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Humble Beginnings

Posted on Mon Jul 16th, 2012 @ 6:55am by Jasper Crayton
Edited on on Mon Jul 16th, 2012 @ 6:58am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Midday
Tags: everyone welcome :)

My character Jasper knows no one on the station so far and has little knowledge of Starfleet issues as of yet. He would welcome anyone stopping by to say hi :) ...

$$$$$$$$ The Promenade in front of Jasper Crayton's new place $$$$$$$$

“It’s called people watching.” Jasper said to the inquisitive possible future customer.

He’d just started setting up the tables and chairs out in front of his new shop when a passerby stopped abruptly and started asking questions. It was a Fishhead and he was beginning to annoy Jasper with all his questions. Of all the different species he had come across in the two days since he arrived on SB 900 the Fishheads were among the ugliest. Sure their species wasn’t really called the Fishheads but Jasper didn’t care. Their heads looked like giant fish heads so he was going to call them the Fishheads. He had come up with a few names for some of the species he had come across so far; there were the Trollheads (because they looked like what Jasper had always imagined one of Earths mythical trolls to look like), the Tangleheads (covered in tangled fur head to toe), the Melonheads (smooth white melon head with thin skin that you could see their veins pulsing through) reminded him of honeydew melons. And last but not least, the Crinkleheads. He knew their species name was the Klingons but he liked the name Crinkleheads better. They were among the ugliest but, unless they smiled, they were not actually the ugliest of the ugly.

With his back to the alien now, Jasper was busy positioning the last of ten bar-height tables out in front of his new shop when the Fishhead asked yet another question.

“Do you really expect people to just stand out here in the middle of the promenade and stare at each other?”

Jasper could hear the incredulity coming through the gurgling sounds in the Fishhead’s voice and swore he also deciphered a faint chuckle or two as the alien spit out his question. A wave of irritation passed over Jasper’s face, both for having to put up with the prideful alien and for fear of being spit on by him, but ever the obliging salesman and right before he turned to face the alien, he put on his best fake smile.

“No no no of course not…not stare…watch. Watch the people pass by as they go about their day. Or, they could meet a friend here for a quick chat break before getting back to work or to have a private conversation.”

Jasper also wanted his shop to be akin to a refueling station of sorts. Come in quick and get what you need then be off again to rejoin the daily toil without having to travel a hundred decks to get it. But either way, whether his customers want to stop by for a quick pick-me-up or something to help them relax and unwind, they would find it here. In time he expects to expand into offering a variety of wares and to offer an extensive menu but to start with he would be offering just the usual coffees and teas.

This shop will be his humble beginning and in the future when people look back at his life with envy and awe, they will see and be inspired by the stories of how he began with one small enterprise on a nondescript space station in one small corner of the galaxy and grew it into an empire of profit and wealth the likes of which had never been seen before. Jasper daydreamed often and was lost in the fog of it when, only a few seconds later, the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he had the feeling he was being watched. He thought it was probably just the Fishhead and turned to see but by that time the alien had already walked away. The promenade was abuzz with people and the prospect of somehow gaining each and every one of their patronage excited Jasper. He just had to find out what they wanted…what they could not resist having.


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