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Feline Stress to the Nth Degree

Posted on Thu Jun 21st, 2012 @ 9:49am by Vice Admiral Lark Trahern & Admiral S'iraa & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Major General John Thompson & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e
Edited on on Thu Jun 21st, 2012 @ 1:20pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Wegener's office / Siraa's quarters
Timeline: Current

Admiral S’iraa’s VIP Quarters on SB900

Since arriving at Starbase 900, Admiral S’iraa had kept to himself. In his quarters unbearably alone. His ship was lost, a second under his command now but more importantly though was his missing Mate. The last mission had seen nearly 20% of his crew killed or injured. The Court Martial was a difficult ordeal as Command tore apart every aspect of his actions and the events that took place. Though thankfully they didn’t linger too much on his Mate. Though found not guilty of any wrongdoing it still stung no less than the last time.

He felt lost, without a ship, no family nearby or a Homeworld that he felt welcome to. Reports for him flooded in by the hour, each of them unread and left, one extra line being added to the list of those already waiting for his attention on the computer monitor. Medical cleared him of any injuries however the Counselor had already left many messages for him, Lt. (J.G.) Trox. He knew the fleet’s Executive Officer and Chief of Staff were present on the station, he had yet to see them, or meet one of them in particular, wishing instead the solitude of his quarters and the emptiness as his sole remaining companion.

He sat in the chair, facing the stars. His uniform off to the side discarded, a reminder of what he lost. Options were drifting through his troubled mind, should he stay in Starfleet? Should he take a leave of absence? Already he missed the Dreadnought, it suited him in many ways and in others it was a part of him just like his Mate was. His mind fought what he knew would come, the men had reported they saw no sign of a body, or the offspring, thus there was hope yet. Even if it was a slim feeling of hope at that.

VADM Wegener’s Office

“I don’t know,” Rick said. “He came on the station, assigned his own quarters, went directly to his room and that’s where he’s been the whole time.” He poured himself another drink and took a sip as he spoke to Vice Admiral Hawke and Major General Thompson, the Fleet XO and Fleet Development Officer, respectively. "Three days, Lucius. And he won't take any all. I know losing a ship is--well, hell, it's a huge fucking deal. But it wasn't his fault. The court martial has already settled that. So what's going on? Is this more of that Caitian ideology stuff?"

Lucius considered Ricky’s words as he sipped his own drink. “That I don’t know. I know a little about Caitians, but nothing in depth. In looking over all the reports, including the court martial documents, everything was settled satisfactorily. However, there’s one anomaly that may be at the root of this.” Lucius handed a padd over to Ricky. “The list of survivors and those recovered from captivity on that planet. Also a list of MIA’s. Look at that one closely.”

Rick looked at the PADD and stopped when he came across a name he recognized. "Damn..." he whispered. "How did I not know of this?"

“It just arrived, courtesy of Nenita. If I were in his shoes, I likely would be in the same mood. Which makes what I need to do all the more difficult. By that I mean going to his quarters and bringing the rest of the world back to him. He has a new ship to take over, and a crew that needs to see him strong in the wake of what was an absolute horror for all of them.”

"I'll go with if you want. He and I have spoken several times, but I'm not sure even that would help in these circumstances."

“Thank you. I think the show of support would be good.” Lucius passed over one last padd. “The medical reports, and statements from the female crew. I don’t suggest reading it on a full stomach.”

"I'll have to give it the once-over before we see him, then." He shook his head. "It would have been much easier if it had just been a lost ship but this is..." His voice trailed off. He then thumbed the console. "Hope, contact Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e and have him report to me immediately."

=^= Will do. =^=

Rick looked at the group. "900's resident Caitian. In my talks with him I know that there's quite a bit more going on in a Caitian's mind than the normal hodge-podge for most beings. He may be able to help us figure out what S'iraa is thinking right now. I know the loss of a mate is pretty much a catastrophe but the ship and what happened to the crew on top of it? I think only he could help us understand since I know it would go against everything Lucius stands for to probe the Admiral's mind from here."

