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Honey I'm Home

Posted on Sun Oct 14th, 2012 @ 10:26am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Commander Leroy's Quarters
Tags: Leroy, Kh'ali, Parents, Fiancee

* * * Patrick Leroy’s Quarters * * *

As soon as Kh’ali had arrived back on 900 from Archadia, she’d been swallowed up in reporting in to the Admiral, seeing to some pressing details that had come up in her absence, and the interview with Iggy. Now, things were quiet and she escaped the office before anyone else could claim her attention. She knew that Patrick had been informed she was home but she wanted to see him herself, and now. When the turbolift finally stopped, she was out and hurrying along to his door in no time. When she arrived, she reached out to ring the chime before entering, then realized that he just might be on duty - she hadn’t stopped to check the time even.

“Come in.” She heard as the doors swooshed open to let her enter.

Looking up from the terminal it took an instant to Patrick to realize that the person walking into his quarters was Kh’ali. His expression changed from one of unwelcome business to one of total relief.

He stood from the desk and held her tight.

“They told me you were back. Was about to come to get you in the Admiral’s office.” he said watching her eyes as if assessing she was fine and in one piece “It’s been a hell of a long wait. The worst part being unable to do anything, Security wouldn’t have allowed any tampering with the investigations and I didn’t want to cross Commander Zeferino even if it has cost me... Did they hurt you?”

She smiled up at him and shook her head. “No, aside from the bad attitude of their Captain, it was fine. Well, as fine as being in a prison can be. She got a little annoyed when I informed her that it reminded me of my uncle’s home.” Leaning in she kissed him gently. She wanted to do far more than that but it would have to wait. “Things are getting strange down there, Patrick.”

“Strange?” He responded looking at her quizzically “Does this mean you’re going down again?” then he stopped himself realizing how egotistical he could have sounded. “I mean... Are things so bad on Archadia? I thought our personnel was bound to take vacation on the planet so far... Are we really mingling with their politics and government? Tell me no...” he ended with a smile.

“Their queen was murdered and it appears that some of her high-ranking officers are involved. There are other complications, in that the current Prime Minister takes her place and we think she was moved on purpose, in order to replace her with someone who might not have their best interests in mind. In short, a mess.” She sighed and rested her forehead against his shoulder. “The next few days may be interesting.”

“I’m not so curious.” he said slipping his fingers under her hair to caress her neck and kissing her head. “I always thought diplomatic branch was a fairly safe career but I see that it is not. From the times of the Divitian delegation it seems to me your life has been at risk a dozen times... Shouldn’t be Intel to take care of all these things? Commander Li Hawke is quite skilled, I remember her from the time on the Berkeley”.

“This has grown beyond just diplomacy, yes. Now intel and security are involved as well, but a lot of it will require some delicate handling.” She had to laugh, though, at his comment. “Out here? Any position could be dangerous, Patrick.”

“I know. No need to make it more so. Isn’t it?” he whispered in her ear holding her tighter.

“Now if only everyone else in this quadrant felt that way.” It felt so very good to be back home, wrapped in his arms, feeling normal. Here, at least for the moment, they had no worries. Well aside from his parents and....that brought up something she’d wanted to ask him. “Your parents. They are still here?”

Yes they are.” he heaved a sigh “And with a full load of questions about you these last days. I’ve carefully avoided to explain the real situation, especially the murder accusation part. That would have been too difficult to convey in the right way.” He smiled regarding her “The official version is that you were very busy down on Archadia.”

Then, perking an eyebrow, Patrick asked her “Why do you ask? What’s going on on your mind?”

“I was wondering why your mother seems to think I am your fiancee. I don’t get the feeling she’s too thrilled with the idea of you and a Klingon. Your father on the other hand....seems to be surprisingly happy with it.”

“Mother’s too protective and I have to admit she’s got a little prejudice on Klingons, thinking them very warlike and violent people... Y’know the classical They eat children commonplace. Mother’s never been in Starfleet or lived any experience outside taking care of home and me; this can be an hindrance in understanding foreign cultures. While on the other hand father’s always been quite eager to throw me into the wolves’ pit. ‘It will make you stronger, sonny.’ You know what I mean...”

“And my other question? I don’t want to screw up and say the wrong thing to her.” The situation was touchy enough as it was, she didn’t want to make it appear that Amanda’s son had told her an untruth.

A chuckle escaped Patrick with Kh’ali’s last sentence “You’re not responsible for what my mother believes or likes to believe. I never said her that, nor did you, but I think is an innate desire of parents to see sons and daughters settled. There’s no need to bring up the matter unless a direct question is made and, if the question is made, just say the truth. Do not worry about that.
First thing Amanda asked me disembarking from the ship was how Aleksandra was... But she readily accepted what she thought a change.”

Patrick regarded her a moment “In any case would that be so terrible?”

Kh’ali grew still in his arms as she pondered the question. Patrick was her center, her rock, and while some might think them an odd pairing, those same people were not privy to their private moments, never saw how passionate Patrick really was. His parents were only a small part of it. Given their location in the Delta Quadrant, Kh’ali doubted they would see much of them and Patrick would do what he liked in any case, no matter their opinion. She shook her head then.


He patted her gently “You know what? It is due time we have some moments for us, no parents, no crowded locales... Are you staying for dinner?”

Before she could answer he walked to the replicator and typed the commands for a full dinner complete with Talaxian spice stew and Tulaberry wine.

“I promise. I’ll leave you to rush headlong into Archadian affairs then.” He smiled as he replicated two scented candles. “Computer. Lights down to forty percent.”

“No, no more Archadian affairs tonight Patrick. I’ve discovered a dead queen, been accused of murder, spent time in a prison, then interviewed Iggy regarding her species recognition application, which I will need to meet with you about later. I’m done. All I want tonight is dinner, some time to relax and you.”

A light golden aura emanated from the candles as Patrick lit them and the sweet perfume started to fill the room.

“So...” He said smiling mischievously “It seems your wishes are granted.”


Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Back From The Trenches

Lt. Commander Leroy
Genius of the Lamp


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