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Cass's Out Of The Brig

Posted on Sat Aug 4th, 2012 @ 8:07pm by Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Piper Memorial Medical Center

Leaving Piper Medical, Darwin didn’t exactly dawdle on his way back to the Detention Center. But he also didn’t hurry along as quickly as his long legs could have taken him. Instead, he stopped and got a cup of coffee from a vendor on the Promenade. Then he headed straight for deck 310 and back up to Deck 306 on Security’s internal lift.

Once there, he finally sat down to draft the ‘paper’work that would release Cassidy Wilde from detention. The documentation didn’t take long, after all, he’d already had most of it filled in; he just needed to check the box labeled “Self-defense/Defense of others”. With that done, he knew the lock-up officers would clear Cassidy from the system and set her on her path home. He wondered whether she’d actually head home or head for Piper Medical. The possibility that she’d head straight for Jackson’s bedside was why he’d taken a short detour to the Promenade; he bought Jackson and Oralia a few extra minutes to sort themselves out.

Just before he turned to draft his report from the interviews he’d completed so far, he noticed a message from Seyla in his inbox. Instead of opening it, he decided he’d better go talk to Natalia Bren, if possible.

* * * Cass’s Cell * * *

“All right, Ms. Wilde,” the lock-up officer, Langley, approached her holding cell and keyed the force field off, “You are free to go.” She looked her up and down, thinking that the standard-issue jumpsuit did nothing for the woman’s figure. “I’ll escort you to the exit.”

Looking up from where she was sitting against the back wall of the cell, Cassidy blinked, then was up in an instant, ignoring the soreness in her muscles. “Thank you, Chief Langley,” she said quietly. Any comments about knowing the way out, she kept to herself, as well as the sarcasm about hoping to never see the woman again.

Within a few minutes, Chief Langley had Cassidy processed out of the Center, her personal items (jewelry) returned to her and saw the blonde woman to the main turbolift on Deck 310. “Be careful out there, Ms. Wilde.”

“I will be.” As the doors closed, Cass debated heading home to get cleaned up first or going directly to Piper Medical. While she wanted to get cleaned up in the worst way, she wanted to check on Jackson more. It wasn’t much of a debate. Finger-combing her hair and smoothing it down as best as she could, the turbolift took her where she wanted to go.

* * * Piper Medical Center | Post Op Ward | Deck 366 * * *

Ophelia was just leaving Jackson’s room, letting the door close behind her. She made a few notes on his chart, her fingers growing still as the outer doors opened and Cass entered.

“May I help you?”

“I was wonderin’ if Jackson Banning had woke up yet and if he can have visitors yet?” Again, her hand smoothed over her hair nervously.

“He is,” Ophelia smiled indulgently. “Popular as always, you can see him but don’t stay too long.”

Relieved to hear he was awake, she smiled. “I won’t. Which room?”

“This one.” Ophelia opened the door, then moved on away to return to the main desk.

Taking a moment to look at him before she entered the room, Cass’ heart gave a little lurch when she realized how close she’d come to losing him. All the watching to make sure he’d still been breathing. Taking a hes+itant step closer, she spoke finally. “Hey there, Charleston.”

“Savannah.” His voice was low, a little tired, but he smiled. “They get you patched up?”

“Yeah...gave me this glamorous jumpsuit to wear, too,” she joked, gesturing to the jumpsuit they’d given her to wear in the brig. “Granted, I look like a criminal now, but at least my ass isn’t gonna be hangin’ out like yers will.” She smiled finally and came over to the side of the bed.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing. A lotta people would love to see my ass.”

“I’ve already seen yer ass...and I didn’t say it like it’s a bad thing. Just commentin’ on how horrible our current outfits are.” Cassidy let her gaze travel over his face, then looked back into his deep blue eyes. “I heard Harding was the one to work on ya...I guess I’m gonna have to thank him now instead of punchin’ him in the nose.”

“Yeah, he did good from what Oz said, even though there was some issues at first. They got me all fixed up and left some nice patches too. Despite personal feelings, Harding’s the only man who coulda done it.” He studied her face a moment, then patted the side of his bed. “Sit. You okay?”