“It would be a complete invasion of his privacy, yes.” Lucius looked at his watch, then to the rest. “Admiral Trahern should be here any minute now. Once she is briefed, we can proceed to Admiral S’iraa’s quarters.”

The door to Rick’s office opened and a young woman entered. Quiet and confident, there was a regal bearing to the way she carried herself. Dark blonde hair fell down her back, nearly to her waist, loose and unbound except for two small braids that framed her face. A face that appeared too young to belong to be the woman they were expecting.

“Gentlemen,” she inclined her head briefly and looked back up at them. Her bright jewel-toned eyes suddenly lit with mild amusement. “Lt. Beckman said I should come right in. I’m Lark Trahern. It’s nice to finally meet you face to face.”

Lucius rose as was his habit when a lady entered, and offered his hand. “Admiral Trahern. May I present Admiral Ricky Wegener and Major General John Thompson. And I am Admiral Lucius Hawke. Thank you for coming on such short notice. I had what reports we have sent on to you. A few more have come in since then.” He passed her a padd.

Taking Hawke’s hand, she was careful to keep her grip firm, but light as she shook it, smiling at him. A deep set of dimples were exposed as she did. “Thank you, I’ve only just started reading the reports you sent, but what I’ve read is...disturbing.”

"Normally we wouldn't allow information of this nature out to anyone other than admiralty, but I have summoned 900's only Caitian to join us," Rick said. "Their race is one of many mysteries, especially in these circumstances, and I'm hoping he can shed some light on what the Admiral may be going through before we barge into his quarters like gang-busters."

Thompson had arrived during the two Admirals Conversation and having only acknowledged each other briefly he had let them continue their conversation as he continued with the work on his own padd. “Welcome Admiral Trahern. It’s a pleasure to meet you at last,” he said offering his hand to the Admiral.

Smiling briefly and inclining her head, Lark shook his hand. “Thompson, good to meet you as well.”

Kit’rin’e was somewhat surprised to be called to meet the Admiral. He made sure that he was behaved in public following the last incident. He wondered if this was about his performance in the Academy, not covering key topics or his teaching style posing problems to some of the students. Regardless the Admiral called for him so after changing into his uniform he made his way there. He chimed the door and waited, not wanting to just walk in and interrupt whatever was going on behind the doors.

=^= Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e is here, sir. =^= came Beckman's voice.

"Send him in, Lieutenant. Thank you."

When the doors opened, what he didn’t expect to see was a room of Brass. Several Vice Admiral’s and a marine flag officer. “Admiral, you wished to see me.” Kit’rin’e said, viewing his commanding officer first, then the others present in turn.

"Thank you for coming, Commander," Rick said. "Please come in and have a seat. I can assure you that this is not about anything you have done." He shrugged. "We need your help."

Once Kit was settled he continued. "Now, what we are about to say is strictly confidential and not to be repeated to anyone. Is that understood?"

After an affirmative reply, Rick nodded to Lucius to fill him in.

“Admiral S’iraa arrived on the station three days ago following what I will simply say was a terrible attack on his ship, the kidnapping and loss of some of his crew, and those recovered were treated in a manner that could induce nightmares. The Dreadnought was damaged beyond repair, and as of this meeting, Admiral S’iraa’s mate is among the missing. He has been incommunicado since his arrival but the time is coming to take over his new ship. What we are hoping is that you might have some insight on how best to approach him. Our knowledge of your culture is not as broad as we might like here.”

Listening to the information being presented to him he understood why they called him. “I’ll do what I can to help.” He replied. Still, he felt sorry for his fellow Caitian. Knowing that S’iraa was a former starship commander in the Caitian Defence Force, now a Federation starship Captain and a Mate, it seemed the situation was dire indeed.

Rick replied. "In our talks, Commander, you have mentioned the Caitian’s bond with your mates being very strong. With the addition of losing a ship, and part of the crew, what could we expect his reaction to be when we meet with him?"

