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Stepping Out

Posted on Sat Sep 15th, 2012 @ 11:52am by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Sakkath

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club
Timeline: Just Before 'Words Of Warning'

“Almost ready,” she called out. Li took one last look in the mirror and decided she was satisfied. Tonight her hair was down and she wore a black strapless dress with a short, full ruffled skirt and black high heels. One last touch was the ruby necklace that had been a gift from Sakkath’s mother. Once it was fastened, she gave it one last little adjustment. Done. She looked completely at ease but inside, the butterflies were flying like a hurricane. She would be on public display, and luckily Suresh was off the station, but this was also their first trip to the Nexus since that night. “Okay, I think I’m ready.”

Generally speaking, the Vulcan Commander’s attire consisted of two things: his duty uniform, almost always worn in the vest variant, and his traditional robes. But having some time while Li readied herself in their bedroom and access to the replicator, he had opted for something a little more in the vein of Jackson Banning, appropriate for the Nexus club and for what his wife had donned. When he greeted her, it was in black slacks, vest and bowtie, a wing-tipped studded shirt, and white dinner jacket.

He was still adjusting the bowtie, not entirely sure how such a thing was supposed to work. “Imzadi,” he said, with a slight nod of his head. “I believe this is appropriate attire.”

She stepped from the bedroom and stopped, her mouth falling open. “Oh, Sakkath, you look so incredibly handsome. It suits you. Here.” She moved across and gave his tie one last adjustment. Perfect. The word she passed to him came along with other, far deeper emotions, and she smiled.

You look lovely, he reciprocated, able to communicate so much more this way than he ever could in words, the feeling he might have put into the comment if not for his cultural heritage. That passion that he wrestled with, kept hidden, to all but her.

“Shall we?” he inquired, offering his arm in the process.

Slipping her hand in his arm, she looked up and was surprised into immobility for a moment. For the very first time since everything had gone crazy, she felt, here with him, normal. Robin had been a real help there and she made a mental note to call him tomorrow. Finally she nodded.


* * * The Nexus Club * * *

The bond they shared made Sakkath aware of the unease that seemed to mount in Li as they strolled the Promenade and were eventually shown to their table in the Nexus Club by a charming woman with a distinct Earth accent, though he never brought it up. He simply pulled Li’s chair out for her, seeing to her needs first, and took his own seat across, catching Jackson’s eye in the process and giving him a nod of greeting.

He was aware of more eyes on them, such public figures as they were on the station, and knew it could have plenty to do with either his uncharacteristic dress or certain events that had transpired the last time he was in this place, but such outward judgments were not enough to disturb the Vulcan. He rested his hands on the table before him and regarded his wife, radiant like the rubies around her neck. “Would you care for something to drink?” he asked.

“Yes, thank you. Whatever you’re having is fine.” She fell silent and glanced around the club out of habit, taking in those present. Finally, she seemed to relax as she didn’t see the one she was hoping not to see.

Taking note of Li scanning the crowd, Sakkath waited a moment for their waiter to appear. “Ah, Cadet Ziyad,” he said simply as the young man stood by. “Kindly ask Mister Banning to... surprise us.”

As Eli gave a nod and departed, Sakkath thought he seemed oddly nervous, but decided he was reading too much into things and turned his attention back to Li. “This is not a mission, Imzadi,” he finally said. “I do not believe you need to see danger in every corner of the room.”

“Habit, especially since I sort of departed this world.” She smiled at Sakkath and reached across the table for his hand. “But you’re right. He did, in fact depart the station with Patrick and are not due back till tomorrow morning.”

“It will do the crew more good to see their First Officer at ease,” he counseled, taking her hand, “given how little they have had a chance to see you of late.”

“I suspect that the danger has passed, Sakkath. After all, he did see me in passing at Lao’s a few months ago and did not know me. From what Lazan said, he’s taking it badly after that incident here and staying close to home.” Another waiter appeared and placed two vivid purple drinks before them with a warning to sip slow, then departed. Li took a sip and blinked rapidly, her eyes watering. “He wasn’t kidding.”

