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The New Boss

Posted on Tue Jul 24th, 2012 @ 7:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Academy

Kit'rin'e had found out what the Elder had done, a brief note from the Admiral was waiting for him on the computer when he entered his quarters. He freshened up and dressed in usual clothes for tutoring before grabbing a bite to eat and leaving for class. He tried to put out of his mind, at least for now, what was going on between the Elder and his Mate. He understood both points of view, however now that he was Mated his Mate came first and that was in part what he felt the Elder didn't like. He could not fault her results but her methods however.....

Sooner or later Sha'le'ne knew she would lose the title, she would lose it after 1 Caitian year after Sulan took Kit'rin'e as her Mate. She could challenge it if she felt she had to but doing so had not been done in almost three centuries. Which for a species that can easily live to be 120 years old, is not all that long a time.

* * * Classroom * * *

Kit'rin'e was in class teaching once again, his students absorbing information as it was laid to them with images and texts to help grant understanding. They asked questions and when set groups tasks they leapt into it eagerly. This gave time to grade assignments since he'd been delayed in doing it sooner by what had transpired at home. The class had bonded well as a group, they supported and helped each other in times of need, worked with each other if there was something that was not fully understood or caused confusion. Not only did they engage each other in conversation but were happy to draw in Kit'rin'e himself into it. As the class went on his ears picked up the occasional chatter that was not class related, mostly about how Jessica was seen with another female earlier holding hands.

Then another development arose, in the form of a Napean male, seasoned in appearance, orderly, articulate in the image he wished to present as a well learned man. Silence filled the room as everyone gazed at the new arrival.

"May I help you?" Kit'rin'e said sitting behind his desk observing the man that walked in. His question was ignored as the man surveyed the room, standard of a classroom with many tables, each with a computer display and consoles. He pulled out a padd as if taking notes, looking at the students. He slowly made his way to the front of the class towards Kit'rin'e's desk. "I am trying to teach a class." Kit'rin'e spoke.

"Oh, yes I'm sure you are my good man." The stranger replied. "Your services will no longer be required, you are dismissed. Report to the Admiral." He threw over his shoulder a he began to address the class calling out names.

"Excuse me!" Kit'rin'e spoke, growling, standing to his full height, shoulders forward and whiskers flared. Already this new arrival had caused offence and insult, not just to him but to everyone else. It seemed the Napean didn't expect what he saw when he had to look up at the angry Caitian. "Who are you and what do you want?"

It seemed to dawn on the Napean that he'd perhaps made an error in judgement about how to conduct himself. "I am Professor Knan-Li, I am the new Dean of the Academy."

The fact that he'd been reassigned did not phase him right this moment, he was still angry at the rude interruption. "While I respect your new position." Kit'rin'e spoke as he walked around the desk, making the height difference all the more obvious. "You will respect mine, should you dishonour me and insult me in the manner you just did again...." Kit'rin'e bent down and whispered into the Professor's ear. It was clear by the sudden and change in expression on his face that what he was told was less than pleasant. Having been dismissed however, he gave a bow to the only female in the class, Jessica and then left the room heading straight for the Admiral's office.

* * * Admiral Wegener's Office * * *

Rick had been eating his lunch, baked salmon filet with a garden salad, when he was notified of Kit'rin'e's arrival. As the Caitian walked in, Rick didn't stand. "My apologies for not greeting you properly, Commander, but I was in the middle of my lunch. Please, sit. Would you like something as well?"

“Thank you, no. If you wish I can come back another time.” His face still wrought with the anger over the encounter with the new Dean.

"Not at all," Rick said. He pushed the food so that he could focus on Kit. "To what do I owe this visit?"

“I have been dismissed as an instructor at the Academy by the new Dean.” Kit’rin’e spoke as he wrapped his tail about his waist before sitting. “A rude and disrespectful individual.” He complained. He muttered a few words in Caitian, something along the lines of ‘lucky to be alive’ but something would be lost in the translation if explained.

"Dismissed?" Rick said. "He just arrived! What the hell did he do? Get off the ship and walk straight to the Academy?"

Rick was disgusted. "Dammit. I'm sorry, Commander. I was going to have a meeting with you both tomorrow to discuss your new assignment."

“Into the classroom without so much as to an introduction, ignored me, dismissed me offhand.” Kit’rin’e went on to explain the events that followed when he stood up and walked around his desk. “The students I am sure understood the message I conveyed to the Dean.”

"I will summon him immediately and...speak to him regarding his actions," Rick said angrily. "He had no right to do this as he hasn't even been assigned to the Academy yet." He paused. "However, he was supposed to take over as Dean of the academy this week. May as well give you the information now," he said. "Because of the situation in this area of space, I need someone with your talents to head up the Strategic Operations department. Your assignment begins in two days, enough time to wrap up anything you were working on with the students and to prepare for your new assignment."

“Are there any special considerations I should note in region?” Kit’rin’e had little need to know what was happening in the region, even less time to take notice with all the troubles he’d been having with his Mate and the Elder.

"Despite their protectorate status, Archadia Prime is one of note. With the possibility that their military force was responsible for the bombings on the planet that almost caught many of our personnel in its blast, including Admiral Hawke, we need to keep an eye on them. Also, in general, we know nothing of the quadrant and most everyone and everything is suspect at this point."

He paused to take a drink of the sweet tea on his desk. "Work with intelligence, and the ships in the quadrant, to obtain strengths and weaknesses of the surrounding races to ascertain any threats to our personnel."

“Should I include the Ascension class in the list of ships?” He asked, he didn’t want to presume over the Admiral’s vessel. Considering the delicate nature the Admiral was in at the moment and his mission to find his Mate.

"I would venture to guess that it will have limited information at this point, since it hasn't yet left 900, but all of the information from their prior vessel's computer has been added to it. So whatever they may have come into contact before the Dreadnought's destruction will be available."

“Understood.” It would a change to be in red again, uniform to boot. He wondered what his Mate would say to the change but he would have to find out later. “If I may ask, what made me suited to the role?” Pondering how a team leader at UP, flight control and instructor made him suited to the task.

"I know you haven't had much activity in a role like this, but your attention to detail, your ability for tactical thinking and a very high level of multi-tasking makes you perfect for the position. I have no doubt that you will perform admirably in this role."

“I understand, I shall wrap up my tasks in the Academy then get to Strategic Operations.” It would not take him long, the class was nearing the end of one phase of training all that was needed was grading papers which he was confident he could do in the time allotted. “Is there anything else Admiral?” He asked, already his mind working at the changes that lay before him.

"No," Rick replied, still fuming from the actions of the new dean. "Again, I apologize for Knan-Li's actions. You can rest assured that I will take care of it immediately."

“Thank you.” Kit’rin’e stood up, unwrapped his tail from about his waist then with a nod he left. A new position, he knew this would be a challenge, the provider of information to which orders and decisions would be based on. He wondered if this meant he’d be closer to where his Mate was, thus reducing travel time between locations.

After Kit'rin'e left, Rick slammed the communications tab on his console. "Lieutenant Beckman!" he roared.

She flinched. Using her rank meant one of two things: they were out around other Starfleet personnel, or he was really, really pissed. Of course, his volume made it obvious which one of those it was.

"Yes, Admiral?" she asked meekly.

"Get that slack-jawed, numb nuts, dick of a new dean up to my office quicker than dammit!"

"Yes sir," she replied and quickly located his information to deliver the bad news to him.

A joint post by:

Lt.Cmdr Kit’rin’e
A little Put Out.


VADM Ricky Wegener
Pissed Beyond Belief


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