“For Caitian commanders, like the Admiral he would view the loss of the Dreadnought as a grave shame and dishonour, even if not responsible for it. As I understand this would be the second Dreadnought to be lost under his command. His Mate being taken from him, his mind will be fractured. You can expect anything from hostility, aggression, distance or seclusion. If I was to suggest anything it would be to let a female be the closest person in the group to him as we Caitians will not harm a female. I would avoid touching him, your voices should be soft and gentle. If you appear or come over too strongly you will only push him deeper into what he’s already feeling.” Kit’rin’e explained. “I would suggest avoid commenting on his appearance, or scent. During times of distress or strain a Caitian will sweat, the odour is not disturbing but noticeable in the air, his body will be wrought with chemical reactions as it fights against slipping into a coma.” Kit’rin’e knew that the loss of a Mate could very well kill the Admiral.

Lark didn’t hesitate to offer to help. “I’ll go.”

Kit’rin’e remembered one other note. “You mentioned he would be getting a new ship, might I ask which?” He’d seen many in dock and through the viewports, but not done so recently. A new ship could be just as good news as bad if presented at the wrong time.

Glancing at the tall Caitian, Lark arched a delicate eyebrow. “S’iraa’s mate is missing and you ask about a new ship?” Mild irritation showed in her tricolored eyes.

Clearly the assembled group bar his commanding officer knew little about Caitians. Less than he expected. “With respect, if the Admiral has already been here three days, you have approximately another 11 before he could slip into a coma or even die. His Mate is his life, if we lose our Mate many die within two weeks after. He has lost his ship, some of his crew and his Mate. Presenting a new ship would give something back to him, the issue however is how you present it, if done wrong it could be seen as a pity command.”

Rick felt the need to interject. "Also, Admiral Trahern, Starfleet Command has ordered the new ship to be assigned to Admiral S'iraa. So, regardless, we have to broach the subject. But, as the Commander suggested, it would mean getting back a little of something that he lost. Not nearly as good as his Mate being returned, but at least it's something. It could give him hope and pull him from his doldrums."

She nodded, her expression softening. “Understood. It would give him some direction and purpose again. I, too, share a lifelong bond with my husband, so I can empathize with what it would be like to lose my bondmate.”

"And to answer your question, Commander, he is getting the new flagship, the Ascension class,” Rick added.

Kit’rin’e knew nothing of that particular class, he’d never heard of it before so simply nodded. “I would see how your meeting with him goes, if he seems receptive then present. If your unsure then don’t, it would pose too much of a risk otherwise.” Kit’rin’e replied.

Thompson sat more upright in his chair as he went to speak, “If we show him the ship and capture his imagination with it first, even out of the promenade windows, would that help ease the idea onto him?” John asked.

“If his quarters permit a view, during your meeting the ship could be positioned into view of his quarters.” Kit’rin’e suggested. “If you wish I can also attend the meeting with the Admiral, he may welcome another of his kind.”

“As long as you don’t think he would object to a non-Admiralty officer being there, Commander,” Rick replied. “I’m not sure how he would react in this deeply personal situation for a line officer to be included in something like that. But if you think another Caitian being there may help...?”

“I can wait outside if required, I just wish to help.” Kit’rin’e answered. The Admiral had a point about a personal situation and a line officer, but any help he could be was there for the party to use.

Lucius took a moment to let Kit’rin’e’s words process. “Would it be better to approach as a group or just one or two?”

“I would suggest as one group, a unified stance, show that even at his lowest point the Admiralty stands by one of its own.” Kit’rin’e answered. “You can take a padd with you, if the situation dictates that introducing the new ship is not possible at that time you can signal the ship to move out of the rooms view.” Kit’rin’e didn’t know how the Admiral would react, he’d never lost a Mate before, nor a command. “Be patient with him, you have to be sure to convey that you are there for him, not duty or otherwise even if that is the case.”

That was good enough for Ricky. "Let's do this, then. It's already been three days and whether he's ready or not I think we need to go and help him. I've met him, spoken to him and he doesn't deserve to be left alone like this. He’s a good man. Solidarity is what is called for, so we should all go, Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e included."

