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As The Dumpling Turns...

Posted on Thu Aug 9th, 2012 @ 3:26pm by Ignatius Reilly & Janice Gree & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Standing behind the Nexus’ main bar, Janice Gree was already dressed to the nines, ready for the evening’s dinner rush and shows - she and Eli would be sharing the sets since Jackson was still out. She was vastly relieved that Jackson and Cassidy had been found, relatively unharmed (by Jan’s definition, coming back alive was ‘unharmed’ enough to suit her), and were back on the Station.

She’d briefly talked with both of them; Cass, to find out when, and if, she wanted to come back to work. Cass had surprised her by saying she’d be in that evening. Jackson, she’d discussed a few things with him, one of which made her so angry she’d closed the commlink in a huff then raged at her reflection until she calmed down.

Now, she was going over last night’s receipts and finalizing this evening’s song lists. Near her, Vic was humming happily to himself. It bothered her, though likely it was Jackson’s fault, not Vic’s. “What has you so chipper today, Vic?”

“Hmm? Nothing really, why?” He smiled at her, then continued on doing a last check before the night crowd hit and adding to his list of things to get from the various stock rooms. He stopped the hum but it was replaced with a cheery whistle.

“That, that’s what. First the humming, now the whistling...,” she stopped and stared at him for half a second. “Who did you take home last night?” Oh, yes, her mood was dark and stormy; her tone could have soured lemons.

Vic passed the list to the bar back, then grew still. “Why do you ask?”

“How long have we worked together, Vic? You think I don’t know you and your little moods? You’re acting like you’ve gotten laid.” Jan had turned towards him fully now.

“No, I did not get laid. It wasn’t like that at all.” Vic stopped, realizing that even that much was enough to give Jan something to pounce on.

“Oh? But there was something, wasn’t there? So, who is she?”

“I don’t kiss and tell, Jan. Or even just tell.” Vic would have been happy to have had a kiss to tell about but it hadn’t been the time or place last night.

Right as he was speaking, the doors at the front of the club opened and in breezed Cassidy. Dressed in shining yellow satin that hugged every curve she possessed, she moved with a natural, unconscious grace. She didn’t see Jan or Vic over at the bar right away as she headed towards the back to put away her purse.

Vic couldn’t help himself. Looking up as the doors opened, his gaze remained on Cass as she passed through the club towards the back offices. Whatever he’d been doing was forgotten completely.

Never one to be called unobservant, Janice noticed Vic’s sudden preoccupation with the pretty hostess. She couldn’t blame him, but had the feeling that’d end badly... wait... she straightened up and slapped Vic on a bicep, “Cassidy? Last night? Vic!”

Vic jumped like he’d seen a ghost. “What?” He pulled his gaze from Cass to Jan with some effort.

“She’s barely back on the Station and you’ve got stars in your eyes!” Jan tsk’d at him and shook her head. “Just be careful.”

“I kept her with me last night. Not for that, just over her. She’s been through hell, Jan.” Vic smiled. It never occurred to him to keep a secret from Jan.

“Yes, she has been. ‘Course all I could get out of that awful Oz was ‘It’s an on-going investigation’, whenever I asked just what had happened on the planet,” Janice griped then tried to ease off on her bad mood. “I’m glad you did that for her, Vic.”

“They almost didn’t make it Jan. It was Natalia. Cass said she showed up down there, ordered them both killed and if not for Cass being a better fighter than expected, they would’ve been.” Vic shrugged. “Self-defense but still, knowing you killed two people is going to be rough on her once it really settles in.”

“That tar baby?” Jan’s skin went ashy as she thought about Bren and nearly losing Jackson and Cassidy. “I’ll kill her,” she growled.

Catching the last parts of what Vic and Jan were talking about, Cassidy paused a few feet away. Deep breath, Cassi. There would be questions, it was only normal. “You won’t have to waste yer energy, Janice.” Stepping up to the bar, she folded her arms on the polished surface, glancing briefly at Vic, but then turning to look at the other woman.

“I won’t?” Jan blatantly gave Cass a visual once-over, concern written on her face.

A flashback of the fight with the Trill woman ran through her well as what she had intended to do to the scheming bitch. Cassidy had only been partially successful, but it turned out to be enough. However, it probably wouldn’t go over well, so she kept the details to herself. Giving Jan a ghost of a smile, she inclined her head and spoke softly. “No, ya won’t. She’s not long for this life...she’s just takin’ a little more time to die.”

Without a thought, Vic reached across the bar to touch Cass’ arm. “No less than she deserves.”

Nodding, Jan felt her brows draw in close together and her frown deepened. “Oh. Well, that’s good. One less nasty person in this world.” She changed the subject, “Cass, how are you, honey?”