Sitting down carefully, she nodded. “Shouldn’t I be askin’ you that?” Cassidy’s eyes were over-bright, but she was doing an admirable job of keeping tears of relief at bay. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders and smiled. “I’m fine. Ya don’t need to be worryin’ ‘bout me.”

“That so? Last I heard, you were kidnapped, shot at, beaten up, and took out two goons. And helped keep me alive. If that’s what you do on vacation, I’m afraid to ask what you do at work.” He smiled again and took her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Thank you.”

Wrapping her fingers around his, she held his hand tightly for a few moments before relaxing her grip. “Yeah...well, it’s all part of the all-inclusive guardian angel package,” she teased, but her eyes were serious. “You’re welcome, Jackson.”

“I was just saying a few minutes ago, I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you enough. And I feel guilty as hell for puttin’ you in that position to begin with. I have no explanation for Natalia at all.” He shook his head. “Crazy.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t you dare feel guilty about this. You weren’t the one that did any of this. Yes, I was with you, but it wasn’t yer fault. None of it was.” Her expression was fierce. “If I hadn’t been with ya and they had come after ya alone...” Cassidy looked away and swallowed. “Lay the blame where it belongs...with Chase and Natalia, but don’t try to shoulder it yourself.”

“It’s what I do. But I guess ya never expect yer own security people or someone you were close to to do anything like that, do ya?”

Reaching out with her free hand, she brushed his hair back gently. “Ya need ta knock that shit off. Blamin’ yourself isn’t doin’ ya any good except...well...makin’ ya feel guilty. As for the other part, no.” She gave a short, humorless laugh. “Of course, after what Chase did, I wasn’t ready to trust the first person I saw in a security Lt. Darwin found out. Which ironically led to me being thrown in the brig. In hindsight, holding that big ass disruptor on him didn’t make me look innocent exactly, but I wasn’t takin’ any more chances.”

“Understandable. Dar’s a good man, I see he got ya out quick. I told what ya did for me, Cass. I bet after this, bein’ back at work will be a relief.” A soft sigh escaped him. “At least no one shoots at us there.”

“Thanks for clearing that up with him. He thought I was crazy.” Crazy with worry, yes, but not in the sense Darwin had originally thought. “Gettin’ back to work will be a little odd, but the lack of bein’ shot at or zapped with tasers will be appreciated.” Leaning forward, she took a peek at the bandages. “Of course, I’d feel sorry for anyone that might try to pull somethin’ that stupid after this. I’ve used up my lifetime supply of patience for anythin’ along those lines.” Glancing at him, she smirked. “Still think I’m a cream puff?”

“I retract all pastry-related nicknames from this day forward. I’ll have to come up with a new one now, or let Vic do it. He’s good with those. Has anyone spoken to him? Or to Eli and Jan?”

“Darwin said Jan and Eli knew ya were here, but I don’t know what they were told, if anythin’. I asked him to let Vic know ya were in sickbay, but I really don’t know. I didn’t get to make any calls while I was a guest in the brig.”

“Will you call him? I’m bettin’ they already called Eli. I have no idea how long they’ll keep me in here but Oz already hinted at the fact that I’ll be on light duty, even though I argued that I’m a civvie. Harding will likely agree...hardasses the lot of them.” He grumbled but it was with apparent good humour.

Cassidy watched him for several moments, silent and thoughtful. “Yes, I’ll call him or I’ll just tell him when I go in...” She couldn’t do it anymore. Couldn’t quite hide everything she’d been holding back. Exhaustion and emotional distress had taken their toll on her, even though she’d kept it at bay for days, and now they were chipping away at her.

“You almost died, Jackson...” She looked down, trying to hide her face behind a curtain of thick blonde hair, but it didn’t hide the fat teardrops that fell on the black material of the jumpsuit.

“I know, but key word here is almost. Hey, it’s okay.” He took hold of her hand again, since sitting up wasn’t happening. “I’m still here, as smart-mouthed as ever.”