Sakkath similarly sampled the beverage, feeling a sudden dryness in the back of his throat that very nearly produced a coughing reflex, but managed to hold that back. He found the sensation less prominent with the second sip. “Curious,” he managed, needing to clear his throat in the process, “but not... unenjoyable in flavor.”

His reaction brought a smile from Li. “You’re right, the second sip is much easier. I think I’m afraid to ask what it is, though. Ignorance is bliss they say.” A third sip further brightened her smile. It had been a while since she’d had one of what she used to call the “Banning Surprises’. Apparently Vic had been clued in.

“I have never understood that expression,” Sakkath said as he placed the unnamed concoction back on the table. “Neither bliss nor ignorance seems particularly appealing from a Vulcan standpoint, and I should think that even if they were, it is very difficult to quantify an emotional state of perfect happiness should one be wholly uneducated.”

“Trust me, when it comes to Jackson’s drink concoctions, never has the saying been more appropriate. As long as you don’t know what’s in there, you like it just fine.” She took another sip and now ‘just fine’ really did apply. “Perhaps a dance might be a good idea so I can take a break from this drink.”

Sakkath supposed that it was his turn to be reticent, vividly recalling what had happened the last time he and Li had danced... but he quashed that emotional response almost as soon as it had surfaced. Having recommitted himself to the pursuit of kolinahr in the wake of the Balasz incident, he had nothing to fear from memory. And so he rose in a fluid motion and extended his hand to Li before leading the way onto the dance floor.

Once they had taken to the floor, dancing this time to ‘Body And Soul’, Li was silent a moment just enjoying the music. Sakkath’s slight hesitation had not been missed and when she spoke this time, it was across the link they shared.

If it helps, I remembered too.

Sakkath gave an almost imperceptible nod of his head as they waltzed over the floor, keeping his tone confidential... or at least, what passed for confidential between the two of them, quite unheard by anyone else. I believe there is a certain logic in the Terran Bard, appropriate to this situation. ‘If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended, that you have but slumber’d here while these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream...’ Over the bond, Li felt more than saw the reassuring smile Sakkath might have given, had he not been repressing the emotional display. Though more nightmare than dream, it was no less transient. It has passed, and can do no harm.

Li smiled for the both of them, her eyes suddenly misted over. Leaning in she brushed a kiss to his cheek, not caring if others were looking. I think that’s just perfect, Sakkath. No more’s over.

Yes, he agreed simply. Which invites us to begin a new chapter, hopefully one less marred by such dramatics. I feel we have more than enough of that in our work here without the need for more in our personal lives.

She nodded once more. It was difficult for a bit. I was afraid and I didn’t like that. But what you’ve just said, I want that more than anything.

As do I, Imzadi, he affirmed and, as the song waned, led the way back to the table. “I find it quite agreeable that any unpleasant memories have not spoiled the enjoyment of this place,” he spoke aloud, lifting his drink to his lips in the process and looking around the club.

Li relaxed as she sat down beside him and took another sip of the rocket fuel in a glass. “Maybe we should take a regular night out. With our schedules as they are, we come and go more than we are in the same place. There’s lots of things we could do. I think we both need it.”

"Such an arrangement would be adequate," the Vulcan concurred. "How is the situation progressing on the planet?" Leisure time or no, duty could never be very far from either of their minds with their recent promotions and increased responsibility.

“Kh’ali went down to finalize the agreement just as we were dressing to come here. I am dropping in to see the Admiral when we finish dinner but that won’t take long. “

"I see," Sakkath said. "Well, it will be good to have a formal arrangement back in place. The power requirements to move this base from orbit would be astronomical." In light of their situation, the Commander had already run several simulations and dispatched repair crews to the orbital drive stations for maintenance. Even in the best cases, the convenience systems like replicators, holodecks and transporters had been down for days. 900 was built to stay put.

“I agree.” She finished off the drink, knowing it would be her last unless she intended for Sakkath to either carry her out or pour her into a glass for the trip back to their quarters. “And since we have time, perhaps one more dance?”

Sakkath and his Vulcan metabolism finished off the Jackson Banning Surprise without much incident before taking Li's hand and leading her back out to the dance floor, unaware of the storm that was gathering on the horizon.


Commander Li Hawke
Executive Officer

Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations/Second Officer


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