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Surprise Visit

Posted on Tue Jul 24th, 2012 @ 11:33am by Commander Patrick Leroy
Edited on on Tue Jul 24th, 2012 @ 12:06pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Main labs

***** SS Concordium (Liner) bound to SB900 *****

Amanda watched the waiter as he discreetly took away the empty glasses from the table leaving the new filled ones. Without a word he turned and walked away, silently as he came, towards the counter with his load of empty glasses filling the tray.

The woman’s eyes, only partially distracted by the operation, turned again on her husband who had quickly attacked the new beverage sipping it with satisfaction.

“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?” The woman asked adjusting a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. Her wrinkles around the eyes betrayed her age but no one would have doubted how beautiful she had probably been in her youth. Great charm was still present in her posture, dress and general look.

“Sure that we’re doing the right thing.” The burly man smiled broadly putting the glass back on the table “I’m finally retired and we’re on vacation from now to forever.”

“That was not what I meant.” The woman responded softly, scolding him.

“Our boy owes us something.” The man replied in a serious tone “He hasn’t sent news in quite a time. I can understand he’s department’s head now or whatever… Still he’s a Leroy and should show some attachment to the family.”

The woman, without comments, turned to look the passing stars out of the portal.

“Aww.. C’mon Amanda… All will be fine. It’s our sonny. He’ll be happy to see us.”

“You always take everything for granted, Jeffrey.” Amanda said softly, her drink lying untouched on the table.

The man grunted watching his empty glass but did not reply.

***** SB900 Main Labs *****

Ensign Leavin smiled checking the monitor. Her wide doe eyes glittered as her fingers ran deftly on the LCARS console. All those years endured in exams and training at the Academy were beginning to pay in the end. She was exactly where she desired to be: right in the middle of a new exploration ground in the Delta quadrant, between the first Federation pioneers in an unknown and perilous frontier. A place where the most enterprising and skilled could be able to forge their destiny and have their name written forever in history.

“Report Ensign.” The voice made her almost jump with surprise suddenly dragging her out of her daydreaming. Leroy moved closer, hands draped behind his back, to check the monitor Leavin was working on.

“The tethryon field is holding Sir. Sensors are picking up readings from from the plasma particles fissioning right now in the storm.” She responded casting a sideways glance to him.

“Good. Which are the readings Ensign?” He inquired still watching the monitor.

Leavin’s mouth crooked in uncertainty for an instant: The mastiff is not going to give up the bone.
“Ongoing radioactive decay process. 650 MeV* strong. Gamma band emission enlarging to fifty Giga-Daystroms. Five or six protonic fissions undergoing.” She stated trying to keep the tone of her voice firm.

Tess Rutheridge, hearing her, looked up from his experiment on the duranium bar casting a glance to Leavin as he anticipated Leroy’s reaction.

“Somewhat good in the analisys ensign.” Leroy commented “Still I see that you haven’t made yours the precision criteria so needed in this job…” he ended touching the console to issue a couple of commands.

Leavin blinked eyes in disbelief. She was sure to have made everything by the numbers “B-but…” she stuttered.

“The protonic fissions. Interesting phenomena don’t you think? And of course there cannot be five or six. Are they five… Or are they six?”

Leroy’s impassive look threw her in a panic. She fumbled her fingers on the console trying to point sensors to start a re-scanning on the plasma storm to no avail. Her forehead started to pearl with sweat…

“Take your time Ensign.” Leroy said watching her.

Rutheridge palmfaced himself waiting for the worst when the voice of the Ops came through the intercom:

=^= Commander Leroy, there is an incoming call for you. =^=

“Leroy here.” He responded tapping his badge “I’ll take it in my office”. he added then moving towards the doors.

If angels do exist they definitely choose Operations Branch at the academy. Rutheridge thought watching an otherwise frozen ensign Leavin.

“I’ll be back.” Leroy said turning to the girl before vanishing inside his office.

When the doors closed behind him Leavin breathed deeply and grumbled something almost unintelligible but sounding very like an insult.

“I’ve heard you…” Rutheridge said with a smile waving the bar in Leavin’s direction.

Leavin glared at him still cooling down her anger. “It was perfect! No matter how hard one tries it’s never enough for him.”

Perfect does not exist in his dictionary.” Rutheridge chuckled shaking his head.

Leavin stiffened hearing the office doors hissing again when Leroy exited. Quick stride, brows furrowed and, as far as Rutheridge knew him, sporting his best Not now look.

“Commander…” Leavin started swallowing hard.

“Not now.” Leroy responded curtly as he walked past them and out of the labs doors hissing close behind him.

“Well...” She replied to the closed doors before turning a confused look to Rutheridge.

“It’s your lucky day.” He shrugged with a smile returning to his experiment.

***** Transporter Room 141 some minutes later *****

“The Concordium is ready Commander.” The ensign said looking up from the controls to watch Leroy.

Patrick nodded briefly, silently. Parental visit was most unexpected and, though not entirely unwelcome, he would have liked to be informed in the first place, a faint annoyance sensation lingered under his all-too rational thought. Some things had to be clarified for good.

The transporter hummed and the familiar shimmering light filled the transporter pads interrupting his flurry of thoughts. In few instants the shimmer coalesced in the well-known persons of Jeffrey and Amanda Leroy.

“Patrick.” Mother called him stepping down the pad as his father smiled.

And his resolve was gone.

Lt Cmdr Patrick Leroy

*MeV: Mega electron Volt


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