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Just keeps getting worse.

Posted on Mon Jul 2nd, 2012 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Kit'rin'e was still feeling the effects of the difficult time between the many Admirals but more importantly, a fellow Caitian. He felt sorry for the Admiral, losing a ship was considered a great shame for commanders and the Admiral had lost his favorate so far. Now he'd been given a ship, he'd managed to get a glimpse of the ship as he passed a window. She was indeed a prize, the size and scale of the ship was something truly to behold. It did make him wonder what an assignment would be like amongst the stars again but the thought was fleeting as he thought about the life he had on 900.

The class as usual was still getting used to him teaching, it was obvious to many he could see they were still not used to seeing one of his kind, never mind teaching them. Aside from the usual early class chatter his class often settled and absorbed knowledge. During recess some students would talk to him, some knew about his ways and others didn't but were interested.

"Sir, can I ask you a question?" Jessica asked. Jessica was a 3rd Year Cadet, talented when it came to alien species but a bit of a chatter box at times. He'd noticed her glancing often at Martin. Martin was a down to earth type, focused on his studies, polite and friendly.

"Of Course." Kit'rin'e said putting his hands behind his back after stepping away from the wall mounted display.

"Why did you leave your Homeworld?" Jessica asked perched on the vacant desk next to her.

"Starfleet, it was well known during my youth and while they respected our ways so they did not actively recruit my species. However life amongst the stars does have it's appeal but also dangers. We accept that anything we do has a danger, to us or others but we try to be prepared." Kit'rin'e explained, he continued explaining why he left Cait, his time at the Academy and the choices that lead him to where he was today.

"Sir, if I may ask, how old are you?" Joshua asked. Joshua was the silent type most of the time. At times he was hard to engage in class but once he made the first step and started coming out of his shell engaging him became easier.

"56 Earth years." Kit'rin'e answered.

"56 and still looking cute." Jessica asked. "How long do Caitian's usually live for?"

"Healthy eating, keeping fit we can easily live to 120 of your years, some or our Elders have lived to nearly 150 years of age." Kit'rin'e replied.

"Sir, I don't mean to pry but since we are learning about different species, I was wondering if you could talk to us about your experiences with um....your adaptation with your Mate." David asked. David had a fascination about everything and anything but could sometimes be blunt in his pursuit of knowledge.

"My Mate?" Kit'rin'e said in surprise calmly.

"Ms Sulan, from the Nexus." David replied.

"I know who she is." Kit'rin'e said. He took a breath. "It is challenging, I am always aware of what I am around her."

"Yeah, should have seen what he did to that guy who stole her bag." Jessica said, which was rewarded by Kit'rin'e with a look.

"I am always mindful of my size, I try hard to make sure I do not injure her by my claws or weight." Kit'rin'e began. "When we became Mated, she took a step that was one way and large in nature. It is trying on her, taxing even as she is forced to learn my ways yet she continues to try."

"What do you mean by one way?" Martin asked.

"When Caitians find a Mate, we bond to them mentally. Simply put she is my life, were she to leave me I would probably die." Kit'rin'e spoke. He went on to explain that the females were the dominant gender, he explained how they were so respected and protected. He explained how the mental and physical bond between him and his Mate was so important to him.

"That's so lovely." Jessica said, holding her head with both hands under her chin.

After a little while longer Kit'rin'e's desktop alarm sounded. "Till tomorrow." He said standing up, he bowed, due to females being present then left headed to his quarters.

As soon as the doors to his quarters opened he saw that his Mate was not present. Figuring she was out with Jackson or a friend from the Nexus he began to prepare something to eat, he wanted to treat his Mate to a dinner along with the Elder. He wanted to please them both and help ease things between the pair of them on a casual social setting. It was at this point he noticed that there was a message waiting for him. In his haste he'd forgotten to check for any messages. Opening it he read on, his facial features changing as the words were read to a more serious looking one.

His Mate had been taken to the Intelligence Department on the station, he'd have to contact Nenita in gain entry. Why was his Mate taken there? She was a worker at the Nexus, not an operative or secret agent. He knew there was much about his Mate he didn't know, when she took him as her Mate he accepted everything about her. Even the unknown.

Now it seemed he was about to find out as he turned everything off and headed for this...Nenita.


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