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A Much-Needed Night Out

Posted on Tue Aug 14th, 2012 @ 7:07pm by Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Various
Timeline: After 'As The Dumpling Turns'

The night had been a good one, and they’d all been kept busy. On reflection, Vic decided that was a good thing for Cass. Activity, being busy meant no time to worry about other things. He had, however, kept an eye on her and insisted she take a short break at one point in the lull between shows. Now, the night was done, it was closing time and Vic was glad. The bar was closed down, everyone was gone and now he stood at the doors, waiting for Cass to emerge.

Walking out, she rubbed at her neck, inwardly bitching at the tension in the muscles. All she needed was a good pop or two and it would feel better. Seeing Vic waiting for her, Cassidy smiled despite being a bit worn thin. “I think I actually have an appetite tonight,” she said, coming up to him.

“Good, tell Lao that, he’ll be ecstatic. He bases his check of how the universe is doing based on the appetites of its residents.” He smiled, noting her rubbing at her neck. “Tight?”

“Yes, like a bow. I just haven’t decided if it’s like a bow you’d use on a cello or like a huntin’ bow.” Tilting her head to the side, she was rewarded by two loud cracks. “Damn, that almost sounded like somethin’ broke,” she laughed.

Vic brushed the back of her neck with his fingertips and smiled. “Ready?” He had changed from his black pants, white tux and black bow tie to a pair of black pleated pants and a v-necked silk shirt in a deep grey. “Our table awaits.”

“No fair. You changed outta yer formals.” She glanced down at her dress and back up as if to say ‘while I’m stuck in mine’. “Nevermind. Let’s go.”

“Ah but yours is still breathtaking, and not sprinkled with little drops of everything I have behind the bar.” His gaze swept over her and he smiled. “And I do mean breathtaking.” He opened the doors and offered his arm.

Slipping her arm through his, Cassidy wanted to believe he meant the compliment - actually, she did know he meant it - but she wasn’t feeling too shiny at the moment.

“So how was it? First night back?” Vic locked the door behind them and then led her along the Promenade at a leisurely pace.

Thinking about it for a few seconds, she answered honestly. “It was okay. Kind of a blur, really.” Being back at work had given her something to do; something normal. It had also forced her to keep it together. One simply did not indulge in hysterics or water works out in public. “It was better than sittin’ at home with nothin’ to do.”

“It does, as long as it doesn’t turn into a way of avoiding, Cass.” He smiled but there was a moment of concern in his eyes. “Tonight, however, is for letting go and having fun. You certainly deserve it.”

“I’m beginnin’ to think fun is over-rated.” Reaching up, she started pulling pins out of her hair, until the thick golden mass fell and she shook it out. “Recent experiences with ‘fun’ haven’t exactly gone all that well for me,” she stated quietly, putting the pins into her purse.

“Well that isn’t the normal experience, Cass. There was a lot at work that you just sort of stumbled into.”

Her jaw tightened and she frowned. The last thing she needed was to have one more person tell her what a mess she’d landed in the middle of from her very first night on the station. “Yes. So I’ve been told.” Her words were a little clipped; the soft accent edging towards proper, instead of relaxed.

Vic raised an eyebrow at her. “My point is that it wasn’t something you’d normally run into, that’s all. My other point is that since it was so out of the ordinary, holding it all in isn’t good for you. You have friends and people who care about you Cass, let us help.”

Cassidy came to a stop. “That’s just it. There’s nothing anyone can do to help. Nothing is going to change what happened. It just is what it is and I have to deal with it and get past it.”

“Just don’t forget to come to me if you need to. I enjoyed being there for you. Anytime, and I mean that.” He looked down at her and found it difficult to breathe for a moment. There was so much more he’d like to say, but standing in the middle of the Promenade was not the place.

For a moment, she looked utterly lost. Standing there in the middle of a stream of foot traffic, surrounded by people, she felt isolated. Except for Vic, who stood there watching her; waiting for some sort of reply. Everything he was saying was true. It was a little overwhelming. Taking a breath, she dug down, searching for the deep inner strength she had relied on so many times in the past. When she looked for it, it was there, it was just a little slippery to hold onto right now, but it was enough for her to be able to smile up at the man in front of her.

