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Down by the Sea

Posted on Tue Jul 17th, 2012 @ 9:48pm by Lieutenant Zachary Chase & Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Archadia III

* * * Beachside Bar | Archadia * * *

Wearing just enough makeup to accent her eyes, Cassidy’s newly tanned skin, thanks to several days under the Archadian sun, added a nice golden glow to the rest of her. It was played up by the short white halter dress. Even the gold sequins complemented her coloring. She’d left her hair long and loose, in relaxed waves. Idly, she wondered how long she’d keep her strappy sandals on, since it looked like everyone was dancing out on the sand.

“Sand in my shoes.” She grinned, remembering the verse Jackson had sung earlier.

Walking ‘into’ the bar, or rather into the area where there were tables set up, she casually let her gaze wander from the dance area to the bar, looking for Jackson. “Where are ya, twinkle toes?”

“Right behind ya,” came his soft Southern drawl. He wore a pair of light khaki shorts, one of his many bright Hawaiian print shirts and no shoes. He looked her up and down and smiled. “Might as well shed yer shoes, I’ll get some drinks.”

“Sheddin’ shoes.” She smiled back and snapped off a jaunty salute. Sitting down, she untied the straps and kicked off her sandals.

“Be right back.” Jackson sauntered over to the bar and put in his order. Just past the bar, closer to the water, the steel drum band started, the music energetic and happy. Already, a few couples had hit the sand and started dancing. Finally he returned to Cass, two tall fruity drinks in hand, complete with little umbrellas. Jackson passed one to Cass. “Enjoy.”

“Thank you.” She pushed at the umbrella and smiled. Even all the way out here, it seemed tropical drinks came with the cute little decorations. “Cheers,” she clinked the glass to his then took a sip. The taste was sweet and smooth, making it easy on the way down. “That’s good.” Placing the drink down, she tilted her head, eyeing him.

“You, sir, owe me a dance.” Already her feet were moving, tapping along with the music.

“I do, as a matter of fact.” He took her hand and drew her to her feet. “Come on and let’s show them how it’s done.” He took a deep drink of his own, then set the glass down on the table and led her out among the dancing couples in the sand.

Leaning against a post that held up a thatched roof, Zachary Chase watched as Jackson and the blonde girl took to the dance floor. He grinned, realizing just how easy these two would be to pick off. Also, the girl? He debated whether to use the same drug he’d used on Kai... or, perhaps, a sleeping draught, one that’d let him do anything he wanted. And suddenly his imagination was running rampant with that thought.

Chase waited till the Astaire and Rogers team laughingly retired from the dance floor, then he moved in, a smile on his handsome features and a cool drink in one hand. “Hey! Banning, imagine running into you down here!” He gave Cassidy a good once-over then added, “And just who is this beautiful girl you have with you?”

“Hey Zach, how are ya?” Jackson smiled and shook Chase’s free hand. “Have a seat. And this is Cassidy Wilde, she works at the Nexus now. Cass, this is Zach, station security.”

Pulling his hand and attention away from Jackson, the security officer turned it on Cass. “Ms. Wilde,” Chase’s smile broadened, “pleasure to meet you.”

“Pleasure to make yore acquaintance,” she offered her hand. “Mr.?” She left the question hanging, a gentle request for his last name. Still flushed from her dance with Jackson, her eyes sparkled and the smile she gave Zack, the one she’d been aiming at her dance partner moments before, was dazzling.

“I’m Zach Chase,” he replied and took her hand, bringing it to his lips and gently kissing it before letting her take it back. He made a show of looking from one to the other, specifically, their hands, and then commented, “You two don’t have drinks! Let me rectify that - for once, I’ll be the one serving you, Jackson.” He flashed a grin and disappeared towards the bar.

Jackson sat down at the table and smiled. “Now that’s a switch, and a rare one. Havin’ fun Cass?”

Reclaiming her drink from before their dance, she beamed at him, still swaying lightly with the music. “I am, thank you for askin’. What about you, sugar?” She laughed, remembering his claim to be the sweetest sugar ever discovered. “Are ya havin’ fun?”

“Gettin’ there.” He touched his glass to hers then drained the last sip, which was now mostly melted ice. “I think I’ll be brushin’ sand outta places I can’t mention in public for days though.”

Coming back moments later, Chase had three fruity drinks in hand. He made it to the table and set all three down, spilling just a little on one hand. He licked the spill off his skin and grinned at the two. “Drink up! We’re all here on vacation, right?” Suddenly he paused, looking from one to the other. “Oh, hey, I’m not like... being a third wheel here am I?”

For a split second the look Cassidy gave him clearly said ‘yes, you’re imposing’, but her manners kicked in and her expression softened. She glanced at Jackson before answering. “No, of course not, Mr. Chase.”

“Nah, stay and enjoy yer drink.” Jackson waved the objection aside, then picked up his drink and sucked on the straw. “Dangerous stuff, it goes down way too easy!”

“Certainly does!” Chase took a seat between the two and encouraged Cass, “It’s best when fresh!” He picked up one of the drinks and swallowed a good inch off the top.

