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Pawn Takes Queen

Posted on Sat Sep 8th, 2012 @ 8:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Ensign Kai Sarkozi & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Ensign Aure'l

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Palace, Archadia III

* * * The Palace - Archadia III * * *

As they materialized in the transporter station down on the planet, Kh’ali turned to Gilroy. “Aure’l was sent on with Darwin and should be in place in the palace already. Kai and I will be met at the checkpoint that leads off to the offices, where we’ll be escorted down to finalize this agreement, then rejoin the reception.”

“Understood, Commander,” Gilroy nodded, though his eyes, for the moment, weren’t on either Kh’ali or Kai, both of whom were wearing Archadian outfits meant to highlight and take advantage of a woman’s curves.

Kai smiled at him, knowing full well why he was focused on something besides them. “We’ll send word when we are on our way out.”

He nodded, not entirely happy with the situation. It wasn’t just that Kh’ali and Kai would be taken out of his view, it was also two other things: one, they had an entourage of four female Security officers, each clad just revealingly as Kai and Kh’ali; and, two, he was also in an Archadian outfit - one designed to highlight a male’s potential as a mate for the more dominate female. He was well aware that the shirt was decidedly sheer; the black pants felt like they were threatening to creep up his ass. This assignment would have been better had Oralia taken it - as was originally planned. “We will wait for your return, then, at the checkpoint.”

“Good. Save some of the food for us?” Kh’ali smiled and, along with Kai and the security team, followed the escort who had just arrived.

“Sure, I’ll just hide it in my back pocket,” Gilroy grumbled as he turned towards the reception area. Walking into that room, he saw one aging Archadian perk up and gesture towards him. Lovely, just what he needed: a sugar momma.

* * *Elsewhere in the Palace* * *

In an alcove up on the second floor of the gaily bedecked hall being used for the Queen’s reception, Darwin shook his head and softly breathed out a whistle. He glanced at his fellow officer and whispered, “Man, looks like I dodged the fashion bullet there.” He rubbed one hand on the tunic of his uniform.

Aure’l perked one peaked brow as she turned to look at him, her gaze assessing. “You do have the correct build for such an outfit, but I don’t understand what that has to do with ammunition.”

Darwin cast a sideways glance at Aure’l. His expression went through a few permutations as he tried to figure out whether he should be pleased, worried or flirtatious after her comment. “Um... it’s an old Terran saying. Okay, our target is pretty smart. Science already reported that there was no field trip to the planet scheduled for today, let alone this week. Transporter records don’t show Levin beamed down, but a small shuttle craft did make the trip, landing at the airfield three miles from here.” Scanning the assembled dignitaries, royal family members, parliament members and their various entourages, Darwin quietly added, “If it’d been me, I’d have had a kit ready to create a disguise.”

“That would be the logical course of action, yes. Does your tricorder include his DNA pattern? This was an unplanned trip, but it could be sent down if not.” Aure’l turned her attention back to the crowd milling about below.

“Get that for us, Aure’l,” Darwin ordered. His gaze landed, briefly, on Gilroy again. He nearly laughed out loud as the part-Klingon nearly dropped his drink when the dowager standing next to him goosed him on the ass. “Definitely dodged a bullet,” he muttered and grinned.

* * * Outside The Palace * * *

Jonas ran down the hall, the planned exit just ahead. Fifteen yards only. He could make it, he would make it. Then he’d get to the shuttle, get it off the pad and out of reach, and get the hell out of these pansy ass clothes. As he ran, he ripped off the beard he’d added, blinking back the tears that stung his eyes. Next was the long hair pulled back in a ponytail, then both were dropped into a recycler as he ran past. He slowed to a walk as he reached the corner and stepped around it, the picture of composure. Finally, he stepped through the door, letting it close behind him. The filmy shirt that was palace wear was pulled off and tucked under his arm, replaced by a Starfleet uniform shirt that had been stashed in a bag in the hedge maze that was the focal point of the garden. Now, with his bag over his shoulder, he set off for the airfield.

* * * The Queen’s Reception Room * * *

The Archadian escort passed through the checkpoint and led Kh’ali, Kai, and the security officers down the hall to the Queen’s reception room. He paused at the door and entered a code. “She asked that you be brought right in, so press this button when you are ready to go in. You have informed your team of the protocol?”

“I have, and thank you.” She watched as he retreated back down the hall, then looked to the women. “Let’s do this and get to the party.”

