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The Other Guy - Part Two

Posted on Mon Jun 25th, 2012 @ 2:52pm by Ensign Kai Sarkozi & Lieutenant Zachary Chase

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club / Kai's Quarters
Tags: Chase, Kai

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

The conference had gone pretty much as Kai expected, and as far as she was concerned, the matter was settled. Now, it was her time, and she had an actual date. With a man. That she wasn’t related to. A uniform wouldn’t do, so she zipped off to her quarters to change. Since they were going to the Nexus, she needed to dress appropriately. Digging through her closet, she finally settled on a strapless dress of burgundy velvet, studded with crystals. It fit tight to mid-thigh, then a full, sheer silk skirt swept down to the floor. That should do. She let her long hair down and once she was ready, she sent a message to Chase saying she would meet him there, and departed.

For his part, Chase was already at the Nexus, waiting for Kai and musing over how easy this particular target was. He sipped his drink and paused as he spied her at the door. Definitely cleans up nice, he thought before making his way to her side and then escorting her to a table. Once there, he finally paid her a compliment: “You look stunning, Kai.”

“Thank you.” Her smile was shy at his words. “That’s sweet of you.” She sat as he held her chair, then watched him move around her chair.

He took the liberty of ordering drinks for her, as well as the liberty of sitting next to her instead of across from her. He explained, “Sitting across from you, I could see your beauty. But sitting next to you, I can feel your warmth and smell that wonderful perfume you’re wearing.”

Kai’s eyes widened at his words. She wasn’t sure at all what to make of them but she was impressed. He was very well-spoken and seemed to have no trouble paying her attention. She nodded, then smiled warmly at him.

“I’m not sure what to say, Zach.”

“There’s nothing you need to say, dear Kai,” he smiled and gently brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “We could sit here in silence and simply soak in the atmosphere and each other.”

She started to brush that aside but something stopped her. Why the urge to avoid a compliment? After all, here was a handsome guy, sitting here with his attention focused on her, treating her to an evening out, actually noticing her. What was wrong with that? Not a damned thing in her book. Her drink arrived and she took a sip, then set it aside. “Or we could dance.”

“That’s a suggestion I like!” Chase was on his feet and offering Kai his hand in a flash. Out on the dance floor, he took another liberty: this one was the liberty of moving in close and putting his hands in places that were normally off-limits in other contexts. “My mother made sure I learned some archaic dances. Funny that they’re so in tune with this club.”

“Jackson’s a bit of a throw-back at times I think.” Kai settled in, her body close to Chase as they began to dance. “I’d say your mother did a great job.”

Chase wasn’t above resorting to cheesy lines, and he pulled one out now: “And I’d have to say that your parents did an outstanding job with you.” To emphasize his point, he lightly tightened his hold on her waist. Had she been taller, had he been shorter, his hand would have been lower and might have emphasized his point to a degree that earned him a slap. He took Kai for a turn around the dance floor, showing off his ballroom dancing moves while hoping that Kai might be familiar with the old saw: ‘A man who dances with rhythm is good in bed.’

Kai tilted her head back so she could look up at him and smiled. “I appreciate the sentiment, Zach.” She was very aware of every outline of Chase, now that they were pressed so close together. It was with some surprise that she noted she really didn’t mind. Sure, she’d heard some of the girls mooning over Chase here and there but had never thought much about it. Now, however, she was thinking about it a lot. She had been too busy dreaming about Gilroy to pay their gossip much attention, but as she recalled, it was not tales of things accomplished but things hoped. Boy, if they could see her now.

Chase, blithely unaware of where Kai’s thoughts were, confidently led her about the dance floor then, as the song ended, dipped her low. The dip gave him a good position from which to see her cleavage; he gently traced a fingertip along her skin and brought her back upright. “Shall we eat?”

“Certainly.” She was more than a bit breathless at the touch to her bare skin. Breathless and just a little excited if she was honest with herself.

Scoring with human females was easy for Chase: he could read them far better than he could read any other humanoid. With good reason, since he was, himself, human. All of his younger years, post-puberty, were spent attempting to score with girls. At the moment, he could tell that Kai was ripe for picking. “Or, though I risk of being too forward, we could head back to your quarters. I could cook up something and give you the comforting you need.”

“We could if you like.” She met his gaze, then hers slid away leaving him with the definite impression that she was suddenly nervous.