“”You are far too good to me...and I’ll try to keep that in mind...the part about needin’ help,” she replied, then started walking again. “Come on.” She tugged none too gently on his arm. “I’d prefer to get to get to Lao’s before my stomach starts voicin’ its complaints for everyone to hear.”

He hesitated a moment, confused at the sudden distance he sensed, wondering if he’d said something wrong. The temptation to look deeper was strong but he decided to wait till after dinner, perhaps then he’d figure things out. He spoke, however, glossing over it for now. “Certainly. I think yours and mine would be singing a chorus now.”

Cassidy wrinkled her nose in distaste. “That is not a duet I’d be particularly fond of singin’. I don’t think anyone else would like hearin’ the ‘Rumbly Tummy Rhapsody’, either.”

“Might be music to Lao’s ears.” He grinned at Cass as the doors to Loa’s slid open and they stepped inside. Moments later, they were shown to a table and before Vic could open his mouth, the dumplings appeared. “A little something to chew on while we decide what we’re in the mood for.”

"Doesn't he realize there's a group of people here on the station that are so addicted to his dumplings, they should come with a twelve-step program for dessert?" Smoothing the long skirt out, she settled into her chair.

“I think in this case he chooses to be an enabler.” Vic lifted a dumpling with his chopsticks, dipped it in the sauce, then popped it into his mouth. “Mmmmmmm” was all he managed to say.

"I rest my case," she smirked, watching him. A moment later, Cassidy was doing almost the same thing, albeit just a tad quieter. Lazily, she flipped through the menu until she looked up and saw only one dumpling remained. Uh-oh.

Vic gave her a sly grin, then lifted the dumpling, dipped it, and raised it to her lips.

Arching a delicate brow, she leaned forward and opened her mouth expectantly.

His eyes widened a moment at the images flooding his brain as he looked back at her. With a smile, he placed the dumpling between her lips. “Enjoy. I don’t share my dumpling with just anyone you know.”

Cass paused mid-bite, holding the dumpling between her teeth. She knew for a fact he would go as far as breaking into his friend's quarters to get them, too. Quickly pushing the thought of who that friend was away, she pulled the dumpling away from the chop sticks and savored it, chewing slowly. "I keep tellin' ya if you'd get extra ya wouldn't have ta sneak, snake or fight over 'em...but since yer sharin' ...thanks."

“Maybe we should get some to go too?” He laid his menu aside as the waiter appeared with a bottle of warm baijiu and two small cups.

Pretending to look shocked, she pressed a hand to her chest, near the sparkling canary yellow diamond necklace. "Oh...he's learnin'!"

“I’m trainable.” Vic poured the warm wine into the two cups, then raised his. “Cheers.”

Picking up her cup, she eyed it a fraction of a second; just a fleeting expression as she remembered the last time she'd had alcohol. Closing her eyes, she pushed past the thought and smiled. "Cheers." Taking a long drink, she drained half the cup in one go.

“Ready to order?” Vic asked. He drank down his own wine, then refilled the small cups. The wine left a welcome trail of heat as it worked its way down his throat. “Or should I surprise you?”

She thought about it. Why not? “Surprise me, but nothin’ fishy.” Cassidy was done with seafood of any sort for a while. Picking up the cup, she sipped at her wine this time.

The waiter arrived and Vic ordered, Szechauan Beef with a nice sesame sauce on the side, then turned back to Cass. “Just be sure to save room for dessert.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” she joked. It wasn’t like she had all that much room to begin with the past few days. She felt like her stomach had shrunk and currently, it was getting quite toasty from the wine. It wasn’t just that it was served warm; it had a pleasant burn to it as it went down. Bemused, she glanced at her cup, surprised to find it empty...again. “This is rather strong.”

“Sip with care, it goes down awfully easy.” Vic finished his own off and refilled. “Then again, we’re both off tomorrow, sip all you want.”

“But I just came back. How can I be off again so soon?” Cassidy hadn’t even thought to check the schedule. Realizing all she had planned for the following day was a jog with Oz at some time in the morning and possibly a visit to see Harding at Piper Medical, if they could fit her in, she grimaced. What a thrilling day she had planned. Not.

“I probably shouldn’t be drinkin’ this. I’m not used to it,” she said, even as she picked it up and drank some more of it. “There’s no tellin’ what it’ll do to me.”