Flicking a glance at Vic’s hand on her arm, she straightened up slightly and put on a brave smile, but it was a shadow of her normal bright, happy ones. “I’m doin’ just fine.” Meeting Jan’s dark gaze, she shrugged one tan shoulder and deflected the attention away from herself. “Have ya seen Jackson yet?”

The glowering glare she got from Jan could have answered that question just fine, but Jan spoke up, too. “No. I didn’t have time earlier and then Jackie told me Oralia was taking care of him tonight - so don’t bother goin’ and checkin’ on him! That’s what he said! Two years of being a lovesick doormat for that girl... he’s nearly done with her and then BAM! give her two minutes with him and he’s putty in her hands!”

“We’ll have to see what happens, Jan, though there’s something to be said for finally getting something you’ve wanted that long.” Vic stepped back from the bar to let the barback dump a load of ice in the bin.

“Who’s getting what?” The doors by the bar opened and Eli entered, with a large, eight-legged passenger on his shoulder. Thankfully, the bar area was empty of patrons for now.

Cassidy! Eli’s passenger chirped happily. I am glad to see you looking well. Iggy ignored the glare she was getting from Jan, mostly because her myopia didn’t let her distinguish a glare from a simple look. She could, though, taste the anger coming off of Janice.

“Hello, Iggy,” Cass greeted the arachnid as she wondered how long she could pull off looking cheerful. “How have you been?”

Lonely. Oralia has been spending lots of time outside the apartment. Last night, she slept with Jackson, and is doing so again tonight. Iggy turned to look at Janice, who’d derisively snorted. To Cassidy, Iggy quietly said, You do not need to be false with me.

Cass barely managed to hide the sudden choked sob behind a cough. Blinking rapidly, she fought for control of her emotions. Iggy, I’m not tryin’ to be false. I’m just tryin’ to be strong... A heartbeat later, she remembered whose shoulder Iggy was sitting on and met Eli’s gaze. Great. Just what she needed.

Like Oralia. You are with friends, Iggy sent along on their private link.

Eli smiled at Cass, then after moving Iggy to the bar, gave her a quick hug. “Glad you are home in one piece.”

Returning the embrace, Cassidy held onto him tightly for a moment before turning her head to press a kiss to Eli’s cheek. “Thank you, Eli.” She looked up at him, then smiled and reached up to wipe at the lipstick on his cheek.

On the bar, Iggy turned to look at both Vic and Jan. Hello, Jan. Hello, Vic, she said in her calm voice.

“Iggy.” Vic smiled at the spider, then turned to help the barback add various bottles to the shelves behind the bar.

“Sleeping with Jackson?” Janice’s eyes narrowed at Iggy. This was the part of Iggy’s answer to Cass that Jan had picked up on. “Little soon for that, isn’t it?”

“Well, Iggy’s version of sleeping with actually involves sleeping. Oz stayed with him in sickbay last night.” Eli stepped back from Cass and straightened his bow tie. “And glad to see you back in here too, Cass. Jan, we are watching Iggy till tomorrow. I’ll put her in Jackson’s office so she can listen to our class reading while I’m here.”

“Sleep... oh,” Jan pulled back on her irritation and looked at Iggy. “Literal little shit, aren’t you?”, she muttered. “Putting her in Jackson’s office is a good idea; keep her from scaring our guests. Just don’t go leaving webs all over, spider.”

Iggy moved as close to Eli, and as far from Jan, as she could get. Jan scared her. I will be mindful of where my silk goes. Eli? She waved two legs, hoping he’d pick her up again.

“Let’s get you settled in Iggs, then I need to check the sound system. Be right back.” He lifted Iggy from the bar and disappeared down the hall to Jackson’s office.

Vic looked over to Jan now. Her irritation had dropped but still it was clear that the mention of Oz had riled her. “Easy there, gorgeous.”

Ignoring him, Jan addressed Cassidy, fortunately in a much more gentle tone of voice, “If you’re not feeling up to it tonight, or at any point tonight, just say so, honey. I’d say you could use Jackson’s office, but with that bandersnatch in there, I’m not sure you’d want to.”

“Iggy doesn’t bother me,” other things bother me..., “but thank you for the offer.” She smiled, finally warming up. “If ya don’t mind, I’d like to stay. At least I’ll be doin’ somethin’ useful here, instead of sittin’ home alone.” Sitting home alone would just make things worse, and Cassidy knew it. “I know I’m still new here and all, but if ya ever want or need a night off, Jan, I could help out with more than just hostessin’.”

“With Jackson out, I’m not taking a night off. When he gets back, though,” Right after I tan his hide for letting Oz seduce him, “...I’ll take a couple of nights off.” Jan smiled as pleasantly as she could, all things considered.

Vic’s expression as he watched Jan was speculative. “You deserve a little vacation but take it easy on him, huh? He’s been through enough.”