There was another benefit to seducing a human: he knew what worked, drugwise, to move things along the way he wanted them to move. And he just happened to be carrying just such a drug with him tonight. “We can wait on that, Kai. Let’s eat here,” he steered her back to the table. With her seated again, he looked at their drinks and said, “Let me go get fresh drinks for us.” He disappeared before Kai could voice a protest. When he came back, he set his own glass down, gave Kai’s a final swirl of the straw and set it before her. “Voila, m’dear.” He sat beside her and smiled.

“Thanks, Zach. Sorry, I’m just a little....what I mean is, it’s our first time out so...” She paused and gave him a sheepish smile. “Thanks for understanding.” She took a sip of her drink, then another.

“No worries. Drink up and we’ll order dinner,” he flashed a charming smile then clinked his glass against hers and quaffed the contents of his.

“Sounds good.” She did likewise, downing the whole drink, then coughed as it continued to burn. Well, she wanted to forget the Archadians, this should do it. After wiping her eyes, she looked to Chase once more and this time her smile was far less reserved.

They ordered food and while they waited for it to be served, Zachary leaned in towards Kai to whisper in her ear. The fingertips of one hand traced along her neck, lifting the strands of hair along her neckline and his breath was warm on her skin. What he said didn’t really matter at this point, he knew, but he made sure it was a compliment: “You’ve got such a wonderful smile, Kai.”

“Thanks.” She laughed softly and leaned in close to him. Turning her head just a little, she whispered back, her lips brushing his ear. “And you are gorgeous. All the girls think so.” Another giggle slipped out of her and she caught his earlobe lightly between her teeth.

Perhaps he’d overestimated the dose needed here.... Her teeth on his earlobe had an immediate effect on him in places much lower than his ears. “Do they? Good thing they aren’t the ones sitting with me.”

“I agree. Their loss.” She ran her fingers through his blonde hair and marvelled at how good it felt. Then she began to wonder if the rest of him felt just as good. As soon as the thought formed, it popped out of her mouth. “Your hair is incredible...I bet the rest of you’s just as good.”

Just then, their food came, breaking the moment. Zach shifted slightly and shot a glare at the waiter, silently berating the kid for his timing. Once the food was set out and the waiter gone again, he answered Kai’s musing: “I’m happy to let you find out.”

“Why not get this packed up to go then?” She ran her fingertip down the side of his throat, the touch feather-light. Her hand then dropped lower, beneath the table, tracing a path along his thigh. “We can eat...later.”

Zach’s hand shot up for the waiter’s attention before his brain really had any idea what it was doing; his brain was a touch more focused on what Kai’s hand was doing. Within minutes, he had a bag of food in one hand and Kai on the other, headed towards her quarters.

* * * Kai's Quarters * * *

They arrived at Kai’s quarters and the instant the doors closed, she turned and pressed him back against them with surprising strength. “Home sweet home, Zach.”

He nearly dropped the food. Hell, he probably could have and Kai wouldn’t have noticed. But he saved it, just barely, and wrapped one arm around Kai. Using his body, he maneuvered her towards the couch, dropping the bag of food on the coffee table as they passed it. With both hands free, he held Kai to him and kissed her thoroughly.

Just when she was reaching for more kisses, though, he paused and gently pushed her back so he could look at her. “I don’t want this to be just a one-off, Kai,” he put a reedy note of emotional need in his voice.

Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. His kisses had left her head in a whirl, even more than the sudden tide that swept her away at the Nexus. She was at a loss to explain it but all she knew is that she wanted him, and now. His words surprised her, though.

“Really?” She managed to get the word out, her voice breathless.

“Of course,” he replied earnestly, “I wouldn’t want you to lose respect for me.”

She nodded slowly, trying to focus on his words for the moment and not his body. That was a losing battle but she gave it a valiant effort. He wanted more than just a quick roll and B wcwb quicker escape and looking at him now, parts of her shouted ‘Yes!’ loud and clear. But what about....she shook her head to clear out that thought. Why not try this and see how it went?

“Then let’s see how it goes....” She smiled now, as her moment of lucidity fled.

Returning her smile, Zach nodded, “Okay.” Though she really wasn’t in a state to give consent, he wasn’t about to point that out. Nor was he above taking advantage of that, since seducing her was the whole goal here. He picked her up easily and carried her into her bedroom.

Ensign Kai Sarkozi
Admiral Hawke's Aide

Lt. Zachary Chase
Security Investigations Officer


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