Kit’rin’e simply nodded, anything that helped the Admiral was bound to be some measure of help in a time like this lest they leave it too long and he suffer even worse.

Admiral S’iraa’s VIP Quarters

The group stood outside the doorway, a bit tentative about going in but Rick had thumbed the chime three times now and there was no answer. The computer had notified them that the Admiral's commbadge was in the room but Rick had Command & Control verify that there was a Caitian lifesign inside as well. He could have gone out for a stroll...or something.

"Computer, intiate security override on these quarters," Rick said.

Unable to comply. Security override has been shut out by Admiral S'iraa.

"Admiralty override," Rick said, now a bit frustrated. He exchanged worried look with Lucius. "Authorization, Wegener-Alpha-Alpha-Zero-One-Two-Niner."

Reason for override.

"Welfare check. Possible medical emergency."

The computer chirped a few times and the doors hissed open. Override authorized, Admiral Wegener.

The room was dark and still. The only light in the room came from the corridor spilling in a few feet. But they could already see that the room had been torn apart. The carpet was torn in places, a table and chairs had been overturned and damaged beyond repair; they could see a console just inside the door had been broken.

Rick glanced at Lucius and thought as loudly as he could, hoping the Betazoid was listening. "My god, Lucius. Are we going to be dealing with S'iraa or some feral animal in here?"

The Fleet XO put a calming hand on Rick's shoulder, obviously getting the message, and then walked in slowly, with the rest of the group following, save Kit’rin’e who stood in the doorway.

Lucius looked over the room another moment, then stood still, reaching out to sense S’iraa’s presence. Here, he sent to Ricky. Stepping forward, he crossed through the chaos to the bedroom doors.

“S’iraa.” Lucius’ voice was soft and reassuring. “We’ve come.”

Kit’rin’e could smell on the air the scent left by the Admiral. “Sirs, be careful.” He tapped his nose warning them of the scent he mentioned about earlier.

There was no answer to Lucius’s call out to S’iraa, he sat in silence in the corner of the bedroom which was also in a similar state to the main one. Surrounded by the destruction he created it did little to ease his suffering or his mind as to the torment it was undertaking and the battle that was waging within.

Taking a sharp breath, Rick followed Lucius into the quarters proper. "Sir...Admiral S'iraa, it's Admiral Wegener. I'm here with Admirals Hawk and Trahern, along with Major General Thompson."

“Leave me be.” S’iraa said, his voice loud but rough and croaky as if he’d been shouting or growling for some time. Now was not the time for guests but it seemed others thought differently.

Lark had been standing at the rear of the group, her keen hearing picking up more than just S’iraa’s strained voice, but also his breathing. Glancing around again at the destruction of the outer room, she reached up and removed her uniform jacket. She hated the damned thing anyway. Itchy as hell. Tossing it on a nearby chair that bore impressive claw marks, she took a deep breath. Without the jacket or the pips on her collar, she’d appear more informal. The shirt she had on was only a simple silk tank top and now her arms were bare, showing the rest of her tattoos. From knuckles to shoulders, intricate scrolls and swirls in black ink adorned her skin.

Stepping forward, she glanced briefly at the others. “Let me go in first. Whatever happens, stay behind me.” She didn’t wait for a reply, just turned and walked into the bedroom.

“S’iraa?” she addressed him, her gaze finding him in the corner of the darkened room immediately.

"Easy, Lark," Rick said. "Remember, he's still an Admiral. He may not take kindly to being called by his name from someone he's not met yet."

“I said to leave me alone.” S’iraa answered, his voice slipping into that more feline predatory tone. His eyes picking her out easily. “I do not know you, yet you presume to know me on a first name basis.” Standing upright to his full just shy of seven feet tall, his attire dark thus hiding most of his form. Bedding coated the floor, what remained of the bed and everywhere else in fact. everything was damaged or destroyed in some way though blood stains could be seen on the walls and surfaces when a light would flicker. Or some may smell it.

