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Posted on Sat Jun 30th, 2012 @ 6:33pm by Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D. & Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D.

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Natalia's Quarters

"And that's our first set, folks. Stick around for the second set with the lovely Janice Gree in two hours."

Jackson jumped off the stage and after a stop at the bar for a quick drink, he was out the door and in the turbolift. Natalia's words still went round and round in his head. Section 31? Surely that wasn't true. Couldn't be true. Could it? He sighed and ran a hand over his face, letting his head fall back against the lift wall. Finally, it stopped and he emerged on her deck, hurrying to her door. He hesitated a moment, then rang the chime.

With soft piano music playing in the background, Nat stood in her kitchen area and poured herself some more wine. She couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with Jackson, the look on his face. Now what, Natalia? she thought, swallowing down the wine, when the door chime rang. Startled out of her thoughts she nearly jumped, wine slopping out of her glass and onto the counter. Quickly grabbing a towel, she stared at the door. "Jackson?" she whispered. Or could it be Harding? Crossing the room, she tried to mentally prepare herself, knowing she had to handle herself either way.

Releasing the breath she'd been holding, she tapped at the control panel and opened the door.

As the doors opened, Jackson looked Natalia up and down before he spoke. "We should probably not do this out in the hall. Gonna let me in?"

"Yes..please..", she said softly, moving aside for him to enter, her eyes sweeping the corridor as she did.

Jackson stepped in and once the doors closed, he studied her for a long moment. "I'm not sure what to ask first." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "How about tellin' me exactly what this means, then work your way back?"

Nat placed her hand over his, grabbing hold and bringing it down to her. She held his face with her other. "What this means", she shook her head, "is I don't want you to stay away. But it's safer for you if you do." Her eyes searched his, for she had a new resolve since she had spoken to him earlier, "Jackson, I would rather die than for any harm to come to you," and there was almost desperation in her voice, "but I need your help."

"I don't know about safer for me, but it will be safer for you. Whatever he has on you, he'll use if he thinks there still somethin' goin' on here." He stopped to take a deep breath. "Help with what?"

Her lips moved silently, searching for words. Then she pulled away, "He isn't just here for you, for Sulan, and the research. He's Section 31, so there has to be some other reason. I need to find out what that is."

"And how do you figure into the organization? How long Natalia? How long have you been part of it? Why?"

She averted her eyes, "Too long", and then returned her gaze to his, "but not because I've wanted to. Over twelve years ago I was assigned to assist in Harding's research for my Internship. He manipulated me into this organization I had never heard of, and it wasn't long before I realized what I had become involved in. I told him I wanted nothing to do with it, I wanted out.."

"I bet I can guess how that went." Jackson crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. "And once in, hard to get out too. And then, when things went boom in the Briar Patch, and you all discovered what had happened, it was the last brick in the wall."

"Yes", Natalia whispered, sadness filling her eyes as she reached out to touch him, but stopped herself, unsure if he would even want that from her anymore. She turned away, feeling lost where he was concerned. Blinking back tears, she took in deep breaths in an attempt to focus on what she felt it was she needed to be focused on. Grabbing her glass of wine on the way, she went over to the couch and sat down, looking just as lost as she felt.

Jackson's thoughts were in turmoil as he watched her, unmoving. "You didn't say what he's holdin' over your head. And you need my"

She looked back up to him, "He threatened my brother. His name is Jorel Sadago. He's the diplomatic aid to the Federation Council Trill Ambassador Representative." That's when the tears escaped. She wiped them away, and continued, "When threatening to bring me down with him if I was to ever expose longer mattered to me, I was promised that cleverly manufactured proof that Jorel is a Section 31 agent would surface, along with evidence of his past involvement in known Section 31 activities."

"I see. That would damage the Trill Homeworld on a grand scale. Fucker." Jackson grumbled. "And that means that if we march right over to the Admiral's office and tell him about his new CMO's affiliation, that'll set things in motion even faster. Just peachy." He paused and thought for a moment, then continued. Man, Harrison had been right. You never really retired, you just took longer vacations. "So the trick is to expose him without you bein' involved, and to hit him before he knows it's comin'. You get on the horn and warn your brother so he can cover his ass in the meantime."

Natalia nodded, placing her wine on the coffee table before her, folding her hands nervously in her lap. She had waited on facing Jorel long enough. "Jackson", she said quietly, "I've been thinking on this ever since Harding and I talked in my office the morning he announced his arrival. We know he is watching us, but we need to be watching him."