“I predict giggles, then loose lips, then a sudden and unexplainable urge to dance on the bar at the Wormhole.” He grinned. “Been there, done that.”

Narrowing her eyes, she leaned forward. “I’ll have you know, I’ve done that a time or two without needin’ any help from a bottle of liquid stupidity. I don’t know why people call it liquid courage...unless they’ve never done anythin’ crazy in their lives and need the help.”

“You’d be amazed how many people haven’t, and therefore do. I see it almost every night in my line of work.” The food arrived and Vic dug into his plate. “You’re right, I was starving.”

“I usually am right. At least about most things.” Giving her attention to her meal, she fell silent for a while as she ate. “I think yer off on yer prediction. Giggles maybe. I’m not so sure ‘bout the other two. What kind of woman do ya think I am?” She snickered and took another sip of the baijiu.

“One who needs to cut loose for a while. Consider it the liquid form of primal scream therapy.” Vic shrugged. “Especially since you have someone here who’ll look out for you.”

“Primal what?” She made a face. Therapy. Ugh. “Nevermind. I...don’t let me make a fool of myself.”

“How about just a little? If I go along for the ride?”

She stared at him, debating exactly what to say. “You really don’t know anything about me yet. I don’t know if I’m capable of ‘little’.” Biting her lip, she shrugged finally. “No streakin’ through the station,” she tossed out just for shock value.

‘Okay I”ll draw the line at streaking through the station. Fair enough?” Vic refilled their wine cups and resumed demolishing his dinner.

Thirty minutes later, Cass was buzzed and done eating. She was also trying to decide whether or not she liked the warmed wine. It had more of a kick than she’d expected and all they’d done so far was have dinner.

“So...whatcha wanna do now, Vic?”

Vic, too, was feeling the warmth of the wine, but thanks to his bigger body, it hadn’t gone beyond that yet. At her question, however, he perked an eyebrow at her, keeping a bit of control over what he said. “Singing? Dancing? A lovely view of the planet below later?”

“Yes!” she answered enthusiastically and squirmed in her seat. “Can we go now?”

“As you wish.” The waiter brought over a pad and Vic entered his id number into it. “All done.” He rose and, taking her hand drew her to her feet, then kissed the back of her hand.

“Thank you for dinner.” Standing there, she was thankfully steady on her feet, even if she was edging towards giggly. The heels she had chosen tonight had given her a four-inch boost in height and Cass prayed they wouldn’t end up being a problem if she drank more. Of course, if that was the case, she’d kick them off in an instant. “So we’re goin’ to The Wormhole?”

“That we are.” He tucked her arm in his and led her out the door.

“I’m not drunk, only a little buzzed. I’m fully capable of walkin’ on my own. The last time I went to Jono’s place on a man’s led to some people makin’ the wrong assumptions.” Harding. Jan, the following morning. Not to mention it was the beginning of her own problems.

“Hush and let me be a gentleman will you?” Amusement lit his words. “From what I read about the area where you grew up, it was expected.”

“Expected. Yes, it certainly was,” she started saying, then did a little rewind. “Why would you read about where I grew up?” As soon as she asked it, she kicked herself. He didn’t read about where she had grown up. It was more likely a generalization of the south, most likely because of Jackson.

“I was interested in where you came from.” Vic shrugged as they moved down the Promenade.

“Oh. Why would that interest you?” Cassidy had to step closer to him to avoid a group of people. “It’s beautiful there, without a doubt. No matter how much I traveled, I always went back. Someday I will again, most likely. I miss home.”

“You’re lucky that way, that you have a home nice enough that you miss it. I don’t miss mine at all.” He sidestepped the group, slipping his arm around her as they passed them by.

He’d avoided answering her question, but in light of what he said, she let it slide. What could make things so bad that he wouldn’t miss his home. Dumb question, Cassi. You, better than anyone know sometimes there are reasons. What had happened to him? “Why? Where are you from?”

“A place that has some interesting ideas regarding personal freedom, and those ideas blew up in its face.” Vic shrugged, then smiled as they reached the doors of the Wormhole. They opened and the chaos that was so typical of this bar surged out and drew them in.

* * *

“Thank you, thank you, it was all her, I swear.” Vic waved to the crowd in the Wormhole who cheered and applauded, then bowed to Cass as they stood on the tiny stage at one end. Over by the bar Jono gave a loud wolf whistle.

