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Follow-Up Visit

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2012 @ 11:52am by Commander Sakkath & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D.

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Piper Memorial Medical Center

The 355-deck turbolift ride from Admiral Wegener's office to Piper Medical provided Sakkath with ample time to check his emotions, and to place a call to Li informing her of the good news. Now, as he stepped forward from the lift into the usual bustle of activity for a station of this size, he would be able to accomplish two tasks: the first his required follow-up visit given his release from sickbay the night prior, and the second a meeting with the new CMO who Sakkath had at least laid eyes on, however briefly.

As the Vulcan Commander made his way towards the Chief Medical Officer's office, his thoughts drifted momentarily to Dr. McKinney. He had seen the notice of resignation while going over files in his office earlier, but was completely unaware of the context. It did not seem like so gifted a surgeon to simply walk away from such a prestigious posting, but then humans rarely made logical decisions. Perhaps Sakkath would consult with Commander Zeferino at a later date to shed some light on the situation.

Stopping just in front of the doorway to Dr. Harding's personal space, the Ops Chief stood and announced himself.

"Good morning Commander." Harding looked up from his desk with a smile. "Please come in. I understand congratulations are in order."

Sakkath raised one eyebrow in quizzical interest. "Word travels swiftly indeed," he commented, "but you have my thanks Doctor." Inclining his head as a gesture of appreciation, the Vulcan went on, "I believe you wished to reassess the state of my recovery?"

"Certainly." Harding rose and led the way out to one of the exam rooms. "The biobed please. Did you have any issues after you left us yesterday?"

Sakkath accompanied the doctor and laid down as instructed, his hands folding over his abdomen. "None," he replied, "though I was grateful for your leave to return to my quarters. It was far more... comfortable." He said it, and instantly regretted the choice of words. While meditation had been simpler and the situation needed to be aired with Li, after all the discussion of mating that had transpired... he knew instantly Harding, as a human, would interpret things the wrong way.

“I suspect so. Biobeds are useful but perhaps not the most comfortable of accommodations.” Harding left it at that as he lowered the arch over Sakkath and set it to monitoring his vital signs. He attached a neurocortical scanner to Sakkath’s head, then turned his attention to the viewer behind the biobed. “No trouble sleeping?”

“None,” the Vulcan once again echoed, feeling slightly uncomfortable amid all of the monitoring devices. Still, he did not permit it to show outwardly, lying quite still. “Were I not keenly aware of what had happened between myself and the late Commander, I would insist I was fine.”

“Well, vitals all look normal for your species, and the neurological readings, while a little off the beaten path, are not inconsistent with the the aftermath of the plak tow, strangely enough. Given what I read in the report from Dr. S’angla, that makes an odd sort of sense.”

Sakkath blinked, but eventually just nodded in agreement. He was no doctor, but that seemed adequate.

“It seems to me to be a similar situation. You had to vanquish another to protect her. That has all sorts of typical physical effects. As for the emotional ones, I suspect that there will be some things to work through. You know that Counselor Swift is here, but I cannot insist. Just know he is available if you need him, as am I.”

“Vulcans do not require emotional counseling, Doctor. We are raised to deal with these things. Privately,” he stressed. “If my physical readings are adequate, then I am quite prepared to return to duty. I have more to look after now than I did before the late Commander Balasz invaded my mental space.”

“I understand, but as your physician, I have to offer.” Harding smiled a moment as he removed the neuro-scanner. “I hope you have little trouble in dealing with it. Both of you.”

“I appreciate your concern, Doctor, but it is quite unwarranted. I have dealt with emotional demands all of my life, and never encountered a severe issue.” Sakkath was bristling at the very idea of requiring counseling. It was not in his nature, would never be. He was a Vulcan, he would deal with it. He would adapt, repress, whatever was necessary.

Harding turned off the arch and raised it so that Sakkath could sit up. “I have no doubt that you have and will get through this without too much trouble. Given your mental discipline and strength, I am sure you will. It may not be as easy for your Betazoid wife. We are finished up here, call if you need me.” Harding turned to leave the room.

Sakkath blinked. “Wait, Doctor,” he intoned, causing Harding to stop in his tracks. “How so? Is there a physical concern I should have for Li?” It was his one hangup in the situation. He could handle the mental and the physical. He was unsure how Li might ultimately react, despite the meld. It was difficult, to say the least, for a Vulcan to imagine such a thing.

“Physically? She suffered some minor injuries that were healed. Emotionally? Think about it. The actions of Balasz, the fact he used you against her? That’s an awfully heavy load and she’s not a student of logic and discipline, but quite the opposite.”

Sakkath had not actually considered the turnabout that Rhys had managed to affect on his wife. While he had been concerned with his own ability to readapt to a Vulcan lifestyle, perhaps he needed to take some time to ensure Li was well... and that had not truly occurred to him until just now. “It is... something to think about Doctor. Thank you.”

“My pleasure, Commander. Best of luck to you.” Harding smiled,and with a nod, managed to exit the room this time, leaving Sakkath to see himself out.

As the Vulcan removed himself from the biobed he straightened his duty vest, thinking that perhaps his other appointments could wait until tomorrow. Resolved, he headed out of Piper Medical bound for his quarters.

A Joint Post by:
Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations/Second Officer


Lieutenant Commander William Harding
Chief Medical Officer


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