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Searching For Answers

Posted on Sat Jun 16th, 2012 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D. & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Jackson's Office - The Nexus Club

* * * Jackson's Office - The Nexus Club * * *

Eli had just started the early set as Jackson entered his office. It was a good, solid crowd tonight and Cass was handling it well. He had a good forty-five minutes before he had to go out and close the set and so he had one thing on his mind - answers. Since it was clearly not safe to see Natalia in person, he would call her from here. After checking with the computer, he determined that she was in her quarters and Harding was in his, so he didn't have to worry about being overheard. Sitting down at his terminal, he turned it on and opened a channel to Natalia.

Natalia walked out of her bathroom with a towel around her, patting her hair dry with another, when she heard her comm go off. Denying the request for visual this time, she hit the comm button on her desk, "This is Doctor Bren..."

"Nat." Jackson paused a moment at the lack of image, then recalled the surprise call from Harding while she'd been wearing a bathrobe. "It's me. I need to know what's goin' on." He stared at the blank screen, wanting to see her, needing it. "I had a visit from Harding this morning and....can ya turn on the visual?"

Jackson.. Nat closed her eyes, deeply inhaling before swallowing. She could hear the concern in his voice. "Okay..just..just a moment", she finally answered in an emotional near-whisper. She walked over to her bed, took off the towel, putting on her robe as she returned. Lifting her wet hair up with both hands off the nape of her neck, she sat down and pressed the needed key to allow visual.

"That's better." He sat looking at her for a long moment, then spoke, his voice soft. "So, what's up? And start at the beginnin' where we woke up and you gave me my marchin' orders."

She felt the weight of his gaze, and had to fight the urge to look away, "I panicked." The look in her eyes becoming intense, she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Can you tell me why? Then I'll tell you what my little visit with the worm was all about." Jackson fell silent, looking back at her now, tension beginning to coil tighter within him.

"He's more dangerous than you realize." Her eyes now glistened, "Jackson...", and they searched his, "Please stay away from him."

"I'd love to Nat, if he didn't keep droppin' in to visit. He stopped to talk at The Wormhole last night, then showed up at my place this mornin'. He also said that if I don't stay away from you, it will mean trouble for you."

"That doesn't make sense...", She sat back in her seat, and looked away, pulling her robe tighter together as she pictured the way Harding looked at her the last time they talked. The moisture increasing behind her eyes, she narrowed them back at him, "He's playing mind games. He wants me to assist him in whatever his twisted plans are for you and Sulan. How can I do that if he expects you to stay away from me."

"He meant on a more personal level. He doesn't seem to mind if you end up pokin' and proddin' at me with your medical tools as long as I'm not doin' the same to you with my own non-medical ones." Jackson sighed and rubbed his eyes. "So what's he got on you that could cause you trouble?"

Running a hand on the side of her forehead, she looked downward, clearly frustrated. "Nothing I can't handle", she whispered. She looked back up at him, her jaw set stubbornly, "He doesn't own me.." knowing clearly Harding did as she said it. Her eyes gave her away, "He doesn't run my life, I do."

Jackson studied her face and shook his head. "Not buyin' it, Nat. Whatever I'm missin' here, it's enough for the both of you to shoo me off. And when Harding makes a threat, he means business. We both know that."

"Yes", she nodded, her eyes locking with his, "Harding is...", she struggled to reveal, "... Section 31", and then her heart fell, "so am I." She hit the comm switch, ending the transmission.

The silence in Jackson's office was absolute as he stared at the monitor, completely dumbstruck. It was finally broken by the only thing he could think of to say.

"Well, fuck me runnin'."

He hadn't known what Natalia would say but that sure as hell wasn't what he'd ever expect. In fact, he felt rather dizzy and after unbuttoning his jacket, he bent over to put his head between his knees. Boy, he sure could pick 'em. A knock came at the door, then Vic's voice.

"Hey, J, set's wrapping up."

The earth stopped moving and he sat back up. Finally, he rose, buttoned his jacket and left the office. As soon as he did his thing on stage, he was taking a little break to go see just what was what.


Jackson Banning V
Owner & Blown Away
The Nexus Club

Doctor Natalia Bren
Chief Surgeon & Bomb Dropper


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