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That Leroy

Posted on Wed Sep 5th, 2012 @ 10:52am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Senior Officers' quarters Deck
Tags: Leroy, Kh'ali, Jealousy, Longing

The ensign leaned on the turbolift door moving closer to the girl a mischievous smile lining his lips: “I’ve got a splendid idea Samara. Why don’t you kiss me now?”.

In all response Samara pointed her finger on the security ensign’s chest “Stay at your place ensign.” She chuckled. “We’re still on service.”

“Yes but, we’re here… Alone in this cold damp corridor waiting for a turbolift that may never come.” His hand reached out adjusting a flock of her long brown hair. “Are you sure I should stay at my place?” His face now a mere inch by hers.

“Well Peter… If you’re so eager you can’t wait to be off-shift…” the girl replied. Her deep blue eyes filled with longing.

In one swift move he swept Samara in his arms “Heaven is a place on SB900” he said closing for the kiss.

A move frozen abruptly by the turbolift doors hissing open and, much to the dismay of the two would-be lovers, Commander Leroy was inside. Complete with uniform, pips and package in hand.

A gasp escaping her mouth, Samara jumped out of the embrace trying to regain some countenance while at the same time the ensign snapped to attention fumbling to straighten his uniform and, yes, he too striving to keep some dignity.

“G-good evening Sir.” He stammered, as Samara face turned varying hues of red.

“Good evening Ensign.” Leroy replied stepping out of the turbolift. “I take it you’re in charge of security on this part of the deck?”

“A-aye Sir.” The boy swallowed hard.

“Well, the lady here doesn’t seem in danger.” Leroy pointed out with a wry smile.

“No Sir.” The ensign agreed lowering his eyes.

“Well… Think you were waiting for the turbolift. There you go.” Leroy started to move down the corridor when in an outburst of courage, gathered gods know where, the ensign stopped him:

“Commander… Er…”

“Yes Ensign?”

“Should Commander Zeferino come to know…” The young ensign started his voice trailing off on the more than obvious meaning.

A soft laugh escaped Leroy as he turned resuming his walk down the corridor “At ease, ensign. At ease…”

The two exchanged confused glances for an instant, then Samara broke the silence “Was he that Commander Leroy?”

“Yes” Peter nodded “There are no other Commanders Leroy on SB900.” He added sighing with relief “Strange though… Thought I was done for sure.”

“And that package he had in hand… Smelled sweet.” she pointed out amazement in her tone.

“I’m not going to inquire.” Peter stated “Think luck is used up for tonight. Better go now.” He ended entering the turbolift and waving Samara to do the same.

She chuckled and followed him inside as the doors closed on their already forgotten worries.

**** Two minutes later – Commander Kh’ali’s Quarters ****

“Come in.” Kh’ali’s muffled voice invited him.

The doors opened with the usual hiss and Patrick stepped in. The locale was empty but he could figure out Kh’ali in the bathroom by the sounds coming from it.

“Visit.” He said smiling as he walked to the table in the center of the room to leave his package.

“Just a second.” Kh’ali’s voice came to him from the bathroom.

“No hurry.” He replied and with a sigh sat comfortably on the armchair right under the bat’leth memento that Kh’ali kept hanging from the wall. Looking up Patrick could see the shine coming from the metal and the edged blade. Rising he moved closer to Kh’ali’s desk where the plain chair seemed somewhat more comfortable.

“What’s this smell?” Kh’ali asked.

“The famous Amanda’s Chocolate Cookies.” Patrick answered chuckling “In the VIP quarters that the Admiral has granted to my parents she has any comfort still she wanted to prepare something… And not with the replicator so… Now you have a generous portion of this long tradition of cookies of Leroy’s family. And I’m quite glad to share them as I’ve eaten them for all my life.”

Patrick was still laughing with his own joke when Kh’ali came out of the bathroom cutting his humour short. She was dressed for her reception in the afternoon and 'dress' consisted of a midriff-baring bra in a deep red glittering with gold threads and crystals; a long close-fitting skirt in a mosaic of red, gold, and purple that wrapped around her and opened to reveal her left leg as she walked. A sheer purple silk wrap draped from her left shoulder across her body and to her right hip, held in place by a glittering brooch at her shoulder. Her long hair was down, flowing free.

"Chocolate? Now that I can get into." She crossed to the table and leaned over to open the box and take a cookie. After the first bit was taken and she began to chew, she closed her eyes and gave a low moan of satisfaction. She was, after all, mostly Klingon and they never shied away from expressing satisfaction. "This is incredible."

“Er…” Patrick barely managed to express.

Turning as she took another bite, she eyed Patrick. "Mmmmmm....something wrong?" He looked as if he'd been struck momentarily dumb.

“I… I don’t think that is a regular Starfleet uniform. Am I wrong?” Patrick said showing a perplexed smile as he waved slightly at Kh’ali’s attire in a pale attempt to irony.

"Oh, this? I have a reception at the palace down on Archadia this afternoon, and the request was formal native dress. So, here I am. We'll be finalizing the new agreement between the Archadian government and SB900 after it so wish me luck. Actually, the signing is a formality, it actually took effect last week." She was oblivious to Patrick's stare as she moved over to the mirror to do one final check.

“Oh… I see.”


“I take it this Archadian diplomatic meeting is composed by women only…” Patrick said hint of hope barely distinguishable in his tone.

"I wouldn't think so. There is male staff at the palace, and since Security here is working with the Archadian government, there will be some of our team there, including Gilroy and Darwin."

Patrick shifted uneasily with Kh’ali’s last statement “I see.”

More silence.

“Well… I was thinking. Can’t you send Aure’l in your stead? She could use some more experience in this field… Don’t you think? And we... We could stay together a little while, maybe take a tour of Archadia solar system a couple of days…”

Kh'ali turned away from the mirror satisfied. Aure'l is going, purely for the reason you mentioned, but the big stuff I have to do. Ensign Sarkozi will be along as well since she's been our assistant in all this. Things are still a bit touchy due to some recent events so I need to do this." She crossed over to brush a soft kiss to his cheek. "But once it's done? We both have a few days off coming. Cruising around the Archadian system sounds perfect."

"Hm..." Patrick grunted sinking in the chair in defeat. No way, he would have to endure that annoying stinging sensation he felt right in his chest until after this diplomatic nuisance was concluded... At least he could console himself with the thought of the short vacation to come.

"I should ask Ops to forbid you going around the base like that. Lethal weapons are not permitted on Starbase900" he said rising from the chair and, for once, he did not wait her to answer.

Her lips tasted of fine chocolate.


Lt. Cmdr Patrick Leroy
Jealous Guy

Taking Care Of Business

The Chocolate Cookies
Unaware Witnesses of Longing and Jealousy


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