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Admissions and Adulation

Posted on Sun Jul 1st, 2012 @ 10:44pm by Commander Sakkath & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Admiral's Office

Following his meeting with Lieutenant Cohen, Sakkath was well aware of who he had failed to greet on 900, Commander Kit'rin'e foremost among them, but also Lieutenant Aliso and Doctor Harding... The latter of which he had at least encountered in Sickbay.

Still, the idea that these were people he needed to see as the Chief of Operations made clear the fact that he needed to see Admiral Wegener. He had been absent from his duties for far too long, entrusting them to Norval... which was another subject the Vulcan wanted to broach.

And so he approached the Admiral's office outside C&C with a bottle in hand, nodding reservedly to Lieutenant Beckman as he approached. "Is the Admiral free," he inquired. The likelihood of that was slim, Sakkath knew, but he felt the need to address things as soon as possible.

"One moment," Beckman said as she sent a message to the Admiral. His reply came back quickly. "He'll see you now, Commander."

She thumbed the door switch allowing Sakkath to enter the office.

Rick had stood and walked halfway across the room to greet his Chief Operations Officer. The man had been out of sorts but he was an important player on this station, and Rick knew it. "Commander," he said, "I'm glad to see you up and and about, and back to work. I take it everything has sorted itself out?"

"Indeed," the Vulcan intoned, meeting the Admiral halfway before standing at full attention, the blue glass bottle hanging at his side.

"Things have... stabilized," Sakkath settled on, inclining his head slightly. "The issue with the late Commander Balazs appeas to be behind us, I have been cleared by our new CMO to return to duty, and it appears I have a new sister. I cannot, it seems, complain. But I do wish to apologize for any interruption in the execution of my duties." Saying so, Sakkath proferred the bottle he was carrying. Romulan ale. 2378.

"Thank you very much," Rick said as he took the bottle and offered a seat. "As for your duties, I think that, considering the circumstances, Commander, you have no reason to apologize." He sat as Sakkath did. "So, tell me what's on your mind today?"

"I appreciate your confidence," Sakkath admitted as he sat. "Having met our new Chief Engineer today, it was driven home to me that I have been too long absent. And so my visit serves many purposes, but not least of which is to assure you that I am ready and able to perform my duties."

Sakkath found it simple to admit his own faults, logical in their assesment as they were. What he also wished for do was offer praise, but he found himself unable to offer that as yet, and when he spoke it was quite formal.

"Similarly, I wished to address any concerns you may have. I know there have been a great many developments on 900 and on Archadia since my departure for Divitia. If I can be of assistance in any regard, Admiral, you shall have my fullest cooperation, here or aboard the Takei."

While Sakkath spoke, Rick mentally kicked himself for not having been able to meet the new Chief Engineer either. He'd been just too busy with the Archadia business, and with S'iraa's predicament, to see to meetings of that nature. He thought the best thing to do would be to have a staff meeting, somewhat informal, just to get everyone together and get to know them.

"The first thing I will need from you, Commander, is to take over the Second Officer position aboard 900. As you probably know, with the arrival of the new CEO, that the 2XO spot is available. If you are agreeable with taking it on, I would like to have you in the position and as the OIC of the Hammond."

Saakkath was, quite honestly, flabbergasted, but he managed to hold back the emotional register on his facial features. Here he was, apologizing to the Admiral and simultaneously being offered the career opportunity of a lifetime. Thankfully, he had four decades of kolinahr training to support him, and an unusually strong dedication to emotionlessness following his experience with Rhys.

"I would be honored to accept this responsibility," Sakkath managed after a moment, inclining his head. "I shall offer my very best, as I have always hoped to do."

"Commander, I dare say that even on your worst days you're better than many--and that's something I don't normally say to my staff, but in this case it's true and I don't have to worry about any ego problems from you because of it." He stood and walked to the bar, placing the bottle on the top for a drink later. "Have you been able to take a little time for yourself since your release from medical? I'd say that there's a certain young lady that would enjoy spending some time with you. Hell, even just time by yourself to put all of that behind you."

"Some," the Vulcan admitted, absorbing the compliment in stride. "My wife and I have spoken, have visited with my in-laws - new and old - and I have had the chance to meditate." Sakkath paused, looking from his interlaced fingers to the Admiral and back. "I imagine I will require more meditation," he admitted, "but immersing myself in my work has helped me to move on from what transpired. I enjoy my work. It grounds me, and 900 offers a great deal of work in which to be grounded." Indeed, the Commander's meeting with Lieutenant Cohen had illustrated just how much that there was to be done.

"The faith you place in me will only drive me further," he resolved, his tone quite serious as he looked back up. He was not about to shirk from duties on this level. "If I can assist with the issue on Archadia in any way, particularly with my father-in-law as preoccupied as he is, I will oblige."

"I will let Lucius and Lieutenant Commanders Kh'ali and Zeferino know. I'm sure they will be appreciative of your offer." With a silent moment between them, Rick added, "Is there anything else on your mind?"

"One other item," Sakkath disclosed as he straightened his uniform vest and stood. "Given his adoption of my duties, and now that I shall rely on him in a greater regard as the 2XO and OIC of the Hammond, I feel compelled as his department head to recommend jay-gee Tigan for promotion to full Lieutenant."

"I have no problem with that," Rick said without much thought. "He performed well while you were...busy...and, if you believe he's ready for a promotion, then I can only concur. Write it up and we'll make it happen."

Ricky's sense of decorum was not lost on Sakkath as he bowed his head. "I am grateful for your discretion and confidence, Admiral. I shall do so." The Vulcan raised his right hand, saluting in the traditional manner of his people. "Live long, and prosper," he said, feeling he had occupied enough of the CO's time, given all that had transpired of late.

Not exactly comfortable with it, since he wasn't Vulcan, Rick returned the salute. "And you as well, Commander."

Turning, Sakkath made his way from the Admiral's office, unsure of where he wa headed as he instinctively nodded to Lt. Beckman, his thoughts awhirl.

A joint post by:

Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations


Vice-Admiral Ricky Wegener
Commanding Officer - SB 900


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