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Slippin' Through Her Fingers

Posted on Sun Jul 8th, 2012 @ 8:56pm by Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D. & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Jackson's Quarters

* * * Jackson’s Quarters * * *

Following Cass’ departure, Jackson was as good as his word and stripped down, then stretched out in bed. Jan’s sofa was a little short for him and it felt wonderful to stretch out the kinks and get comfy in his own bed. It took no more than a minute before he was sleeping deeply, his only dreams those of Jan in her dressing room.

Just outside his door, Natalia paused. After her conversation with Jonas, she wanted to talk with Jackson, confirm his plans... and to do that, she needed to be a shrinking violet again. It was a ruse she was already sick of playing. She sighed, stretched her neck from side to side and called up the memories of a past host, one that had been a timid little thing. There. Ready, she bit her lip and pressed the door chime, unknowingly interrupting Jackson’s dreams of a naked lady.

The chime pulled Jackson from his dreams and he sat upright in bed, rubbing his face. Jan dreams? What the hell was up with that?

“Geez J, you gotta get a grip.” He thought he’d heard the chime. Something had awakened him and as he sat, gathering his wits, the chime rang again. He climbed out of bed, pulled on just the PJ pants and hurried out to the door. Seeing Natalia, he came fully awake as he blinked back at her.

“Hey Nat. Sorry, I was dead to the world. Come on in. Is anything wrong?” He stepped aside to let her enter.

She stepped past him, warily glancing back at the corridor and then at him. Damned bastard, just had to answer the door with a bare chest and silky pjs that looked like they were clinging to his hips for dear life. A warm flush spread over her neck and chest, as she recalled their night together. She hid the spark of desire in her eyes by quickly pretending she was wiping away a tear with a shaky hand. “Oh, I just saw Harding a bit ago. He... he reminded me that I have to behave. J, I’m so worried.”

“I see the asshole has reared his ugly head again. Easy, Nat.” He drew her into his arms, hugging her gently. “What’s he want now?”

Snaking her arms around him, she sniffled and faked a quiet sob. “You heard him, didn’t you? He wants me. Not just to come work for him, but... as more than that,” she didn’t have to fake her tone of disgust, at least. Sounding worried again, she asked, “Are you still going on vacation?”

“Yes, tomorrow. I will be at work tonight then leaving early in the morning.” Jackson stroked her back gently.

She sighed and looked up at him, trying to smile, “I wish I didn’t have duty hours. Otherwise, I’d join you and get away from this madhouse for a while.” Moving away from him, deeper into his home, she noted the two coffee cups on the living room table, two plates, two of everything. It could have been Victor, his bartender, she reminded herself. She pretended not to notice the detritus and turned to him, asking, “Tell me, have you planned any activities down there? I hear there’s parasailing from the beaches and all sorts of diving tours.”

“I intend to be a total beach bum.” He waved her to the sofa, then moved the plates and cups away, moving to the kitchen. “I want to kick back in the sun, let it burn any rational thought from my head for a while.”

“This need for a vacation seems to have come on rather suddenly, J. Did something happen?”

He returned to sit by her on the sofa. “Some long-standing personal issues, Nat. That have now resolved, but not in the way I had always hoped. I’m dealin’ with it but I haven’t been off station in ages. I need it.”

A long-standing issue? Nat could guess that that issue wasn’t her or Sulan; the troublesome Oralia, then? “I’m sorry to hear you’ve had that disappointment, J, but glad that you’re taking time to be alone for a few days.”

“Well, not exactly alone, Nat.” He shifted on the sofa, turning to face her more directly.

“Oh? Is Janice going with you?”

“No, I’m taking Cassidy. With her just arrivin’, she hasn’t had a chance to see the planet yet.” Jackson smiled. “So as she puts it, I’m playin’ tour guide.”

What a way to find out that he wasn’t going to be playing her boyfriend again. Nat’s eyes narrowed slightly and she frowned. “My, you do move on, J. I didn’t realize you were still playing the fields.” Standing, she let herself appear hurt. “I certainly won’t bother you, then.”

“It’s not like that Nat.” He sighed aloud. “She’s turned out to be a good friend, with helpful advice at a time I needed it.” He eyed her a moment and shook his head. “Sit back down.”

Letting her shoulders slump, Natalia returned to his couch and sat next to him. “Men and women cannot be ‘just’ friends.”

“Why not? I’ve been just friends with Jan for a dozen years now. Same for Li and Nenita. Never laid a finger on any of ‘em.”

She stood and paced away from him then back. Going to her knees in front of him, she said, “I’m sorry, Jackson, I shouldn’t have said you should stay away from me. I don’t want you to; I don’t want you to go running off on vacation with some other woman.” She looked ready to cry.

Jackson reached out to touch her cheek gently. “I’ll just be down on the planet, and can beam up in a second if there’s trouble. I promise.”

He’d ignored her plea, a fact that pissed Natalia off. She couldn’t show him that, though. Still, for just a split second, her face hardened into a look of hate. Wiping that away and replacing it with tears, she stood and paced away from him again. “Fine. I get it, I screwed up. Go, have fun with her. I should get back to Piper.”

He stood and moved to block her path. “I have not touched Cass. And right now, I gotta whole lotta crap in my head that needs sortin’ out. Includin’ your big revelation.”

“Yes, my long-time association with Section 31. I told you, Harding sucked me in. I want out, have for a long time!” She moved into him and hugged him, kissing his chest. “Help me,” she whispered against his skin.

His arms enveloped her once more and he nodded. “I promised I would Nat. We’ll get you out, and deal with Harding. You have my word on that. He still wants me under his thumb, and he won’t risk hurting you when that would piss me off to the danger point. He has too much to lose.”

She was nodding in agreement when her commbadge chirped and a voice called out, “Doctor Bren, you’re needed for an emergency!”

Startled, Natalia tapped the badge and asked, “What’s happened?”

Jackson was silent as they waited for the reply.

“We’ve been swamped, with Security bringing in Cherry Pit patients and Doctor McKinney requiring neurosurgery. Doctor Harding needs your help with Commander Zeferino, Ma’am.”

Natalia looked up at Jackson then headed for the door. “Be there in a moment!”

“Oz?” Jackson’s expression was instantly panicked. “What’s wrong with Oz?”

Natalia paused; her commlink was still open. “Well, what is the issue with Zeferino?”

“She collapsed, severe drop in blood pressure triggering organ failure.”

Translating the doctor-ese, Natalia told Jackson, “That’s not good. If Harding doesn’t get that stopped, it’ll kill her. I have to go.” With that, she ran from his quarters.

Jackson was left standing and as the doors closed, he hammered his fist against them. It was only a moment but he knew what he had to do. Rushing back into his bedroom, he dressed hurriedly, then took off for Sickbay.

Jackson Banning V
Napus Interruptus

Natalia Bren, M.D.
Manipulationus Interruptus


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