first, Paddy. Li’s on her way back up. Interesting night but it’s quiet for now. By the time you get there it may not be.” Nenita slid another padd to Patrick. “That’s a recording of the open feed from her.”

Pat chuckled at the reference to how well him and Suresh got on. “Sounds like Suresh is going to be very unhappy for a while. That being said I agree that talking business will be a good distraction for him and it’ll give me a chance to get deeper inside what happens down there.” He looked at Nick. “So how does Krypto fit into the story? My Muscle perhaps?” he asked knowing it wasn’t really something a former Marine needed.

“He’ll do what he does best. Be invisible and find out anything he can.” Nenita’s gaze settled on Nick for a moment. “The Archadians will be arriving here soon, you need to be so close to them you could be them.”

“You know me, love. If I were any closer...I’d be inside them.” He waggled his eyebrows at ‘Nita then glowered at the moron next to him. “I’ll be doing some work that’s actually important instead of playing bad guy down in The Pit.”

Nenita speared Nick with a killer gaze. “That’s enough. He has a tough job not being found out and dealing with that obsessive psycho. And for now, no rough stuff. Things are kinda hard for Li right now so behave. Or I’ll start the ass kicking. That goes for both of you.”

There had only ever been one woman that could keep Nick's half-Klingon side in check, and that was Nenita. Even Li had had some trouble with him at one point, but she had earned his respect so he finally had a good working relationship with her. And the fact that Li and Nenita were good friends helped. But if it weren't for the gloriously beautiful woman standing before him, he would have kept on until he and the jarhead were rolling around on the floor.

"Anything for you," he replied, meaning it.

“Good answer.” She bestowed a warm smile on Nick. “I told her to take some time off but she may have a few things to see to. Someone’s a little antsy and got in trouble tonight.”

“I’ll take a little something extra down tonight just in case then... and I’ll behave around Suresh,” he added. “No sense in making him any more annoyed.”

“Once you listen to that recording, you’ll understand more.” Nenita looked from one to the other. “That’s all I have till we hear from Val and Kh’ali. So vamoose.”

“Keep us posted,” Pat said as he stood. “And our associate know I’m heading down as well.”

Nick waited for Patrick to leave and stood next to Nenita. Once he was gone he spoke. "I really don't like that putz. He's a fucking kid and he acts like he's the baddest thing in three quadrants. Hell, he's spent all of his career in or around fighters. Why is he even in intelligence?"

“Because he can fly and he’s one of the few with the right clearance.” Nenita rested her hands on Nick’s shoulders. “And he’s good in action.”

Nick bristled at the words. He was sure that she meant in a fight, but what if...?

"I'm not sure how he could be. Kinda' hard to square off man-to-man in a cockpit."

“Sometimes you have to fight on a bigger scale, honey. But if it’s man-to-man? We couldn’t have saved Oz without him. He and Lazan did it.”

Nick harrumphed. "I'm sure it was mostly Lazan."

He could tell that the conversation was going nowhere. No matter how he felt about Patrick Smith, Nenita didn't share the feelings.

Pulling her close he kissed her then swatted her ass. "We're gonna' need some alone time soon. I sure do miss you. And damn you smell good!" he said as he inhaled deeply.

“I think I can squeeze you in before the Archadians arrive if you’re a good boy.” She winked at Nick, then hooked her finger in his collar. “My office door locks.”

"Heh," he said. "I love being squeezed in."

He followed her to the office and closed the door.

Nenita Quidley
Patrick Smith
Nick Marcinko
Getting The Spooks Together


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