"Oh I plan to do a lot more than that, trust me, but in a way that he can't connect it to you for obvious reasons. I have a question, though. Will he separate his new position from his shady activities? Y'all could use the extra hands right now."

She stood up, "I want to believe that he would. But he's an opportunist. He'll use it for his own agenda, just like he did when he was placed incharge of the Project."

"For now, long as he does his job, I can deal with the rest. Listen Nat, you gotta know he's after you, and I'm not speaking professionally. Whatever he's up to, be on your guard and avoidin' me as a topic of conversation would be a good idea. I'll start lookin' into this and see where we go from here. Just be careful, and trust me that I'll take care of things."

The thought of Harding's interest in her made her cringe, and not wanting to think about him pursuing that interest she took a step towards Jackson, the look in her eyes so intense, "Do you trust me?"

"I can't answer that right now Natalia. That's a hell of a secret to keep for twelve years. I understand why you did, if that helps. As for you, your safest bet is to play along with him, at least to a certain extent. It may keep you alive." He looked as if he might say more, but was interrupted by the door chime. "Expecting anyone?"

Nat's heart had sunk within her even more at his words. Unsure of why she had even bothered to ask him the question of trust, more unsure of why she had hoped for a different answer, she pulled her eyes away from his, and stared at the door. Harding? She whispered, "I think you should go to the bedroom."

Jackson looked through the small viewer and nodded. "In the flesh. Look, I need to get back soon for the second set but I'll hang around a little, I wanna see what he's up to. Stay cool." He squeezed her hand and hurried off to the bedroom, leaving the door open so he could hear.

Her eyes followed him out of the room, and then taking a deep breath she called out, "Come in."

The doors slid open and Harding stepped in. He bore a single red rose in his hand, which he presented to Natalia. "For you my dearest. I hope I'm not interrupting anything? I apologize for the lateness of the hour, but I stopped in to see the Nexus Club after I left Sickbay, then I had an unexpected visit from an old friend." Who isn't looking as old as he used to.

"You have a friend? I didn't think that was possible for you," she smiled harshly, staring him down for a moment as she reeled in her emotions. Clearing her throat, she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Is it so hard to believe I desired your company? Off duty? You're an observant woman, Natalia, surely you are aware...?"

"Please don't go there", she nearly whispered, moving away from him as he again held out the rose. "Surely you are aware I feel nothing but contempt for you?"

Harding merely laid the rose aside on the coffee table. "That is purely business, Natalia, and has nothing to do with my personal feelings for you. Besides, we are of a different world and have been a long time. Others do not understand our motivations, varied as they might be."

Off in the bedroom, Jackson remained hidden, his back to the wall by the door, listening.

Nat continued to step away from Harding, rubbing her forehead, and she began to feel a new fear. "Don't tell me you care about me. You couldn't possibly."

"More than you suspect, Natalia, believe it or not. We've worked together a long time and I wouldn't be where I am today without you." His smile was gentle as he continued. "Just a little more time, I promise you, and we'll both be free to do anything we want, anywhere we want."

Jackson listened and frowned. It was downright strange to hear Harding actually showing some emotion. What the doctor had said to him earlier crystallized now and he knew that a jealous Harding could be dangerous if he felt threatened. Which meant being discovered eavesdropping in the bedroom was a very bad idea. He checked the time and that made the decision for him. He had to get back to the club, Janice would be ready to take the stage in a few minutes. Slipping silently into the bathroom, he eased the door closed, then requested a site-to-site transport to the Nexus via the comm panel there. Moments later, he vanished from the bathroom.

Nat closed her eyes momentarily. The Universe was starting to feel surreal, and Harding was delusional. "And all the threats towards my brother?"

"Just following orders from higher up, Natalia." He reached for her hand and raised it to his lips. "I'd never willingly hurt you and you know that."

Inwardly, she cringed at his touch, having resisted the urge to jerk it away as if scalded. Outwardly, she gave him a small nod. "William", she said softly, speaking his given name for the first time, allowing her eyes to fill, "I need time to think about all this. I.." and looking slightly bewildered, she struggled to say more.

"I understand. And it's late, I should leave you to your rest. I'll see you in the morning?"

Hesitantly she nodded, still looking a bit unsure. "Yes", she whispered.

"Good." He kissed her cheek, then stepped back. "I have an appointment first thing, then I"m all yours." He stepped back and moved to the door. "Sweet dreams, my dear. Till tomorrow." He stepped out and moved away down the corridor, a smile on his face.


Dr. William Harding
Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Natalia Bren M.D.
Chief Surgeon

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Eavesdropper
The Nexus Club


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