“He has,” Jan agreed. It was always the women in Jackson’s life that put him through hell.

Inwardly sighing, Cassidy left them to talk about Jackson and headed to the back offices again. Her head was starting to hurt, so she went to get a couple of painkillers out of her purse to stop it before it got too bad.

Vic watched her go, then without a word, slipped out from behind the bar and followed her into the staff office. Stepping in, he leaned back against the wall. “You okay?”

Shaking two pills out of a small bottle, she glanced up. “Mmm-hmm. Just trying to stop a headache before it really gets rollin’.”

“Maybe you should have Dr. Harding check that, Cass. Headaches this day and age are almost unheard of.”

Taking the pills, she chased them down with some water, then made a face at the bitter taste. “Bleh...ugh, those are nasty.” Tossing the cup into a waste bin, she walked over and stopped in front of him. “Yeah? Tell my head that. I’ve had a few concussions in the past and it seems that gettin’ thrown against a wall a time or two has aggravated a few old injuries.” She shrugged. Better her head than her back, in her book.

“Then tell him about that.” He took her face in his hands gently. “I just worry is all.”

Cassidy went still at the feel of his hands on her. She didn’t exactly want to see Harding. Mostly because she didn’t want to hear ‘I told you so’ from him about what had happened with Jackson. “Ya don’t need to worry ‘bout me, Vic. I’m a big girl. I’ve been takin’ care of myself for a long time now.”

“You may be but you’re not a doctor.” He smiled down at her. “Look, I know what happened to you...back then. You can’t take chances if everything’s not right, especially if it sets off old issues. Hell, I’ll go with you if you want.”

Her eyes widened. “How do you...?” She was startled to have him bring up the past, but after a moment, she remembered how he might know. “You heard me talkin’ to Oz that night.” Cassidy watched him closely. “How much did you overhear?”

“Enough to worry after the beating you took down on Archadia.”

“Well, I gave better than I got,” she quipped. “I always do.” It was the story of her life. It was on the tip of her tongue to say ‘you should have seen the other guys’, but she wisely decided to not make that crack.

“You did and I’m proud of that. But tomorrow, we should get you checked. To make me feel better if nothing else.”

Reaching up, she curled her fingers around his hands, meaning to remove them from her face, but paused as she picked up on his concern for her. “To make you feel better, huh?” She would have shook her head, but Vic still had a hold of her, so she settled for a smirk. “I hate goin’ to see doctors. Goin’ to see one I don’t have a good track record with is even worse.”

“He’s a good doctor, Cass. You see what he did for Jackson, and they don’t see eye to eye either.” Vic’s dark eyes met Cassidy’s and he smiled. “Please?”

“Fine,” she said, stretching out the word. Pulling a mock pout, she leaned back. “Is there glue on yer palms or somethin’?” The pout morphed back into a smirk.

He grinned back at her and dropped his hands. “Tonight....Lao’s.” He turned to go.

Reaching out, Cassidy grabbed his hand and stopped him. “Vic?” Wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him suddenly. “Thank you...for last night and for the beautiful orchid ya sent me this afternoon.” Holding him tight, she buried her face against the side of his neck.

He breathed deep, taking in her scent as he wrapped his arms around her. “Anytime.” His voice was a little husky. “The gold color of it reminded me of your hair. I’ll be sure to tell Admiral Hawke that you loved it.”

“My hair?” Pulling back slightly, her cheek brushed the edge of his jaw as she turned to look at him. “Who is Admiral Hawke? And don’tcha dare say ‘an admiral’. I already got that part.”

“The XO of the entire fleet, and is here on 900. Li is his daughter. He raises orchids as a hobby and I thought one would be perfect for you . He was kind enough to part with it so I could give it to you.”

It sounded like an awful lot to go through to get her a flower. Who goes to the fleet XO for that sort of thing? Vic does, her inner voice chimed in. That coupled with everything he’d done for her the night before, the way he’d taken care of her, it made it difficult for her to discount the emotions she sensed from him. It set loose a swarm of butterflies inside of her.

“Yes, it was very generous of him, but I don’t think he’s the only kind one around here. After all, yer the one that gave it to me.” Cupping his cheek, she stretched up and brushed a soft kiss on his lips.

Vic smiled gently at the kiss. “We should get going, it’s about that time. We can talk more at dinner afterwards.”

“Let me guess? You have a powerful cravin’ for dumplins now?” Cassidy drawled, stepping away and headed for the door.

“Something like that, yeah.” He turned and followed her out.


Craving Something Besides Dumplings

Eli Ziyad
Just The Messenger

Cassidy Wilde
Trying To Find Her Smile Again

Ignatius J. Reilly
Just a Spider

Janice Gree
Hotheaded and Angry


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