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Iggy's Got Class

Posted on Mon Jul 9th, 2012 @ 5:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Academy

* * First Day of Class (for Ignatius J. Reilly) * *

Having told Iggy everything he could about Caitians (which was surprisingly little), Darwin was still concerned that this tutoring arrangement would not work out well. Entering the classroom a few minutes before class was to start, he glanced about and saw Kit'rin'e. "Commander Kit'rin'e," he greeted him with a small smile. "Commander Zeferino is unable to come, but didn't want Iggy to miss her first day."

Iggy mentally squeaked and scrambled up Darwin's back (much to Darwin's discomfort) to peer at Kit'rin'e from over his shoulder. He is a predator! You cannot leave me with him, he will eat me!

"He will not," Darwin answered her. He focused on Kit'rin'e again, "Commander Kit'rin'e, this is Ignatius J. Reilly. Iggy for short." Iggy had crept a touch higher on his shoulder, her fans and pedipalps were working furiously as she gathered in the chemicals in the air, effectively smelling Kit'rin'e.

Regarding Iggy Kit'rin'e was not sure what to make of the....creature. "A pleasure." He said, a slight bow of the head having hearing Iggy referred to in the female context and affording her the same customs as he would others. "There are many spaces if you would like to choose one as your own, we can get started."

"Go on," Darwin urged her, casting an apologetic smile at Kit'rin'e.

Stay with me, the arachnid whined.

"I can't. You're going to delay the class, now go find a space for yourself," Oz's minion couldn't believe he was the one dropping Iggy off for her first day of school and that, now, she was acting much like a toddler might.

Iggy and Darwin were rescued from any further back'n'forth when Chance came up behind Darwin and greeted them, "Hey, Lieutenant Darwin." He smiled at the human then asked Iggy, "Come sit with me?"

Oralia's sibling! Iggy held out four legs and Chance and Darwin obliged her need for a bridge from one to the other. With a friend/family member in the classroom, Iggy was certain the furry professor wouldn't be allowed to hunt her and eat her.

Smiling at Commander Kit'rin'e, Chance moved to a desk and took a seat. Iggy posed on the desk near him, Now what? She really didn't have a clue what being in 'class' was all about.

Now, we pay attention while the big guy up front tells us all about whatever today's subject is. I believe it has to do with the specs on the new Ascension class ship, since there's one docked here right now. Eli smiled at Iggy as he appeared in the room. How are you Iggy?

Then Eli spoke aloud. "Hello Commander, everyone." Then he took his seat beside Chance.

Kit'rin'e nodded at Eli as he took his seat. "Shall we begin, access technical database, sub division specifications, ship type Ascension." Kit'rin'e said doing the same only his image would be projected onto the large screen behind him but also on the small computer on in front of him. He would have introduced Iggy to the class, but the disruption that would have caused would have delayed the class and caused more trouble.

Her presence was a minor distraction, for Chance at least. Let me see, Iggy 'whispered' to him and Eli as she crawled over his arm.

"Hush," Chance tried to just breathe the word, so the Commander wouldn't notice.

I cannot see the image. Iggy grumped.

"Here," her self-appointed helper tapped his PADD's screen then tilted it towards her.

Same, same? One leg tapped the PADD then flicked towards the larger screen.

Chance flashed an annoyed look at Eli. "Yeah, now hush," he whispered to Iggy.

It looks small. This time, Iggy wasn't careful to 'whisper' to just Chance and Eli. She broadcasted wider than that, causing several students to jump in their seats and look around.

Keen hearing natural to Caitians heard the disruption causing him to stop and turn around. Iggy was going to be a handful. "The Ascension is so new and big, that currently only one yard is large enough to house her. Where she was built." Kit'rin'e spoke. "She is over twice as long as the well known Sovereign Class and wider than the Galaxy Class. She is the largest ship ever produced by Starfleet. Her size is a symbol, her armament a warning and her presence a welcome sight to any situation." While Kit'rin'e was saying this he was closing in on the small creature intent on a little play with her. "And what..." He said getting to her desk, leaning over it making himself appear larger than life from the spiders point of view. "Would you say was large?" He smiled, though from her perspective it might have looked as if he was sizing her up for a meal.

Again, Iggy squeaked and ducked under the desk, hanging from the underside so that only her front two legs, pedipalps, fangs and eyes could be seen. My what big teeth you have, Commander! And what large... hands you have! You are large. You are very, very large, she answered.

Chance, meanwhile, did his best to lean back, lest the Commander think he was encouraging Iggy's antics. He did, however, wonder if Oz had been reading Red Riding Hood to the arachnid. Children's stories for Iggy? He glanced at Eli and bit his lip to keep from laughing.

Eli met his gaze and grinned. Maybe she has, Iggy's been reading all manner of things from what I understand. Let's hope she doesn't start quoting 'The Lady and The Tiger'.

"Hmmm, indeed." Kit'rin'e answered. "Perhaps less disruption and more learning would help you to become bigger in your own....small way." He chuckled to himself before standing upright again and walking back towards the front of the class. Resuming the class it was drawing towards period end. "I will be speaking with the Admirals, for those of you interested I will be trying to arrange a educational tour of the Ascension tomorrow. Are there any questions?" Then the alarm on his desk sounded. Everyone knew that that meant.

Everyone but Iggy. I have a question!, she called then blurted it out, Does it go faster than the speed of light, Sir? Around her, the class laughed. It was not a question any of them would have ever needed to ask.

Oh she was going to be a handful indeed. "Yes, it does indeed." Kit'rin'e just knew classes were going to be a lot more interesting with Iggy involved.

Commander Kit'rin'e
One Who Shall Need the Patience of a Saint

Cadets Chance and Eli
Two Who Would Limit Iggy's Library Card

Ignatius J. Reilly
Eight-legged Distraction


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