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What Now....

Posted on Mon Aug 13th, 2012 @ 10:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Timeline: Current

Kit'rin'e returned to his quarters to change into a fresh uniform, he was a still put out by the new Dean's actions earlier. He took little comfort in the ass busting the Admiral was about to hand the Dean, part of him tugged at the strings that meant tearing the little man apart. Still, part of him was glad that he was out of the academy considering the new man in charge.

He packed a few things for his Mate, clothing, footwear and personal items like a brush, make up and a variety of fragrances from her collection. He knew she didn't often wear it, such things caused him headaches but with her current location being away from him most of the time she would, he hoped, welcome the collection of things he gathered. He walked through the corridors, feeling eyes on him as he walked past. Word it seemed spread quickly about the fuss created by the Elder and now he was rewarded for her troubles.

He headed to Intelligence, hoping his Mate would be there. He wondered how he was going to tell his Mate about the change, she may welcome it, being so close since Strat Ops and Intel were very close to each other. Or she may not feeling that this whole move was made because of her in an effort to be in close proximity of her. He didn't want her feeling that she was the cause, she was a welcome addition to the situation if anything.

As he reached Intel, he could hear voices in the reception room that was reachable by the public, one male, the other Nenita's voice.

"I have to see her, Lieutenant, it's urgent."

"Sorry Doc, but no can do. I have my orders."

The male sighed, then spoke once again. "So are you telling me no one can get in?"

"That's right. Sorry."

Surprisingly, the male's voice sounded relieved. "At least there is that. Thank you, and sorry to bother you."

Dr. Harding stepped out just as Kit'rin'e arrived and seeing the tall Caitian, he smiled. "Hello, Commander, I am actually glad to see you. Might we speak for a moment?"

“Of course, and you are?” He asked, it would help to know to whom he was speaking to.

“Dr. William Harding, Chief Medical Officer.” His manner was all business as he addressed Kit’rin’e.

Kit’rin’e knew to this individual, His Mate had spoken often of him and not in a good way. It was visible from the fur on his face and the slight growl that he was known to the Caitian. “What are you doing here?” He asked, why was this man here, in intelligence no doubt trying to see his Mate.

“I’d hoped to see Sulan, but she is out of reach, and while it’s a bit of a problem for me, she is safer this way. You, however, are allowed to see her, are you not?”

“I suggest you stay away from my Mate.” Kit’rin’e replied. Once again this man was after her, only this time he was here to do something about it. His top lip rose slightly, sharp points displayed, a more aggressive posture taken. “She has told me much about you, the past and if you wish a future I suggest you leave her alone.” Threatening a Starfleet officer came way down on the list when it came to the safety of his Mate.

“I mean her no harm. In fact, it’s a warning you need to pass on to her. It’s not me that is the problem, but luckily, the one who is can’t get to her either.”

“You expect me to believe that you have given up your hunt for my Mate and her unique aging ability to warn her?” Sounded beyond belief to his ears that this man would want to warn her, perhaps this was a ruse, all a ploy to get to her, take her away from him.

“I do. And take it for what it’s worth. I am doing my best to find out the reasons why, and I cannot tell you who without exposing too much before I find out their motives. Just keep anyone from Medical out unless it’s an emergency. Are we clear?” Harding’s tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.

“I’ll be sure to include you in that list.” Kit’rin’e fired back. “Anything happens to her, I’ll find you.” With that he made sure there was no misunderstanding.

“You won’t have to, I’ll be there. Don’t worry.” Harding gave him an assessing look and shrugged. “Just remember the old saying. ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’. It’s truer than you know. “

Kit’rin’e listened to what Harding said. “The only good enemy, is a dead one, your not my friend so leaves just one option for you.” He stood upright again. Harding was no friend, he was a major enemy as far as he saw it. He’d tell his Mate about this encounter, doubting she would like or believe what Harding had to say. Not wanting anything to do with the man he turned and walked away towards Nenita. “He stays out and away, or he dies if he tries to get in again.” Few could mistake what Kit’rin’e said, some could say it was hard to tell if he was joking or not.