Wiping at the tears, she looked at him. “Yeah, I know. Besides, dyin’ wasn’t an option for ya. Remember, I told ya I’d kick yer ass if ya died on me.” Sniffling, she got her emotions back under control before they got out of hand. “Smart mouthed, but blind.”

“You did say that, so it seems I spared ya an ass-kickin’. At least for now.” Her last words surprised him, however. “Blind?”

She held his gaze, then shook her head. “Not too smart, either. Guess the almighty thought it was enough to make ya so...” She let her eyes wander over him. “Pleasing to look at.” Cassidy sighed. “Maybe it isn’t that yer blind, but that I’m invisible? You really are clueless, aren’t ya?”

“You are hardly invisible Cass. Vic certainly hasn’t missed you.” He closed his eyes a moment as Darwin’s words replayed in his thoughts.

“No, but you I am invisible. Yer so blind you don’t realize what’s staring ya right in the face. Wow...maybe I’m the stupid one here. I never even had a chance.” As hard as it was for her to talk to him about this, she didn’t look away or let her gaze waver. Like everything else she’d ever dealt with in her life, she faced this head matter how much it hurt.

“I’m not exactly the best yardstick to measure by, Cass. I had a lot goin’ on long before ya got here, and was tryin’ to dig out of my own hole. Rather unsuccessfully, too.”

“Yeah, I know. Yer in love with a someone that chose another, instead of you...” She bit her lip. “And now, so am I.” The tears welled up, making it difficult to see, until she blinked, then they leapt off her lashes like lemurs. “Do me a favor and don’t go feelin’ guilty because I fell in love with you. That’s all on me.”

Jackson was silent for several beats as he looked back at her. He had to admit to himself that he felt positively awful. “Cass, if anyone understands how you feel, I do. I’ve been in those shoes for two years now.”

“Why? Why did you do that do yourself? She had her chance to choose you and she chose Connor. Didn’t that tell you anything?” Two years of wanting someone that was with another man? It boggled her mind. “Please explain that to me, because I don’t see how you could allow yourself to be someone else’s second choice. You deserve to be the first and only one.”

“It’s not that simple. I bowed out, Cass. I thought he was a better choice for her but it was a mistake. I was determined to get past it but I didn't do very well. Lookin’ back, I didn't even really try. There was no one in all that time, till a month or so ago. I decided it was time and so I reached out to someone I’d known a long time. One night. And I knew it wasn’t gonna work. I hadn’t made one single step of progress.”

“So now that Connor’s gone, you and Oralia can finally be together.” Cassidy’s heart squeezed painfully in her chest, so much that she couldn’t breathe for a few moments. It seemed all the poetic bullshit about hearts breaking and heartache was more than just words. It truly hurt; was agony in fact. “I hope she makes ya happy, Jackson. I hope she loves you the way you deserve to be loved.”

“That’s the thing, Cass. I have no idea what’s gonna happen now. His loss is still too fresh, and there’s a lot of baggage we have to sort through. And I have to deal with the fact that the one woman I finally reached out to just tried to kill me.”

“Psycho woman?” She stared at him. “What the fuck could you see her and not me?” she asked, stunned. “Let’s not forget she wanted to kill me too, but didn’t have the courage to do the job herself. That evil...vile...” Cassidy sputtered, remembering Nat coldly ordering her death. “I shoulda ripped that damned worm outta her belly and beaten her to death with it.”

“This happened just before you arrived. Nat and I worked together...years ago. I hadn't seen her again till she arrived here several months back. Maybe I’m just not that good for anyone.”

“Don’t make me want to kick yer ass, Jackson.” She eyed him. “Just because yer blind, oblivious to the obvious and generally clueless where women are concerned, doesn’t mean yer not good for anyone...ya just need a bit of help.” Reaching over, she picked up his hand again and kissed the back of it. “Of course, maybe ya do need an ass-kickin’ if yer gonna start feelin’ sorry for yourself,” she grinned to take the sting out of the words. “It’s not as if yer the first man in history to be fooled by a woman, so cut yourself a little slack, okay?”

