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Bringing Back The Boys

Posted on Wed Oct 24th, 2012 @ 3:35pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Admiral Hawke's Office

"So what's this all about J?"

Vic fell in step beside Jackson as they left the Nexus and early afternoon preparations behind. They'd been summoned by Admiral Hawke and when he called, you went. And while Jackson had worked with him since he was a fresh Academy grad, and knew him to be a friendly, likeable man, this was clearly business.

"You know as much as I do, Vic." Jackson shrugged. "I've worked with him since Li and her brothers were kids, but since I retired, all my visits with him were social. I get the feelin' that this very much is not."

Vic nodded. "Me too. Unless one of us is in trouble." He narrowed his eyes at Jackson in a mock glare. "What have you done, J?"

Jackson grinned back at him. "Well, there was the other day when I....." He stopped and shook his head. "I got nothin'. I've been horribly well-behaved lately. Kinda scary isn't it?"

"You feeling alright?" Vic reached up as if to take Jackson's temperature and Jackson grabbed his hand with a smile. "You touch me like you know me, Vic."

"Oh but I do. At least I know your dumplings very well."

"That what we're callin' 'em now?" Both men laughed as they neared Lucius' door. Once they were there, Jackson reached out to ring the chime. "Here goes nothin'."

Inside, Kai opened the door and looked up from behind her desk as Jackson and Vic stepped inside. "Hello gentlemen." Her cheeks tinted a faint pink as the two from the Nexus drew closer. The last time she'd been in there was the night Chase had spiked her drink and she'd gotten more than a little familiar with him while still sitting at the table. Thankfully, Chase had whisked her off to his quarters before she went too far.

"Howdy Kai, yer lookin' lovely today." Jackson smiled at her. He noted the blush and let it go. The wait staff had speculated at length about Kai after that night, all of them surprised that the quiet, shy young woman had gotten so wild.

"Kai." Vic nodded to her.

She pressed a button and the inner office door opened. "You two can go right on in."

They stepped into the inner office and the door closed behind them. Lucius smiled at their greetings, then motioned to the two chairs before his desk.

"Jackson, Vic, good to see you both. Please sit down." Once they had, he studied both men for several moments. "You are curious why I asked to see you."

There was no sense arguing that point with a Betazoid with that much gold on his collar and they nodded.

"Then let's get to it shall we? Jackson, how long have you and I worked together?"

Jackson considered the question briefly. "Well, as I recall, Li and Nahi were just eight then, and Seren was ten. My first year out of the Academy."

"And you Vic?" Lucius turned to the bartender now.

"Eight years," he answered promptly. "Also when I graduated. Though I retired after Jackson."

Lucius nodded once more. "Two years ago for you. Jackson never really retired till about two and a half years ago."

"Good memory, sir," Jackson commented.

"I keep tabs on our men is all, Jackson. Especially those, like you, who are practically family. You taught Li a hell of a lot in your day."

"In my day? Beggin' yer pardon, but that sounds like some old man."

"You and I are not far off in age, old man." Lucius grinned at him. "But what we're discussing today has to do with all this."

Vic shot a glance at Jackson. He suddenly knew, without a doubt, what was in the wind. The Admiral wasn't bothering to guard the thought that hung between them. It took the non-telepathic Jackson a few more seconds but he jumped on it quick enough.

"Oh...OH!" He sat up straighter in his chair. "Yer not goin' where I think yer goin' are ya?"

"I think he already did, J," Vic answered.

"I am." Lucius laced his fingers together as he regarded them. "In light of recent events, and since it seems that Section 31 is still an issue out here, you two are being re-activated." He sat back and waited for the responses.

"Aww shit." It was Jackson who grumbled it.

"Took the words right out of my mouth, J." Vic rubbed his forehead. "How soon, sir?"

"As of right now. We are looking at two distinct issues that prompted this decision. The first is Archadia." He passed them each a padd with the details as far as they were known now. "That will catch you up. Li and Intel are of the opinion that the Queen's death is part of a larger plot to take over the government there from the inside. The other is here on the station and it regards the criminal element down below the equator here. Security has a good handle on it but there's information in those padds that goes deeper, from an inside operation. Among other things, we think that the one in charge down there is responsible for Dr. McKinney's death and Commander Zeferino's kidnapping some time back. I trust you can look at the situation with aanobjective eye Jackson?"

Jackson nodded. "I will. " He was scanning the information and frowned at the picture of a dark-haired man. "I've seen him. He recently had a meltdown in the Nexus club."

"Li can get you up to speed. You two are in a prime position to hear things at the Club that Security and Intel might not get. As such, your clearances are back in full-force. you'll be working with both departments, as well as directions that come in from Admiral Wegener and me. Any questions?"

"Just one." Jackson looked from Lucius to Vic. "How the hell am I gonna tell Oz about this?"

"I am so glad I'm not you right now," Vic piped in.

"I couldn't agree more, Vic." Lucius was smiling now. "Might I suggest body armour?"

"Oh, ha ha, very funny." Jackson rolled his eyes. "Thanks a lot you two. And just for that Vic, I'm takin' the table at Lao's tonight."


"Anything else sir?" Jackson cut him off.

"That's it for now. Contact procedures for passing information along to Li, Lt. Smith, and Commander Zeferino are included." He stood up and offered his hand. ONce the two men were standing, he shook their hands. "Good luck. And dismissed."

Once they were out in the corridor, the padds were locked down and Jackson shook his head. "I think I need a drink, how about you?"

Vic nodded. "Yeah, a big one. And you're buying....'old man'. Vic began to laugh hard at that.

"Kiss my ass," Jackson grumbled good-naturedly as they strolled towards the turbolift.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Spy
The Nexus Club

Bartender Undercover
The Nexus Club

VADM Lucius Hawke
Going There


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