“No one’s getting in.” She glanced past him to Harding, watching as the Doctor turned and departed. “I’ll take you on up.”

Following Nenita, standing next to her in the Turbolift it was evident that Harding got under Kit’rin’e’s skin, agitated, the odd growl, more aggressive appearance on his fur. He didn’t like the man, Harding made his mark on his life the moment he became Sulan’s Mate and she explained all about the Doctor.

“Easy there big fella.” Nenita smiled up at him. “Your girl’s just fine, but I’ll be happy to look into things if you want.”

“Please, I would like to know what he’s up to and what he wants with my Mate?” He didn’t believe for one moment that the Doctor turned nice after chasing Sulan for so long because of the accident. “He said he wants to warn Sulan of someone who is after her, but I do not believe his motives are as innocent as he portrays.”

Nenita nodded as the lift stopped and the doors opened. “We’ll see what’s what. And here we are, call if you need us.” She paused the lift and held the door open for his exit.

“Thank you.” He replied, a slight bow then then exited the lift. He came to a stop a few steps from the lift and looked around hoping to see his Mate. Someone in the room was wearing perfume, it laced the air with its sweet fragrance.

Several steps down, the door to Sulan’s quarters slid open and she peeked out. Seeing Kit’rin’e she smiled. “Welcome back.”

“My Mate.” Kit’rin’e spoke softly, a bow in greeting as always then handed her the things he gathered for her. “I thought you might like a few things from home since you will be staying here a while.” There was an underlying tone to his voice that could be heard, something was not being said and he was trying to hide it.

“Not long I hope.” She drew him in, then closed the door and wrapped her arms around him. “How was class?”

“Interesting actually.” His tail coiled about her waist holding her to him, leaning down his nose next to her neck drawing in that all important scent he needed. “I have been reassigned from the Academy to take over as Chief of Strategic Operations.” He spoke as he slowly rose upright again. He let that snippet of information sink in. “The new Dean however is...fortunate to be alive after his conduct earlier.”

“Ohhh, one of those.” Sulan wrinkled her nose for a moment. “But Strategic Ops? That’s more in my....” She paused a moment, then continued. “I think you may be happier there than behind a desk.

“More in your?” Kit’rin’e posed, wondering what she was going to say, maybe something that would get them closer together. “Perhaps, it will be good to apply my skill set to a broader horizon.” This new posting would be a challenge and a mental one at that, he looked forward to it.

“My line of work.” She fell silent, leaning back a bit to look up at him. “It certainly won’t be dull.”

“I will be sure to ask for your assistance should I need it my Mate.” He said. “I hope I gathered the correct things for you, I tried my best.” The case of items hanging off his elbow.

“Whatever you brought will be fine.” She pulled him down to kiss him gently, then slipped the case off his arm. She crossed to place it in the closet, and then asked her burning question. “How is Sha’la’ne?”

“I do not know, I suspect though that she is displeased with us.” He replied softly as she stood by the closet. “Which made me think.” He added before looking at the floor and back up to her. “All of this trouble is because of my ways, tradition and culture. That being the case, would it be easier if I were to follow your ways instead?”

“You can’t do that.” She turned back to face him. “Maybe somewhere in the middle? She just doesn’t seem to get that we need to figure out what works for us.”

“Do I work for you?” He asked, difficult to tell if he was being playful or serious.

You do. Her views of you do not.” She moved back to stand before him, reaching up to touch his face where the elder had swiped him with her claws. “That is unforgivable.”

Fresh cuts always stung, a neat set of four on his cheek from when the Elder struck him. “As Elder, it is her right.” That didn’t make it any less acceptable. A tinge of red had taken to an area of his fur where he bled.

“She struck at you when it was me she wished to injure. Petty, Kit’rin’e, and beneath her station.”