“If you insist.” He grinned back at her. “I’m sorry Cass, I really am. I understand better than anyone what it’s like.”

Just when she was managing to put on a good show and pull herself back up by her bootstraps, he had to go and remind her she was hurting. “God dammit, Jackson. Yer gonna make me cry...and I don’t wanna.” Even through the tears, she gave him a brave smile. “I’m doin’ my best here, but I’m not sure how to recover from layin’ my heart out like this.” She gave up on trying to hide how she felt, it wasn’t a secret anymore. All there was to do was keep marching on.

“Prop this bed up will ya?”

It took a few seconds, but she located the controls for the bed and did as he asked, watching his face for signs of pain. “Is that enough? Do ya want more pillows?”

“It’s fine.” His face tightened a moment. Once all his company was done, he intended to have Harding knock his ass out. “I know this isn’t what you wanted Cass. But believe me when I say that there’s someone much better for you than me out there. Even so, you and I have been through a lot and nothin’s gonna change that.”

“Someone better...yeah, sure. Yer just tryin’ to cheer me up, now.” Reclaiming her perch at the side of his bed, she swiped at the tears, cursing the waterworks. She gave a low growl. “I hate this...I am not a crier. Geez, this sucks.” Clenching her jaw, Cassidy dragged in a big breath and held it, forcing the tears to stop. Blowing it out slowly, she finally looked back at him.

“We have through a lot, haven’t we? I hope ya realize that nothin’ is gonna change the fact that I care about ya. Just because I did somethin’ stupid like goin’ and fallin’ for ya, doesn’t mean I’m gonna turn my back on ya, even if you don’t feel the same way. I think we make a pretty awesome pair...of friends, if nothin’ else.” Leaning over, she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “I love you, Jackson. I’m just gonna have to learn how to love ya as a friend,” she whispered softly, pulling back just enough to look into his eyes. “No. I already know how to do that.”

“Right back at ya, Cass.” Jackson smiled. “Thick as thieves.”

“Chickenshit.” She grinned, her spirits lifting finally. “Yer such a guy. Can’t even say it to a friend.”

“Just don’t do what I did, and get so lost in what could have been that you miss what could be. Promise me that?”

Scooting closer to his uninjured side, she leaned against him. “Jackson...there never was anything between us, no matter what I might have hoped for. So while I’m tryin’ to pick up the shattered pieces of my feminine pride at not being able to catch yer eye and yer affection, I can’t mourn something I never had.” Placing her hand on his chest, she splayed her fingers wide. “I’m happy knowin’ that I don’t have to do this anymore.” Cassidy was quiet for a moment. “There were a few times where I thought ya were gonna slip away...and the only way I knew ya hadn’t was to lie next to ya with my hand right here.” Turning her blue-green gaze on him, she smiled. “Yer gonna be fine now...and so am I. I’m a survivor. I don’t plan on missing out on anything.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. You need to go get some rest, don’t tell me you’re not exhausted.”

“I am, but I feel too wired...too wound up,” she admitted. Tapping her cheek, she smiled. “Give me a kiss and I’ll get outta here so you can get some sleep.”

He leaned closer, kissing her cheek. “Maybe some company would be good? For you, not me. I’ve had plenty already.”

“Maybe.” Sliding off the bed without jostling him, Cassidy moved back over to the controls for the bed. Watching him, she put the bed back down to where he wanted it. “I’m not sure I’d be very good company for anyone right now. Though I think I’ll stop by and talk to Vic to let him know yer okay. Somehow it doesn’t seem like the sort of thing to pass on over a commcall. I’m sure he’ll have questions.”

“Likely.” Jackson smiled and left it at that. “See ya tomorrow.”

“See ya tomorrow, sugar. I’ll let the nurse know you need something for the pain,” she murmured, giving away she was aware of more than he had said.

“Thanks.” He settled back on the bed and finally closed his eyes.


Jackson Banning V
Owner & The Man Who Understands
The Nexus Club

Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Not Repeating Someone Else’s Mistakes
The Nexus Club

Michael Darwin
Security & Interference Runner

Chief Langley
Special Guest Star


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