The four Security officers nodded and one stepped to the button before looking at Kh’ali and Kai, “If you’re ready, Commander.” At Kh’ali’s nod, the woman pressed the button and stifled a yelp - she’d gotten a shock from the electronics. Shaking her hand, she flashed a shaken smile at the others as the chamber doors opened. Her smile fell as a coppery scent washed over them. Every single one of the females standing there knew that smell: blood.

Kai paled immediately and Kh’ali growled as her Klingon side stepped to the forefront. She stepped in, stopping just inside and another growl came. The Queen lay face down on the ornate rug, a dark stain spread around her and soaking in.

“Get palace security!” Careful to avoid stepping in the blood, Kh’ali knelt down, checking for a pulse.

The officers scrambled, two dashing back to the main checkpoint, nearly running over the escort who’d left them at the Queen’s door. One grabbed him; the other slid to a halt by the Archadian Security desk and quietly, quickly, whispered the issue to the highest ranking officer present.

That officer’s eyes went wide, but she outwardly remained calm. “Sergeant, seal the palace. No one enters or leaves. No one,” she ordered to one; to another, she ordered, “Get the Queen’s physician, immediately.” She also sent a runner to retrieve the Captain of the Archadian Guard.

Meanwhile, the two who had remained at the Queen’s chamber had gone through the room, looking for another way out, or in. Behind the Queen’s throne was a very short hall that ended in a barred door - barred from the inside. One thing they didn’t find: anyone else in the room. “Commander, the only exit we found is locked from this side. No weapons, no one else is here,” the one who’d had her hand burned on the button said.

“So they had to have done it, then exited through this door,” Kh’ali replied. A surprising string of curses came from the usually polished and professional diplomat. “There’s no pulse. Levin, it had to be --” Her words were cut off by the sounds of people running up the corridor towards the room. As the Captain of the Queen’s Guard stepped in, Kh’ali pulled her bloody fingers away from the lifeless body of the Queen.

“Take them all,” the Captain ordered, gesturing at all six Starfleet officers. “Separate them. No one is to speak to them until I do,” she glared at the officers, ignoring that five of them had no blood on them and the sixth had blood only on her hand. It wasn’t feasible that any of these six had killed the Queen, not with the amount of blood spilled. Still, she had a duty to do and nodded at her own officers, who converged upon the Starfleet women.

“Take us?” Kh’ali stood up, meeting the Captain’s gaze. “You cannot think we did this? Check with your escort, he just left us moments ago. What you are hinting at is impossible.” Kh’ali was mad and she wasn’t backing down. “Call the Prime Minister, then get your security to start searching the grounds! Then call Commander Zeferino on the station, she can bring you up to date.”

“The Prime Minister has been alerted and will be here shortly. Conveniently, your Commander Zeferino just landed at the nearby airstrip,” the Captain said, as calm as Kh’ali was angry. “What I see is a crafty team of women sent to assassinate our Queen and disrupt our society. Obviously, some of you distracted the Queen while your diplomat moved in and killed her swiftly.” Yes, the Captain could see it now: five stood nearby, out of range of the blood splatter; one came up behind the Queen and killed her in a manner that sent the blood forward. “You are under suspicion, Diplomat Kh’ali, you and your entourage.”

The Captain did take one thing Kh’ali demanded to heart: “Have Roland start a search of the palace grounds.”

“Oh for the love of Kahless,” Kh’ali growled, then forced herself to calm. “Check the transporter records, check our escort and the checkpoint. But in the meantime, I’ll go, let the rest return to the station with Lt. Gilroy. He’s here at the reception. He must be informed.”

“He will be,” the Captain nodded then turned to see the Queen’s physician enter the room. The woman paled at the site of the blood on the floor. “Everyone out,” the Captain said, prompting the guards to hustle the Starfleet officers out of the room, “Doctor, the room is yours.”

The Doctor nodded. “You’ll have my report as soon as I am done.” She stood motionless as the rest were led out of the room.

“I have no doubt of that, Doctor,” the Captain stepped out of the room and watched as the six women were taken away.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Caught But Not Red-Handed

Ensign Kai Sarkozi
Right Place, Wrong Time

Ensign Aure’l
Getting Slang Lessons

Lt. Gilroy
Living La Vida de Segunda Clase

Lt. Darwin
Giving Thanks

Jonas Levin
Red-Handed But Not Caught


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