Cassidy beamed and blew a kiss to the bar owner, then managed to pull off a low curtsey. As if the way she was dressed didn’t stand out enough in the rowdy club, the elegant gesture set off a good portion of the bar’s patrons again. She finally managed to slip free of the mood that had her down earlier. Vic’s company and a decent amount of alcohol had helped her shake free of her worries.

Leaning close, she smiled up at Vic. “I wasn’t the only one singin’.”

Vic slipped his arms around her as he returned the smile. “Oh and I’ll hear about it tomorrow, no doubt.” The warmth of the alcohol was boosted immeasurably by the closeness of Cassidy. “Ready to fly out of here?”

“Is it closin’ time already?” Taking a look around, it didn’t look like anyone was getting ready to leave. She was feeling good and not anywhere near ready to call it a night. Giggling, she wiggled her fingers. “Fly, fly away.”

“Not for them, but I think it might be for us.”

“Awww, but I’m not tired,” she complained and pouted.

“That’s what I’m hoping, Cass.” His dark eyes held hers. “I promised you a spectacular view did I not?”

“Yes...” poke “” poke “...did.” poke Each word was emphasized with a jab from her finger to his chest.

“Your wish is my command.” He scooped her up in his arms and stepped down from the stage to more cheers and whistles. “Thank you, we’ll be here all week. Don’t break the furniture.” He slipped through the crowd, Cass in his arms.

She shrieked, but it quickly turned into laughter. “What are ya doin’? I can walk, ya know. Put me d -” Giggling, she looked over Vic’s shoulder and waved at Jono. “See ya next time, darlin’!”

Jono blew her a kiss as she was carted out the door.

“So want the view or do you want to be out of sight?”

“You choose, but ya better put me down before someone thinks yer cartin’ ‘round a giant banana.” That set off another fit of laughing. “I feel like I’m floatin’.”

Vic joined in her laughter. “You very likely are.” He rounded a corner and they entered the turbolift. Once it was moving, he settled her back on her feet, holding her close against him. “Out of sight.”

“Mmm-hmm. That was fun. Where’re we goin’ now?” Leaning against him, Cassidy tilted and reached down to pull off her high heels to wiggle her toes. Straightening back up, she smiled.

Looking down at her, feeling her so close against him, Vic wondered for a moment if he might be dreaming. He could smell her perfume and the scent stirred him even more deeply. “Cass...I....” He had no words, and apparently little restraint left. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers, the kiss at first tender, then growing deeper.

She froze; all giggles and thoughts fled in an instant. The only thing holding her attention was the sensation of his mouth on hers. There was a momentary hesitation, then she realized there were no reasons she needed to hold back. She could kiss him if she wanted to. Dropping her shoes, she reached up and wrapped her arms around him; responding without reservation.

Her response made Vic feel as if the floor of the lift had dropped out beneath them and they were in freefall. It was an altogether wonderful feeling. Soon enough, however, they touched down and he realized it was the lift stopping. It was their deck but now, where to? His place? Hers?

“Let’s get out of sight, Cassidy.”

Eyes sparkling as she looked up at him, she collected her shoes and backed towards the doors. As they slid open behind her, she reached out and took hold of his hand and led him out of the lift. Unknowingly, her thoughts echoed his. Did she take him to her place or his? Pausing, she turned and looked back at him, intending to ask that very question, but the temptation of his lips was too close and Cass had to kiss him again.

He was glad to indulge but behind them, the lift chimed and he broke the kiss and took her hand. Without a word, he moved down the corridor. As luck would have it, they reached Cassidy’s quarters first.

Entering the security code, she pulled him inside as soon as the doors opened and moved to lock them. As the lights came up, the interior of her home was revealed. Even though she was from Savannah, Georgia, Cassidy had traveled all over the world back on Earth, both with competing and on vacation. The decor was old world Tuscan and the colors warm and rich. At the moment though, she wasn’t showing off her flair for interior decorating.

Ditching both her purse and her heels, she faced him again. “Come here, Vic,” she murmured. Her voice took on a decidedly sultry tone. “We’re outta sight now. What’re ya gonna do ‘bout it?”

“I’ll be happy to show you,” he whispered as he swept her back up into his arms and moved across the living room and through the bedroom door.


Taking A Leap

Cassidy Wilde
Free Falling


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