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Returning Home, With Extras

Posted on Sat Sep 15th, 2012 @ 7:12pm by Suresh & Major Patrick Smith & Marina & Mallory (Jade)

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Blackbird

Swapping the force fields around again Nine opened them up to allow the two women left behind the “run of” the back cargo bay. “If everything is sorted with the payment Suresh then I’d say we are ready to go.”

Suresh scanned the padd and nodded. “Everything is in order. I made them believe that two died in transit and we disposed of them to avoid contaminating the rest. They were so grateful, they didn’t quibble and paid the full amount.” He looked back at the two women. “Lucky for you two.”

“Sounds like you have picked up a few tricks off that Ferangi lawyer of yours,” Nine joked still not terribly happy at his “girl” getting covered in Ferangi vomit. “Course set for SB900. ETA 13 hours.”

“Good. Have you given any thought to with you will do with her?” He glanced back at the women for a moment, then returned his attention back to Nine. “As for Tog, he has a surprisingly weak stomach for a Ferengi.”

Nine looked over his shoulder. “No idea. I’ve been thinking of trying to get a hold of a bigger ship. Would be nice for company on such a venture. And yea. Tog needs to grow a new stomach rather quickly ‘cause he is throwing up on the hangar floor next time,” he added with a slightly mischievous use.

With the freedom to move where they wanted pretty much, the girls had moved off to the rear of the hanger. Relief that the other women were gone was short lived as they realized that they weren’t being offloaded as well. What the Romulan had spoke of earlier about keeping them as bonuses looked to be true.

Reaching out, Jade took hold of a jumpseat and pulled it out. “Sit down Marina. There’s nowhere else to go.” With a glance over her shoulder at the two men in the cockpit, she sat down next to the pretty Betazoid and rubbed at the back of her neck.

“Still stiff?” Marina asked, noting the other woman’s hand kneading at the muscles.


“Have you remembered anything else yet?” Concern shone in Marina’s fathomless black eyes.

“No. Nothing more than what I already told you. Coming up out of a fog as if I had been asleep for a very long time and a man’s voice saying ‘she won’t remember nothing. I guarantee it.’ It wasn’t long after that that I was thrown in that room where you were,” Jade related and sighed.

Suresh caught every word but gave no indication he’d done so. The fact that his new acquisition had no memory of who she was? Well, that was a bonus. Not that he really cared. What she thought of the situation was of no consequence as far as he was concerned. He had to admit, though, that it was ironic - the woman he’d kept, hoping to use her as a means of forgetting, had herself forgotten everything. A chilly smile passed over his features.

“Lean forward.” Marina pushed the heavy mass of Jade’s hair out of the way and took over rubbing the tense muscles, working around the collar on her friend’s neck. The skin beneath it was chafed some, the same as it was on her own neck. The slave collar was a means of controlling and punishing them if they attempted to defy their ‘masters’.

Suresh watched them, his expression dispassionate. Their apparent closeness was not lost on him and he made a mental note to address that once they got back to 900. He rose from his seat and stretched a bit.

“Care for something to drink, Nine?”

“Sure. A Coca Cola would be nice. An old earth drink,” Nine answered in case Suresh was clueless to what it was. “I don’t drink alcohol and fly. It makes one slightly sluggish.”

Suresh requested the drink from the replicator and passed it back up to Nine, then requested water for himself. Once the glass was in hand, he returned to his seat up front and got comfortable. “I’ll send word to Lazan when we get closer about the returning cargo.”

Nine took the cola and drunk from it with a slight sigh or relief. “Was needing that. I’m sure Lazan will be wondering what brought this on. But then he is probably used to you doing things like this.”

“He’s paid not to wonder about what I do, only facilitate it, Nine. That means not asking questions where none are invited.” He sipped from his water and turned to look out the side portal.

Jade watched the Romulan with longing. Not for him, but for the glass of water in his possession. A low grumble of protest made itself known and she made a face, placing her hand over her stomach. Hunger and thirst clawed at her insides.

“You’re staring at him,” Marina murmured under her breath.

Shaking her head, the bronze-haired Human scowled. “No I’m not. I’m giving him the evil eye.” Her voice was low, as to only be heard by Marina. “I hope he chokes on his water.”

“Wishful thinking.” Marina watched the blue-eyed pilot, but had to stop when she found herself licking her lips as he drank his soda.

“Selfish bastard.” Jade was plenty brave as long as no one else heard her.

Suresh drank the water down and rise to return it to the recycler. After dropping the glass in, he turned to watch the pair of women for a moment, his gaze speculative. She might be useful and if circumstances proved otherwise and he couldn't bring himself to make use of her, he would pass her along to Tog. That slimy Ferengi would be thrilled, to say the least. He’d just have to see how it went.

“About twelve hours,” were his only words to them as he turned to go back up front.

Behind him, a soft voice with a cultured British accent called out as Jade spoke up. “Twelve hours until what?”

“Till we land.” That was all the information he was willing to part with and he saw no need to clarify any further. “That’s all you need to know.”

Jade wanted to ask more, but Marina’s subtle shake of her head warned her to hold her tongue for now.

“Inquisitive that one,” Nine remarked. “I daresay keeping them quiet for the trip will be something for us to do at least.”

“Can you do that?” Suresh considered a moment then smiled. “Wait, I can if you would prefer quiet.” He held up a remote that was set to the frequency of the collars.

“Noo it’s fine. Take more than that to bother me,” Nine replied rather hoping he hadn’t gotten the two of them into trouble.

As expected, at the sight of the dreaded remote, both women recoiled, casting nervous glances at Suresh. Neither one of them wished to do anything to earn a painful shock. They’d witnessed one girl on the other ship shocked so badly she’d lost control of her bodily functions. The sadistic man in charge had held the button down after the woman had started a fight and he didn’t let go until she had passed out.

This time, it was Jade that offered comfort as Marina curled up, turning away from the men at the front of the ship. The young Betazoid was scared to death of being shocked in that manner. A soft sound of distress came from her and it was all Jade could do to prevent her from crying. “Shhh...if we’re quiet, they’ll leave us alone.” For now. In twelve hours time? All bets were off.

Suresh tossed the remote to Nine, then reclined his seat. “Let me know when we are approaching the station. I’ll arrange for their check-in with me man there so there are no issues.” With that, Suresh let out a slow breath and closed his eyes. Perhaps if he was lucky, his favorite dream would return.

“Will do boss,” Nine answered as he sat back in his chair with his cola, waiting to get some sleep for himself yet knowing that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea leaving the only two conscious people on the ship behind a forcefield. Stifling a burp Nine lifted out a padd and started reading specifications of what a part he had ordered was supposed to do.


Quenching His Thirst

Always Coca Cola

Wishing For Water

Coveting The Coca Cola


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