“Petty, but it worked. She won't touch you, but to get to you she will lash out at me.” He replied. The wound itself would heal in due time, the reminder of it though would last a long while. Then came the hard part. “I found Harding outside, trying to get in.” He let a growl go, the man infuriated him, wherever his Mate was, he was someone close by in the shadows or plain view.

That drew Sulan up short. “What did he want?”

“Apparently to give you a warning, he was denied access then he came to me to pass on his message.” He replied. Not for a second did Kit’rin’e believe what Harding had to say, especially the comment about being on the same side. “Someone is after you he says, but didn’t mention who.”

“I see.” Sulan considered that a moment. “It would have to be someone related to the past.”

“Thats a very short list if I recall you telling me about it before.” He walked to a console and turned it off, using the blank screen as a mirror to look at the damage done.

“It is a short list, unless it’s someone related that I didn’t know. So, is Sha’lan’e staying? And is she still hell-bent on taking you back home?”

“Staying, no doubt, since you became my Mate she's duty bound to make sure your up to the take of being Elder, as for taking me home, I would think so.” Considering the last time the three of them spoke, his Mate stood up to the Elder and he got clawed.

“So what do we do now? Can I abdicate? Will that make her happy and get her out of your....fur?”

“If you wish to abdicate, that is your choice.” Kit’rin’e said looking at her. “You will still be provided a residence on Cait and have the right to marry on the Homeworld if you wish to do so. The Elder’s position is to ensure that tradition and culture is satisfied.” Even though the bonding was still underway, the manner in which it started was traditional, more or less. Things may not have been done strictly at the allotted time, but this was hardly a typical pairing.

“What should I do? And what do you want? Personally, I’d like to give her a swift kick in the pants but that’s hardly the right move.” Sulan sat down on the side of the bed and patted the spot beside her.

Kit’rin’e took a seat next to her, a stark contrast to his size of frame to hers. “What you do is up to you, you can become Elder or, since your accident you can wait. What I want is for you to be happy, which the Elder is interrupting.” He replied. “You are still afforded everything being as you are or the Elder, I would suggest that we focus on us, not what the Elder wants and address it when you're ready to.”

“Would it get her to go home?”

“I am uncertain of that.” He replied thinking about it. “It is possible, but I can not be sure.” He hoped it would, since her arrival stress and tension had exploded between the mated pair and the departure would ease and soothe that, allowing them to return to how things were at a pace comfortable for them.

“It will at least ease her mind that she is still in control for a while.” Sulan sat in silence as the thought about it. Not being Elder didn’t bother her. She’d never been one, so she wouldn’t miss it. And if it meant that Sha’la’ne went home and left them alone to continue to adjust to each other without interference, well that was a bonus. “Very well, so be it. She can keep her position, but tell her you won’t be going home with her. I just want us to be left alone to”

“As you wish.” Kit’rin’e answered, she’d made her choice and he’d follow it. Even though now having made her choice they could get back to being themselves again it also meant the Elder no longer had a duty bound reason to remain. The pair of them hoped she would retire back to Cait with little fuss but Kit’rin’e knew the Elder had some fight left in her, a battle he’d have to wage himself, between Caitians.

“Good.” Sulan appeared to relax for the first time in a long while. “Are you here for the night?”

“I am yes.” He had nothing else that needed his attention, had time yet to finish his duties at the Academy before his new assignment started. His tail flicking slightly left and right on the bed as he leaned forward. It had been a while since they just sat, some would say watching life go by but a big obstacle in that was the Elder, and she was not going by like the rest of life. “Home is empty without you, it has lost your scent.” Which was of no surprise to him since she'd only stayed a short while so far.

“Then perhaps we should have some dinner and make the night ours. Tomorrow, we’ll tell her our decision. Emphasis on our.”

"As you wish my Mate." Kit'rin'e spoke softly. A united stand, the Elder would be forced to accept what was happening, sooner or later she knew she would one day call Sulan, Elder and there was little she could do about it. By striking Kit'rin'e she may have won that small victory, but with Sulan around, the war was far from over.


Lt. Commander Kit’rin’e
Tora Sulan
Enjoying the Calm of the Storm


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