Lifting her original drink to her lips, she hid her frown at Chase’s seating choice behind the little umbrella and took a long sip. After all, what kind of man shows up and plunks his ass down between a man and a woman who appear to be on a date? Apparently, Cassidy was more annoyed than she realized, though she gave no outward signs of it. She tipped her glass and kept drinking until it was empty. Jackson was right on the money. She could barely taste the alcohol over the fruitiness.

Jackson raised his glass to Cass and Chase. “Drink up kids, they’re just gonna melt.” He clinked both glasses, then took another drink of his own. “You an’ Jan were right Cass, this was a damn good idea.”

“I happen to have a lot of good ideas,” she informed him with a smile, then took a few sips from the fresh drink.

“Oh, now, Ms. Wilde! I was thinking you would live up to your name and have a bit more to drink than that,” Chase laughed. “I’ll bet... no, I won’t bet - I know I could drink you under a table. Right Jackson? You could too, I’d wager.”

“Gee, I’ve never heard that one before.” Narrowing her eyes, she sat up straighter. “There’s no need to be crass, Mr. Chase. It’s painfully obvious you would be able to consume more alcohol than me.” She had a good tolerance for alcohol, but she knew her limits. Jackson? She’d bet he had a high tolerance as well, but he’d already been drinking throughout the day. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were tryin’ to get me drunk.” She teased and smiled. “I assure you, my affections lie elsewhere.”

“Oh, ouch, Ms. Wilde,” Chase smiled and turned on as much charm as he could, which was a considerable amount. “I wasn’t attempting to be crass. But now that you’ve called me out on it, perhaps I am trying to get you drunk. Women tend to be much more fun when they have a little liquid courage running through ‘em.”

“I think there’s a lot of courage runnin’ through this crowd tonight.” Jackson rubbed his eyes, then reached for his drink once more, sipping through the straw. Over on the sand, the steel drum band picked up a lively tune and a conga line formed. “Now there’s somethin’ I haven’t seen in a while.”

“I happen to be a lot of fun without needin’ to be drunk first.” Cassidy took a few more sips, then got up and walked over to take Jackson’s hand. “And as for courage? I have more than enough already.” Turning to Jackson, she smiled. “Feelin’ up to bein’ silly?”

“You two jump in line, I’m gonna run to the little partyer’s room, then I’ll hop in.”Jackson put his drink down and slid his chair back. “Be right back.”

With her preferred dance partner going off to see a man about a horse, Chase flashed Cass a smile and offered, “I’d be happy to take you around the dance floor, Ms. Wilde. I assure you, I won’t even step on your toes.” His charm was slipping, sliding towards being creepy.

Pivoting on a barefoot to face him, Cassidy arched an eyebrow, but smiled; amused. “It’s a conga line, Mr. Chase. If you step on my toes, there’s a big problem with yore dancin’.” She laughed, feeling the effects from the first drink a little. “You step on my toes, I’ll hurt you.”

Laughing, Chase stood and leaned in towards her a touch, “I’d just love to see you try, Ms. Wilde.”

“I just bet you would,” she shot back, holding her ground, unsure of why she was poking him with a stick. “You’d like it too much.” She gave him a measured look. “You gonna get off yore ass and dance, or are ya gonna sit there and run yore mouth all night?”

“Oh, I have plans, Cassidy,” he nearly growled the words. Yes, he should have used the same drug on her that he’d used on Kai. By now, even with as little as she’d drunk of the drug, she’d be crawling on either him or Jackson (Chase would put money that it would have been Jackson), eager to be taken anywhere, in anyway. “Let’s dance,” he held out one hand and, with the other, indicated the dance floor and the conga line.

Ignoring his hand, she stepped around him to head for the dance floor. Part of her wondered why she was acting so rude. She hadn’t even acted like this when she danced with Dr. Harding...and she couldn’t stand him. Cass felt a wave of hostility come off of Chase, but considering her behavior, it was to be expected.

Smiling at a couple in the dance line, she stepped into the place they opened up for her. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked at Chase to see if he was still going to join in or if he’d take the hint and sit this one out.

Zachary Chase had gotten the hint, but he wasn’t sitting this one out. He wasn’t dancing either, not yet at least. Instead, he was chatting with two rather well-built young women - well-built in the sense that they were nearly as tall as him and nearly as muscular. Within a moment, the two women had called another two over and then all four went into action, converging on the conga line and causing chaos. They manhandled the person in front of Cassidy and the person behind her. Suddenly, someone shouted, “Bomb!”, and the bar erupted with screams.

Amidst the confusion, Chase stepped through the crowd, finding Cassidy easily, thanks to her golden hair and white dress. Without warning, he zapped her with a small stungun, sending enough charge through her to fritz her nervous system for at least an hour. Catching her before she dropped to the floor, he carried her out with the rest of the now-panicked crowd.


Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Not Charmed By The Snake
The Nexus Club

Zachary Chase
Resorting to Plan G

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Little Partyer
The Nexus Club


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