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Settling Down

Posted on Mon Jun 25th, 2012 @ 6:27pm by Lieutenant James Cohen III
Edited on on Mon Jun 25th, 2012 @ 6:30pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Cohen Family Quarters/Main Engineering

James held tightly onto his son Little Jimmy standing next to his wife Rosalyn and their twins Jack and Sarah staring inside the large set of family quarters. Their belongings had already been delivered and the small living area and bedrooms had already been furnished. All that remained was four suitcases containing clothes and a uniform bag for the Lieutenant and his bag of pips that was attached. The engineer placed the two year old inside the playpen that had been filled with the assortment of toys that belonged to the infant. His face contorted, "I suppose I should go down to the engineering spaces and see what is happening." He said quietly catching the attention of the toddlers and Rosalyn.

"If that is what you believe sweetheart." Rosalyn replied as she lifted one of the suitcases and carried it inside the bedroom where the twins would be sleeping while the baby's crib had been placed in the master bedroom.

James watched as his wife disappeared, "You two behave for your mother I will be back for dinner." He suggested before adjusting his uniform and vanishing out of the quarters.

.:.Main Engineering.:.

The trip through the station was difficult as James had never been on board a starbase before as an assignment he'd spent his career serving on starships. But, with a family he had other priorities that came first such as three young children and a wife who needed him. While they could have stayed on Deneva, the decision to move to a Starbase after the assignment had been approved made the most sense. Being a father meant that James had to spend time with his children so that they had a father.

He found his office and gently placed the picture of his family on his new desk and seen the pile of paperwork from the time that the former Chief Engineer had left and he had arrived. James had yet to visit with Admiral Wegener the Commanding Officer or the Executive Officer they were both too busy. His decision to go straight to engineering to shuffle through reports of what needed to be repaired and whatnot made more sense. He also wanted to see about meeting with the station operations officer someone he was certain was handling issues with the station engineering prior to his arrival on board.

Whether the officer was on board he wasn't sure just yet, but he would find that out later. James instead took a seat and lifted the first padd to see that one of the power generators was having malfunction issues and the computer core was in serious need of maintenance. James sighed as he laid the first padd down the two problems listed he would get to eventually perhaps tomorrow. Instead he opened the next padd and began to read what was personnel reports so that he could get to know his department better. And, he also had a need to figure out what the current operational status of the station was. In fact James didn't even know what the standing orders were for his department he would have to contact Admiral Wegener eventually because none of the padds on his desk told him anything of significance on what was occuring.

James slid out from the desk taking the padd with the reports about the computer and power generator and left engineering...


He walked back inside and placed the padd down on the coffee table deciding to study it tonight before bed so he was aware of what was happening. James seen that Rosalyn had almost completed the unpacking so he decided to enter their small kitchenette and begin preparations for dinner. Too tired from travelling to cook he allowed the replicator to do all the work and set the table. He helped the twin toddlers to their seats as his wife placed the baby in a high chair. He sat down at his end next to the baby to begin feeding the baby while trying to eat himself two tasks he was struggling with at the same time.

Rosalyn looked at him, "So will you be busy tomorrow?"

James shrugged, "I do not know just yet, I plan on studying up on what is wrong on the station tonight before bed." He offered in reply as he finished feeding the two year old and then began to finish his own meal.

"I understand."

James shrugged, "I suppose we'll just have to wait and see where this new command takes us. At least I know that you are all safe. I also hear that there is an assigned ship to the station, but I'm not sure if the ship is currently docked. In fact I am completely unaware of what the current situation is on board hopefully I'll figure it out soon."

"Well we have a small place to live on the station and we have all settled in that is all that matters." Rosalyn replied with a smile as she began to clear the table.

James helped her before getting the twins into the bedroom, and after a quick and short book they were both sleeping. He appeared out of the room to see the baby sleeping in Rosa's arms and kissed her on the forehead before sitting down on the couch and beginning to read quietly.

Rosa stood up and placed the baby in the crib before coming around the corner, "Are you coming to bed soon sweetheart?" She asked him.

"I will be in there shortly." He replied and continued to read...


Lieutenant James Cohen III
Chief Engineering Officer

Rosalyn Cohen (NPC)

Jack & Sarah (NPC's)

Little Jimmy (NPC)


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