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Putting Her (Small) Foot Down

Posted on Sat Jul 14th, 2012 @ 3:52pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Intel Reception Room

Kit’rin’e followed his Mate towards where Sha’la’ne was taken. Mostly to prevent her from causing a scene in public and drawing attention to a place that really right now didn’t need it and especially considering she was screaming for a person under protection.

It was comforting to be able to smell the scent of his Mate close to him, though it was dwarfed by the grey clouds that loomed ahead that would grow into a storm once the two important females in his life clashed. There was much that the Elder did not know about his Mate, her past and what she did but all she was caring about was what the Bajoran was doing to a member of her family.

His Mate he knew was strong willed, what she had said peaked his interest about her past but decided not to press it just yet with such issues looming ahead. He planned to ask her about it later when things were during a ‘down time’ granting them time to speak but that could wait.

They paused outside the door, inside Sha’la’ne paced, waiting impatiently for Tora Sulan.

“Well, honey, here goes nothing. Are you coming in? I’d rather you did, but fair warning, I may not be nice.” Sulan looked up at him with a small, brief smile.

“I will stand by you.” Kit’rin’e answered, in his eyes his Mate came first, even though the Elder held a higher station, Sulan was more important to him. He smiled as best he could, hoping to give some reassurance to her at the ordeal that lay ahead. He pressed the button to open the door, there she was. Sha’la’ne dressed to kill in her full attire, regal in appearance yet just as intimidating as before.

Sulan took hold of Kit’rin’e’s arm and stepped into the room. She bowed her head in a gesture of respect.

“Elder.” Better to play it soft at first was Sulan’s thought.

Kit’rin’e followed in bowing as well, as required. It was not long before Sha’la’ne launched her attacked.

“Yet again you are away from him during his time of need, after our conversation earlier, the condition you saw him in and still you find time to get away from him.” She closed the distance slowly at start. “It troubles me that you would put his life at risk to suit your own needs.” Sha’la’ne was looking down on Sulan. Kit’rin’e however remained silent.

“Begging your pardon, but sit down. Now.” Sulan’s tone was firm as she looked up at Sha’la’ne. “Before you continue, there are some things you need to know and you will listen until I am done, or ask a question.”

Kit’rin’e couldn’t believe what was unfolding, his Mate held a steel he didn’t expect to see, especially directed towards the Elder. “Are all Bajorans this brave, or this foolish?” Sha’la’ne said as she studied Sulan. “You forget your station.”

Kit’rin’e winced slightly when she said that, Sha’la’ne was trying to use her position to impose her will on Sulan, but she was having none of it. “You will explain to me why, I should not for the well being and safety of Kit’rin’e take him back to the Homeworld and find a Mate more.....well...more.” Looking Sulan from head to toe.

“More like you? If that is what he wanted, that is what he would have chosen.” Sulan continued to speak, her voice level. “And before you continue to blame me for something you know nothing about, you will listen. I was away from my quarters because I was brought to a safe room for my own protection. I cannot get into the specifics, but I will tell you that I was once an intel operative. An issue from the past has risen once again and the crew of this station has reason to believe I might be in danger. The rest is classified, however, they did get in touch with Kit’rin’e and he will be staying with me as long as I am here.” Sulan paused a moment before she continued. “ I am dismayed that you, an elder, did not take the time to find out the real situation, and instead, jumped to your own, ill-informed conclusions.”

“All I care about is the well being of the members of my family, you are someone putting that at risk.” Sha’la’ne remarked, ignoring the Bajoran’s attempt at a backbone. “Ever since I arrived he has been in trouble.”

Kit’rin’e went to speak but was cut short, his reward for attempting was Sha’la’ne striking him across the face. “You will stay silent.” She firmly spoke, in Caitian.

“As for you, you will convince me why I should not take him to the Homeworld?” She ignored the injury to Kit’rin’e, blood dripping from the corner and front of his mouth where he cut his lip on his fangs.

“Actually, he is my mate, he will speak if he wishes. And would you prefer I was left to be harmed? Killed? Abducted? The crew of this station could not, in good conscience allow that.”

“You are killing him, so busy thinking of yourself you forget him, while you are away the chemical imbalance grows, how can the bonding be complete with only half of it forming?” Sha’la’ne responded.

Sulan crossed her arms and when she spoke her voice was dead calm. “Apparently you are either not listening or cannot hear. Have you heard anything of what I just said? It is a protective measure, and as soon as he was done with his class, he was brought here and will stay here while he isn’t teaching. You may not like his choice of a mate but you don’t have to sleep with me. He will not be going home. End of discussion and we really need to get back upstairs.”

“That is not your choice to make Bajoran.” Sha’la’ne said and Kit’rin’e knew she was right, as Elder she had the final say when it came to family. He could understand her points of view, but he also knew his Mate’s. He was not sure on her point about sleeping with him, notching it down to a species thing he didn’t understand.

“Please, enough.” Kit’rin’e said. “You do not approve, you have marked that already but you can not simply ignore the life one had lead and the consequences of that life in the hopes it does not effect the now.”

“She is killing you.” Sha’la’ne said in a storm of rage.

“As is her right as my Mate.” As much as Kit’rin’e didn’t want to admit the truth behind the Elders words, his answer stood. “She is free to treat me how she wishes.” He had only one card left to play. “I can not simply abandon my duties here, I am Starfleet, I have responsibilities, duties, people that depend on me and I teach others.”

“Starfleet is a difficult choice for a Caitian, Kit’rin’e knew this when he joined. We are doing the best we can at the moment, and as I said, when he’s not in class he will be with me. Unless he neglects his duty, there is no more we can do.”

Sha’la’ne spoke a few words in Caitian to Kit’rin’e then stormed off, it was pointless to continue since Sulan had a few times stated they had to leave. Sha’la’ne was far from satisfied, her position stood and so did the markings. It also only solidified her position as Elder, which to be a good or bad thing was yet to be seen.


Lt. Commander Kit’rin’e
Tora Sulan
Taking A Stand


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