“Yes, I’ve been told I presume much,” she murmured softly. “I don’t do it to offend, but I’m a bit more...informal, than most.” She stepped closer, avoiding bits of broken mirror. The sharp smell of blood was everywhere in the room. “I’m Lark Trahern.” Her gaze dropped to his hands, seeing cuts there as well as a few on his nose when she looked back up.

“You’re hurt...will you allow me to take a look? I mean you no harm.” By the time she stopped moving, she was within striking distance and had her head tipped back to look all the way up at him. Lady on a stick...he’s tall, she thought to herself, while calmly awaiting the big Caitian’s answer.

As she drew closer, his claws bore at each finger tip, even those on his feet drew forth. His lip rose revealing his large fangs flanked by smaller ones. She was brave or exceedingly foolish coming near a Caitian in his condition as she had done. Kit’rin’e could hear everything that was going on, his ears picking up the Admiral, his breathing in particular was charged which meant few things and all of them dangerous to the group. He sent a message to the padd, suggesting they back off, it was one thing to corner prey but over 500lbs of unstable Caitian was another and none of them were armed.

S’iraa however, could only see one thing, intruders. “You should not be here, none of you should be.”

Rick read the message from Kit'rin'e on the padd. "Admiral Trahern," he said, then jerked his head back suggesting she should come back a bit. He then addressed the admiral.

"Admiral S'iraa, my apologies for the intrusion, but we are concerned for your welfare. The situation could be better, but as your staff, we cannot stand by like this. We are only here to ensure that you are in good health." He sighed, wondering if he was helping or hurting. "And, secondary to that, there are orders from Starfleet Command for you."

“Welfare.” S’iraa spoke firmly. “Good health.” Just as Kit’rine had warned about, now S’iraa was on the offensive. As S’iraa stepped forward closing distance on Admiral Trahern he continued. “Tell me, small one. Your ship lost, your crew killed or injured, your own Mate lost, how would you feel?” He came down to her level quickly, it was clear at that point of his angry mood. “If you knew anything of Caitian ways, you would be more careful of your actions.” The part about orders from Starfleet went ignored, his view on Starfleet at this moment lay very clearly in pieces on the foot of the bed, his Admiralty uniform torn to shreds.

Lark didn’t flinch or bat an eyelash, just continued to hold his gaze. “I would feel great sorrow and heartbreak, but I have too many people relying on me to allow myself to fall into despair. Yes, you lost crew, but the rest of them still live. Your Mate is lost, but you do not know if she has perished. All of them, your crew and most importantly, your Mate are counting on you to remain strong.” Her voice was gentle, but there was a hint of steel in her words. An underlying strength.

"Vice Admiral Trahern," Rick said, purposely stating her rank to get her attention, "if you would, please," he said softer, gesturing now that she back off. He wondered if she had been in the room when Lt. Cmdr. Kit'rin'e had mentioned that S'iraa could actually die from the loss of his mate?

"Admiral S'iraa," Rick said, "we are all deeply concerned for your Mate's well-being. I have dispatched ships to the area to investigate her whereabouts along with those of the missing crew. I can assure you, I will exhaust all resources I have available to find them."

“Sorrow, heartbreak.” S’iraa remarked. “I have little over ten days left, when we Caitians lose our Mate its mental, they are apart of who we are, what we are. When we lose our Mate our body fights itself to avoid entering a coma, we depend on them for life, they are our life.” S’iraa said, then turning his attention to Admiral Wegener.

“Good.” His only answer to the Admiral’s statement.

"Also, Admiral, it may be the furthest thing from your mind but there is one other matter for your attention." He pointed towards the large windows in the room. "Your new ship has arrived. Ascension class. Second of only three made, and she is beautiful, sir. You really should take a look."

S’iraa didn’t take his eyes from Admiral Trahern for a moment, he let a breath go that he didn’t realise he was holding through his nose, the heat and force of it into her face and hair, a warning perhaps as to how close she came, or something else, who knew? He then stepped away, to look at what he was to be shown. He stepped over the bed, the filling gathering about his feet, his tail shooting parts of it left and right as it didn’t have the height to keep clear of it.

At first he didn’t see the ship, too far to the right gave him a great view to the left. When he looked right more then he saw it. Large, sleek and elegant in its appearance. “I have lost two ships, warships, very fine ships so why would Starfleet Command assign me that?” Just by looking at it, it was more than a warship, bigger in fact. Still, the question remained.

"I can only assume that it is because those losses were not because of your negligence but for reasons beyond your control. You are still a highly decorated Admiral with a clean record, despite the two ships. They felt it only reasonable to reward your impeccable service with another of Starfleet's finest vessels."

Thompson had remained silent throughout as he had been positioning and communicating the ship using a padd in his hand. With a final message he instructed it to roll over 180 degrees to reveal its naming... although he did tell them to do it slowly.

Lucius’ expression was stern as he looked out the portal, but finally, he spoke. His voice matched his expression.

“I’d like to speak to Admiral S’iraa alone for a moment.”

Rick took the hint. "Everyone out. Admiral Trahern, General Thompson, the corridor if you please."

He ushered the two out into the corridor with Kit'rin'e and closed the door. He thought loudly. "Be careful, Lucius. You may have to...touch his mind a bit if he's still agitated."

S’iraa watched the ship that he’d been told was his. It even had the name Dreadnought, even the B notation after the registry number as it slowly rotated. However perhaps the first correct thing to go his way, everyone leaving bar one, especially that small woman. They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Confronting an Admiral, calling him by his first name on a first meeting, standing so close to him in his unstable state. “You also have something to say to me Admiral?”

“Yes there is Admiral.” Lucius’ voice was level, caring. “What would you say your XO’s job is? His responsibilities?”

S’iraa slowly detailed off what he thought made the ideal Exec, he could see what the group was doing, they cared even at his worst time and perhaps most dangerous to them they still came anyway. He still looked at the new Dreadnought, it was massive in scope, deadly in its own right. He would miss the cannons though. “Did I miss anything?” He asked. The room smelt of sweat, as Kit’rin’e had warned about, some might even have smelt the blood in the air from his injuries and what he’d done to cause them.

“Not by my reckoning. But as you stated, it is my duty to look out for the Fleet, and to look out for you as well. And when something is not as it should be, to bring that to your attention. With all due respect, you are not as you should be. You have roughly two weeks from the time you are separated from your mate to find her or risk coma and death. You are distraught with her disappearance, and yet you have spent three days holed up here instead of doing everything possible to find her. Time is running short Admiral. I say this not to disrespect you, but to put things in perspective. You have very little time, do not waste any more of it. You have a crew that has been through unspeakable horrors. They need to see your face, know that you’ve not cracked along with them. That is your duty sir. Admiral Wegener has already dispatched search teams to look for your mate. You should be at the forefront of that search. Take your new ship, give your crew something constructive to hold onto, and get moving.”

Lucius stepped through the door of the bedroom, then paused. “Or stay here and die. Two years ago, my son was killed in a sabotaged shuttle. I watched it blow up, just clear of the shuttle bay. At the time, they assumed it was an accident but I knew better. I thought the loss would cripple me, but I picked myself up and I did not rest until I found out what happened, found out the truth. If I hadn’t, I would have become utterly useless as it ate me alive. Do not rest until you have done all you can.”

S’iraa thought long and hard about what his Exec had said. He understood what he was saying even though his mind was dwelling much on his missing Mate. He knew also he’d need to replicate a new uniform since his other lay in tatters on the floor. “I would like to inspect this new ship in one hour.” He’d need to get to Sickbay first and get his wounds treated.

Lucius smiled for a moment and nodded. “Very good, sir. It will be ready. If there is anything you need, I will make it so. One hour.” Lucius departed, already issuing orders as he emerged from S’iraa’s quarters.

A joint post by:

Admiral S'iraa


Vice Admiral Hawke


Vice Admiral Wegener


Vice Admiral Trahern


Major General Thompson


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